--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph;
+use strict;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Port;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::CompoundEdge;
+use SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::HyperEdge;
+use constant Node => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node';
+use constant Edge => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge';
+use constant Port => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Port';
+use constant CompoundEdge => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::CompoundEdge';
+use constant HyperEdge => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::HyperEdge';
+use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash (
+ 'new --and_then_init' => 'new',
+ object => [
+ 'translator' => {class => 'SQL::Translator'},
+ ],
+ 'hash' => [ qw( node ) ],
+ 'scalar' => [ qw( baseclass ) ],
+ 'number --counter' => [ qw( order ) ],
+sub init {
+ my $self = shift;
+ #
+ # build package objects
+ #
+ foreach my $table ($self->translator->schema->get_tables){
+ die __PACKAGE__." table ".$table->name." doesn't have a primary key!" unless $table->primary_key;
+ die __PACKAGE__." table ".$table->name." can't have a composite primary key!" if ($table->primary_key->fields)[1];
+ my $node = Node->new();
+ $self->node_push($table->name => $node);
+ $node->order($self->order_incr());
+ $node->name( $self->translator->format_package_name($table->name) );
+ $node->base( $self->baseclass );
+ $node->table( $table );
+ $node->primary_key( ($table->primary_key->fields)[0] );
+ # Primary key may have a differenct accessor method name
+ $node->primary_key_accessor(
+ defined($self->translator->format_pk_name)
+ ? $self->translator->format_pk_name->( $node->name, $node->primary_key )
+ : undef
+ );
+ }
+ foreach my $node ($self->node_values){
+ foreach my $field ($node->table->get_fields){
+ next unless $field->is_foreign_key;
+ my $that = $self->node($field->foreign_key_reference->reference_table);
+ #this means we have an incomplete schema
+ next unless $that;
+ my $edge = Edge->new(
+ type => 'import',
+ thisnode => $node,
+ thisfield => $field,
+ thatnode => $that,
+ thatfield => ($field->foreign_key_reference->reference_fields)[0]
+ );
+ $node->has($that->name, $node->has($that->name)+1);
+ $that->many($node->name, $that->many($node->name)+1);
+ $node->push_edges( $edge );
+ $that->push_edges( $edge->flip );
+ }
+ }
+ #
+ # type MM relationships
+ #
+ foreach my $lnode (sort $self->node_values){
+ next if $lnode->table->is_data;
+ foreach my $inode1 (sort $self->node_values){
+ next if $inode1 eq $lnode;
+ my @inode1_imports = grep { $_->type eq 'import' and $_->thatnode eq $inode1 } $lnode->edges;
+ next unless @inode1_imports;
+ foreach my $inode2 (sort $self->node_values){
+ my %i = map {$_->thatnode->name => 1} grep { $_->type eq 'import'} $lnode->edges;
+ if(scalar(keys %i) == 1) {
+ } else {
+ last if $inode1 eq $inode2;
+ }
+ next if $inode2 eq $lnode;
+ my @inode2_imports = grep { $_->type eq 'import' and $_->thatnode eq $inode2 } $lnode->edges;
+ next unless @inode2_imports;
+ my $cedge = CompoundEdge->new();
+ $cedge->via($lnode);
+ $cedge->push_edges( map {$_->flip} grep {$_->type eq 'import' and ($_->thatnode eq $inode1 or $_->thatnode eq $inode2)} $lnode->edges);
+ if(scalar(@inode1_imports) == 1 and scalar(@inode2_imports) == 1){
+ $cedge->type('one2one');
+ $inode1->via($inode2->name,$inode1->via($inode2->name)+1);
+ $inode2->via($inode1->name,$inode2->via($inode1->name)+1);
+ }
+ elsif(scalar(@inode1_imports) > 1 and scalar(@inode2_imports) == 1){
+ $cedge->type('many2one');
+ $inode1->via($inode2->name,$inode1->via($inode2->name)+1);
+ $inode2->via($inode1->name,$inode2->via($inode1->name)+1);
+ }
+ elsif(scalar(@inode1_imports) == 1 and scalar(@inode2_imports) > 1){
+ #handled above
+ }
+ elsif(scalar(@inode1_imports) > 1 and scalar(@inode2_imports) > 1){
+ $cedge->type('many2many');
+ $inode1->via($inode2->name,$inode1->via($inode2->name)+1);
+ $inode2->via($inode1->name,$inode2->via($inode1->name)+1);
+ }
+ $inode1->push_compoundedges($cedge);
+ $inode2->push_compoundedges($cedge) unless $inode1 eq $inode2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge;
+use strict;
+use Class::MakeMethods::Template::Hash (
+ new => ['new'],
+ scalar => [ qw( type ) ],
+ array => [ qw( traversals ) ],
+ object => [
+ 'thisfield' => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Field'}, #FIXME
+ 'thatfield' => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Field'}, #FIXME
+ 'thisnode' => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node'},
+ 'thatnode' => {class => 'SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Node'},
+ ],
+sub flip {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph::Edge->new( thisfield => $self->thatfield,
+ thatfield => $self->thisfield,
+ thisnode => $self->thatnode,
+ thatnode => $self->thisnode,
+ type => $self->type eq 'import' ? 'export' : 'import'
+ );