$x = sprintf(">$template<",
defined @$evalData ? @$evalData : $evalData);
substr($x, -1, 0) = $w if $w;
+ ($y = $x) =~ s/([Ee][-+])0(\d)/$1$2/g; # $y has 3 exponent digits, not 2
if ($x eq ">$result<") {
print "ok $i\n";
+ elsif ($y eq ">$result<") # Some C libraries always give
+ { # three-digit exponent
+ print("ok $i >$result< $x # three-digit exponent accepted\n");
+ }
else {
print("not ok $i >$template< >$data< >$result< $x",
$comment ? " # $comment\n" : "\n");
# template data result
->%6 .6s< >''< >%6 .6s INVALID< >First test from old sprintf.t<
>%6. 6s< >''< >%6. 6s INVALID< >(See use of $w in code above)<
+>%6 .6s< >''< >%6 .6s INVALID<
>%6.6 s< >''< >%6.6 s INVALID<
->%3s< >'hi'< > hi<
->%-4s< >123< >123 <
->%%foo< >'bar'< >%foo<
->%.0d< >0< ><
->%5d< >456< > 456<
->%#x< >0< >0<
->%c< >ord('A')< >A<
->%3.1f< >3.0999< >3.1<
->%b< >11< >1011<
->%x< >171< >ab<
->%X< >171< >AB<
->%#b< >11< >0b1011<
->%#x< >171< >0xab<
->%#X< >171< >0XAB< >Last test from old sprintf.t<
->%A< >''< >%A INVALID< >First new test<
+>%A< >''< >%A INVALID<
>%B< >''< >%B INVALID<
>%C< >''< >%C INVALID<
>%D< >0x7fffffff< >2147483647< >Synonym for %ld<
>%E< >123456.789< >1.234568E+05< >Like %e, but using upper-case "E"<
>%F< >123456.789< >123456.789000< >Synonym for %f<
>%G< >1234567.89< >1.23457E+06< >Like %g, but using upper-case "E"<
+>%G< >1234567e96< >1.23457E+102<
+>%G< >.1234567e-101< >1.23457E-102<
>%G< >12345.6789< >12345.7<
>%H< >''< >%H INVALID<
>%I< >''< >%I INVALID<
>%L< >''< >%L INVALID<
>%M< >''< >%M INVALID<
>%N< >''< >%N INVALID<
->%O< >2**32-1< >37777777777< >Synonym for %lo<
+>%O< >2**32-1< >37777777777< >Synonum for %lo<
>%P< >''< >%P INVALID<
>%Q< >''< >%Q INVALID<
>%R< >''< >%R INVALID<
>%S< >''< >%S INVALID<
>%T< >''< >%T INVALID<
->%U< >2**32-1< >4294967295< >Synonym for %lu<
+>%U< >2**32-1< >4294967295< >Synonum for %lu<
>%V< >''< >%V INVALID<
>%W< >''< >%W INVALID<
>%X< >2**32-1< >FFFFFFFF< >Like %x, but with u/c letters<
>%v+-3d< >"\01\02\03"< >+1 .2 .3 <
>%v4.3d< >"\01\02\03"< > 001. 002. 003<
>%v04.3d< >"\01\02\03"< >0001.0002.0003<
->%*v02d< >['-', "\0\6\35"]< >00-06-29<
+>%*v02d< >['-', "\0\7\13"]< >00-07-11<
>%e< >1234.875< >1.234875e+03<
+>%e< >0.000012345< >1.234500e-05<
+>%e< >1234567E96< >1.234567e+102<
+>%e< >0< >0.000000e+00<
+>%e< >.1234567E-101< >1.234567e-102<
>%+e< >1234.875< >+1.234875e+03<
>%#e< >1234.875< >1.234875e+03<
>%e< >-1234.875< >-1.234875e+03<
>%+-8.1f< >-1234.875< >-1234.9 <
>%+8.1f< >-1234.875< > -1234.9<
>%*.*f< >[5, 2, 12.3456]< >12.35<
+>%f< >0< >0.000000<
+>%.0f< >0< >0<
+>%.0f< >2**38< >274877906944< >Should have exact int'l rep'n<
+>%.0f< >0.5< >0<
+>%.0f< >-0.5< >-0<
>%g< >12345.6789< >12345.7<
>%+g< >12345.6789< >+12345.7<
>%#g< >12345.6789< >12345.7<
>%g< >-1234567.89< >-1.23457e+06<
>%+g< >-1234567.89< >-1.23457e+06<
>%#g< >-1234567.89< >-1.23457e+06<
+>%g< >0.00012345< >0.00012345<
+>%g< >0.000012345< >1.2345e-05<
+>%g< >1234567E96< >1.23457e+102<
+>%g< >.1234567E-101< >1.23457e-102<
+>%g< >0< >0<
>%13g< >1234567.89< > 1.23457e+06<
>%+13g< >1234567.89< > +1.23457e+06<
>%013g< >1234567.89< >001.23457e+06<