chdir 't';
-use Test::More tests => 55;
+use Test::More tests => 61;
+use strict;
my @Exported_Funcs;
is (scalar keys %hash, 0, "and therefore there are no keys");
$hash{second} = 1;
is (scalar keys %hash, 1, "we now have just one key");
+ delete $hash{second};
+ is (scalar keys %hash, 0, "back to zero");
+ unlock_keys(%hash); # We have deliberately left a placeholder.
+ $hash{void} = undef;
+ $hash{nowt} = undef;
+ is (scalar keys %hash, 2, "two keys, values both undef");
+ lock_keys(%hash);
+ is (scalar keys %hash, 2, "still two keys after locking");
+ eval {$hash{second} = -1};
+ like ($@,
+ qr/^Attempt to access disallowed key 'second' in a restricted hash/,
+ 'previously locked place holders should fail');
+ is ($hash{void}, undef,
+ "undef values should not be misunderstood as placeholders");
+ is ($hash{nowt}, undef,
+ "undef values should not be misunderstood as placeholders (again)");