coerce from via
- register_type_constraint )
+ register_type_constraint
+ match_on_type )
_export_to_main => 1,
+sub match_on_type {
+ my ($to_match, @cases) = @_;
+ my $default;
+ if (@cases % 2 != 0) {
+ $default = pop @cases;
+ (ref $default eq 'CODE')
+ || __PACKAGE__->_throw_error("Default case must be a CODE ref, not $default");
+ }
+ while (@cases) {
+ my ($type, $action) = splice @cases, 0, 2;
+ unless (blessed $type && $type->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint')) {
+ $type = find_or_parse_type_constraint($type)
+ || __PACKAGE__->_throw_error("Cannot find or parse the type '$type'")
+ }
+ (ref $action eq 'CODE')
+ || __PACKAGE__->_throw_error("Match action must be a CODE ref, not $action");
+ if ($type->check($to_match)) {
+ local $_ = $to_match;
+ return $action->($to_match);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ local $_ = $to_match;
+ return $default->($to_match) if $default;
+ }
## --------------------------------------------------------
## desugaring functions ...
## --------------------------------------------------------
+=head2 Type Constraint Utilities
+=over 4
+=item B<< match_on_type $value => ( $type => \&action, ... ?\&default ) >>
+This is a utility function for doing simple type based dispatching
+similar to match/case in O'Caml and case/of in Haskell. It does not
+claim to be as featureful as either of those and does not support any
+kind of automatic destructuring bind. However it is suitable for a fair
+amount of your dispatching needs, for instance, here is a simple
+Perl pretty printer dispatching over the core Moose types.
+ sub ppprint {
+ my $x = shift;
+ match_on_type $x =>
+ HashRef => sub {
+ my $hash = shift;
+ '{ ' . (join ", " => map {
+ $_ . ' => ' . ppprint( $hash->{ $_ } )
+ } sort keys %$hash ) . ' }' },
+ ArrayRef => sub {
+ my $array = shift;
+ '[ '.(join ", " => map { ppprint( $_ ) } @$array ).' ]' },
+ CodeRef => sub { 'sub { ... }' },
+ RegexpRef => sub { 'qr/' . $_ . '/' },
+ GlobRef => sub { '*' . B::svref_2object($_)->NAME },
+ Object => sub { $_->can('to_string') ? $_->to_string : $_ },
+ ScalarRef => sub { '\\' . ppprint( ${$_} ) },
+ Num => sub { $_ },
+ Str => sub { '"'. $_ . '"' },
+ Undef => sub { 'undef' },
+ => sub { die "I don't know what $_ is" };
+ }
+Based on a mapping of C<$type> to C<\&action>, where C<$type> can be
+either a string type or a L<Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint> object, and
+C<\&action> is a CODE ref, this function will dispatch on the first
+match for C<$value>. It is possible to have a catch-all at the end
+in the form of a C<\&default> CODE ref
=head2 Type Coercion Constructors
You can define coercions for type constraints, which allow you to
--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests => 22;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+# some simple type dispatching ...
+subtype 'Null'
+ => as 'ArrayRef'
+ => where { scalar @{$_} == 0 };
+sub head {
+ match_on_type @_ =>
+ Null => sub { die "Cannot get the head of Null" },
+ ArrayRef => sub { $_->[0] };
+sub tail {
+ match_on_type @_ =>
+ Null => sub { die "Cannot get the tail of Null" },
+ ArrayRef => sub { [ @{ $_ }[ 1 .. $#{ $_ } ] ] };
+sub len {
+ match_on_type @_ =>
+ Null => sub { 0 },
+ ArrayRef => sub { len( tail( $_ ) ) + 1 };
+sub rev {
+ match_on_type @_ =>
+ Null => sub { [] },
+ ArrayRef => sub { [ @{ rev( tail( $_ ) ) }, head( $_ ) ] };
+is( len( [] ), 0, '... got the right length');
+is( len( [ 1 ] ), 1, '... got the right length');
+is( len( [ 1 .. 5 ] ), 5, '... got the right length');
+is( len( [ 1 .. 50 ] ), 50, '... got the right length');
+ rev( [ 1 .. 5 ] ),
+ [ reverse 1 .. 5 ],
+ '... got the right reversed value'
+# break down a Maybe Type ...
+sub break_it_down {
+ match_on_type shift,
+ 'Maybe[Str]' => sub {
+ match_on_type $_ =>
+ 'Undef' => sub { 'undef' },
+ 'Str' => sub { $_ }
+ },
+ sub { 'default' }
+is( break_it_down( 'FOO' ), 'FOO', '... got the right value');
+is( break_it_down( [] ), 'default', '... got the right value');
+is( break_it_down( undef ), 'undef', '... got the right value');
+is( break_it_down(), 'undef', '... got the right value');
+# checking against enum types
+enum RGB => qw[ red green blue ];
+enum CMYK => qw[ cyan magenta yellow black ];
+sub is_acceptable_color {
+ match_on_type shift,
+ 'RGB' => sub { 'RGB' },
+ 'CMYK' => sub { 'CMYK' },
+ sub { die "bad color $_" };
+is( is_acceptable_color( 'blue' ), 'RGB', '... got the right value');
+is( is_acceptable_color( 'green' ), 'RGB', '... got the right value');
+is( is_acceptable_color( 'red' ), 'RGB', '... got the right value');
+is( is_acceptable_color( 'cyan' ), 'CMYK', '... got the right value');
+is( is_acceptable_color( 'magenta' ), 'CMYK', '... got the right value');
+is( is_acceptable_color( 'yellow' ), 'CMYK', '... got the right value');
+is( is_acceptable_color( 'black' ), 'CMYK', '... got the right value');
+dies_ok {
+ is_acceptable_color( 'orange' )
+} '... got the exception';
+## using it in an OO context
+ package LinkedList;
+ use Moose;
+ use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
+ has 'next' => (
+ is => 'ro',
+ isa => __PACKAGE__,
+ lazy => 1,
+ default => sub { __PACKAGE__->new },
+ predicate => 'has_next'
+ );
+ sub pprint {
+ my $list = shift;
+ match_on_type $list =>
+ subtype(
+ as 'LinkedList',
+ where { ! $_->has_next }
+ ) => sub { '[]' },
+ 'LinkedList' => sub { '[' . $_->next->pprint . ']' };
+ }
+my $l = LinkedList->new;
+is($l->pprint, '[]', '... got the right pprint');
+is($l->pprint, '[[]]', '... got the right pprint');
+is($l->pprint, '[[[]]]', '... got the right pprint');
+is($l->pprint, '[[[[]]]]', '... got the right pprint');
+# basic data dumper
+ package Foo;
+ use Moose;
+ sub to_string { 'Foo()' }
+use B;
+sub ppprint {
+ my $x = shift;
+ match_on_type $x =>
+ HashRef => sub {
+ my $hash = shift;
+ '{ ' . (join ", " => map {
+ $_ . ' => ' . ppprint( $hash->{ $_ } )
+ } sort keys %$hash ) . ' }' },
+ ArrayRef => sub {
+ my $array = shift;
+ '[ ' . (join ", " => map { ppprint( $_ ) } @$array ) . ' ]' },
+ CodeRef => sub { 'sub { ... }' },
+ RegexpRef => sub { 'qr/' . $_ . '/' },
+ GlobRef => sub { '*' . B::svref_2object($_)->NAME },
+ Object => sub { $_->can('to_string') ? $_->to_string : $_ },
+ ScalarRef => sub { '\\' . ppprint( ${$_} ) },
+ Num => sub { $_ },
+ Str => sub { '"'. $_ . '"' },
+ Undef => sub { 'undef' },
+ => sub { die "I don't know what $_ is" };
+ ppprint(
+ {
+ one => [ 1, 2, "three", 4, "five", \(my $x = "six") ],
+ two => undef,
+ three => sub { "OH HAI" },
+ four => qr/.*?/,
+ five => \*ppprint,
+ six => Foo->new,
+ }
+ ),
+ '{ five => *ppprint, four => qr/(?-xism:.*?)/, one => [ 1, 2, "three", 4, "five", \"six" ], six => Foo(), three => sub { ... }, two => undef }',
+ '... got the right pretty printed values'