--- /dev/null
+package SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Table;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# $Id: Table.pm,v 1.1 2004-04-01 19:02:39 grommit Exp $
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2002-4 SQLFairy Authors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+# 02111-1307 USA
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+=head1 NAME
+SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Table -
+ Produces output using the Template Toolkit from a SQL schema, per table.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ # Normal STDOUT version
+ #
+ my $translator = SQL::Translator->new(
+ from => 'MySQL',
+ filename => 'foo_schema.sql',
+ to => 'TT::Table',
+ producer_args => {
+ tt_table => 'foo_table.tt',
+ },
+ );
+ print $translator->translate;
+ # To generate a file per table
+ #
+ my $translator = SQL::Translator->new(
+ from => 'MySQL',
+ filename => 'foo_schema.sql',
+ to => 'TT::Table',
+ producer_args => {
+ tt_table => 'foo_table.tt.html',
+ mk_files => 1,
+ mk_files_base => "./doc/tables",
+ mk_file_ext => ".html",
+ on_exists => "replace",
+ },
+ );
+ #
+ # ./doc/tables/ now contains the templated tables as $tablename.html
+ #
+Produces schema output using a given Template Tookit template, processing that
+template for each table in the schema. Optionally allows you to write the result
+for each table to a seperate file.
+It needs one additional producer_arg of C<tt_table> which is the file
+name of the template to use. This template will be passed a template var of
+C<table>, which is the current C<SQL::Translator::Producer::Table> table we are
+producing, which you can then use to walk the schema via the methods documented
+in that module. You also get C<schema> as a shortcut to the
+C<SQL::Translator::Producer::Schema> for the table and C<translator>, the
+C<SQL::Translator> object for this parse in case you want to get access to any
+of the options etc set here.
+Here's a brief example of what the template could look like:
+ [% table.name %]
+ ================
+ [% FOREACH field = table.get_fields %]
+ [% field.name %] [% field.data_type %]([% field.size %])
+ [% END -%]
+See F<t/data/template/table.tt> for a more complete example.
+You can also set any of the options used to initiallize the Template object by
+adding them to your producer_args. See Template Toolkit docs for details of
+the options.
+ $translator = SQL::Translator->new(
+ to => 'TT',
+ producer_args => {
+ ttfile => 'foo_template.tt',
+ INCLUDE_PATH => '/foo/templates/tt',
+ },
+ );
+If you set C<mk_files> and its additional options the producer will write a
+seperate file for each table in the schema. This is usefull for producing
+things like HTML documentation where every table gets its own page (you could
+also use TTSchema producer to add an index page). Its also particulary good
+for code generation where you want to produce a class file per table.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item tt_table
+File name of the template to run for each table.
+=item mk_files
+Set to true to output a file for each table in the schema (as well as returning
+the whole lot back to the Translalor and hence STDOUT). The file will be named
+after the table, with the optional C<mk_files_ext> added and placed in the
+directory C<mk_files_base>.
+=item mk_files_ext
+Extension (without the dot) to add to the filename when using mk_files.
+=item mk_files_base = DIR
+Dir to build the table files into when using mk_files. Defaults to the current
+=item mk_file_dir
+Set true and if the file needs to written to a directory that doesn't exist,
+it will be created first.
+=item on_exists [Default:replace]
+What to do if we are running with mk_files and a file already exists where we
+want to write our output. One of "skip", "die", "replace", "insert".
+The default is die.
+B<replace> - Over-write the existing file with the new one, clobbering anything
+already there.
+B<skip> - Leave the origional file as it was and don't write the new version
+B<die> - Die with an existing file error.
+B<insert> - Insert the generated output into the file bewteen a set of special
+comments (defined by the following options.) Any code between the comments will
+be overwritten (ie the results from a previous produce) but the rest of the file
+is left alone (your custom code).
+This is particularly usefull for code generation as it allows you to
+generate schema derived code and then add your own custom code using it to file.
+Then when the scheam changes you just re-produce and insert the new code.
+=item insert_comment_start
+The comment to look for in the file when on_exists is insert. Default is
+C<SQLF INSERT START>. Must appear on it own line, with only whitespace either
+side, to be recognised.
+=item insert_comment_end
+The end comment to look for in the file when on_exists is insert. Default is
+C<SQLF INSERT END>. Must appear on it own line, with only whitespace either
+side, to be recognised.
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+use strict;
+use vars qw[ $DEBUG $VERSION @EXPORT_OK ];
+$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.1 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/;
+$DEBUG = 0 unless defined $DEBUG;
+use File::Path;
+use Template;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Exporter;
+use base qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT_OK = qw(produce);
+use SQL::Translator::Utils 'debug';
+my $Translator;
+sub produce {
+ $Translator = shift;
+ local $DEBUG = $Translator->debug;
+ my $scma = $Translator->schema;
+ my $pargs = $Translator->producer_args;
+ my $file = $pargs->{'tt_table'} or die "No template file given!";
+ $pargs->{on_exists} ||= "die";
+ debug "Processing template $file\n";
+ my $out;
+ my $tt = Template->new(
+ ABSOLUTE => 1, # Set so we can use from the command line sensibly
+ RELATIVE => 1, # Maybe the cmd line code should set it! Security!
+ %$pargs, # Allow any TT opts to be passed in the producer_args
+ ) || die "Failed to initialize Template object: ".Template->error;
+ for my $tbl ( sort {$a->order <=> $b->order} $scma->get_tables ) {
+ my $outtmp;
+ $tt->process( $file, {
+ translator => $Translator,
+ schema => $scma,
+ table => $tbl,
+ }, \$outtmp )
+ or die "Error processing template '$file' for table '".$tbl->name
+ ."': ".$tt->error;
+ $out .= $outtmp;
+ # Write out the file...
+ write_file( table_file($tbl), $outtmp ) if $pargs->{mk_files};
+ }
+ return $out;
+# Work out the filename for a given table.
+sub table_file {
+ my ($tbl) = shift;
+ my $pargs = $Translator->producer_args;
+ my $root = $pargs->{mk_files_base};
+ my $ext = $pargs->{mk_file_ext};
+ return "$root/$tbl.$ext";
+# Write the src given to the file given, handling the on_exists arg.
+sub write_file {
+ my ($file, $src) = @_;
+ my $pargs = $Translator->producer_args;
+ my $root = $pargs->{mk_files_base};
+ if ( -e $file ) {
+ if ( $pargs->{on_exists} eq "skip" ) {
+ warn "Skipping existing $file\n";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ elsif ( $pargs->{on_exists} eq "die" ) {
+ die "File $file already exists.\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( $pargs->{on_exists} eq "replace" ) {
+ warn "Replacing $file.\n";
+ }
+ elsif ( $pargs->{on_exists} eq "insert" ) {
+ warn "Inserting into $file.\n";
+ $src = insert_code($file, $src);
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Unknown on_exists action: $pargs->{on_exists}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ warn "Creating $file.\n";
+ }
+ my ($dir) = $file =~ m!^(.*)/!; # Want greedy, eveything before the last /
+ if ( $dir and not -d $dir and $pargs->{mk_file_dir} ) { mkpath($dir); }
+ debug "Writing to $file\n";
+ open( FILE, ">$file") or die "Error opening file $file : $!\n";
+ print FILE $src;
+ close(FILE);
+# Reads file and inserts code between the insert comments and returns the new
+# source.
+sub insert_code {
+ my ($file, $src) = @_;
+ my $pargs = $Translator->producer_args;
+ my $cstart = $pargs->{insert_comment_start} || "SQLF_INSERT_START";
+ my $cend = $pargs->{insert_comment_end} || "SQLF_INSERT_END";
+ # Slurp in the origional file
+ open ( FILE, "<", "$file") or die "Error opening file $file : $!\n";
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $orig = <FILE>;
+ close(FILE);
+ # Insert the new code between the insert comments
+ unless (
+ $orig =~ s/^\s*?$cstart\s*?\n.*?^\s*?$cend\s*?\n/\n$cstart\n$src\n$cend\n/ms
+ ) {
+ warn "No insert done\n";
+ }
+ return $orig;
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Mark Addison E<lt>grommit@users.sourceforge.netE<gt>.
+=head1 TODO
++ Some tests for the various on exists options (they have been tested
+implicitley through use in a project but need some proper tests).
++ More docs code generation strategies.
++ Better hooks for filename generation.
++ Better integration with TTSchema.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# vim:filetype=perl
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Exception;
+use Test::SQL::Translator qw(maybe_plan);
+use Data::Dumper;
+use vars '%opt';
+BEGIN { map { $opt{$_}=1 if s/^-// } @ARGV; }
+use constant DEBUG => (exists $opt{d} ? 1 : 0);
+use FindBin qw/$Bin/;
+use File::Temp qw/tempdir/;
+# Testing 1,2,3,4...
+ maybe_plan(8, 'Template', 'Test::Differences')
+use Test::Differences;
+use SQL::Translator;
+use SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Table;
+# Setup a tmp directory we can output files to.
+my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+# Parse the test XML schema
+my $obj;
+$obj = SQL::Translator->new(
+ debug => DEBUG, #$opt{d},
+ show_warnings => 1,
+ add_drop_table => 1,
+ from => "SQLite",
+ filename => "$Bin/data/sqlite/create.sql",
+ to => "TT-Table",
+ producer_args => {
+ tt_table => "$Bin/data/template/table.tt",
+ mk_files => 1,
+ mk_files_base => "$tdir",
+ mk_file_ext => "txt",
+ on_exists => "replace",
+ },
+my $out;
+lives_ok { $out = $obj->translate; } "Translate ran";
+ok $out ne "" ,"Produced something!";
+warn $obj->error unless $out;
+# Normal output looks ok
+local $/ = undef; # slurp
+eq_or_diff $out, <DATA> ,"Output looks right";
+# File output
+my @files = glob("$tdir/*.txt");
+ok( @files == 2, "Wrote 2 files." );
+is( $files[0], "$tdir/person.txt" , "Wrote person.txt" );
+is( $files[1], "$tdir/pet.txt" , "Wrote pet.txt" );
+open(FILE, "$tdir/person.txt") || die "Couldn't open $tdir/person.txt : $!";
+eq_or_diff <FILE>, qq{Table: person
+ Primary Key: person_id
+ Foriegn Keys:
+ Data Fields: name, age, weight, iq, description
+, "person.txt looks right";
+open(FILE, "$tdir/pet.txt") || die "Couldn't open $tdir/pet.txt : $!";
+eq_or_diff <FILE>, qq{Table: pet
+ Primary Key: pet_id, person_id
+ Foriegn Keys:
+ Data Fields: name, age
+, "person.txt looks right";
+print $out if DEBUG;
+#print "Debug:", Dumper($obj) if DEBUG;
+Table: person
+ Primary Key: person_id
+ Foriegn Keys:
+ Data Fields: name, age, weight, iq, description
+Table: pet
+ Primary Key: pet_id, person_id
+ Foriegn Keys:
+ Data Fields: name, age