'Net-SFTP-Foreign-Exceptional', # depends on running ssh
'Periscope', # gtk tests are graphical
'POE-Component-OpenSSH', # depends on running ssh
+ 'POE-Component-Server-SimpleHTTP-PreFork', # ipc::shareable tests hang
'RDF-TrineX-RuleEngine-Jena', # prompts in Makefile.PL
'Test-SFTP', # Term::ReadPassword prompts in tests
'Tk-Role-Dialog', # tk tests are graphical
'Weaving-Tablet', # tk tests are graphical
+ 'WWW-Finances-Bovespa', # tests rely on internet site
'WWW-Hashdb', # test hangs, pegging cpu
+ 'WWW-Vimeo-Download', # tests rely on internet site
'Zucchini', # File::Rsync prompts in Makefile.PL
-# indexing issues (test::dm bugs)
+# indexing issues (test::dm bugs?)
+Alice # couldn't find on cpan
Hopkins # couldn't find on cpan
-Pod-Elemental-Transformer-VimHTML # couldn't find on cpan
PostScript-Barcode # couldn't find on cpan
-# weird errors (test::dm bugs)
-Alice # can't resolve distribution
-Config-Model-Backend-Augeas # deps on Config::Model
-Config-Model # can't run tests
-Config-Model-OpenSsh # deps on Config::Model
-CPAN-Patches # can't run tests
-CPAN-Patches-Plugin-Debian # can't run tests
-KiokuDB-Backend-BDB # can't run tests
-Net-Azure-BlobService # ???
-Pod-Weaver-Section-Consumes # ???
-Pod-Weaver-Section-Extends # ???
-TryCatch # can't run tests
-XML-Rabbit # can't run tests
-# doesn't install deps properly (test::dm bugs)
-App-Benchmark-Accessors # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Code-Statistics # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-MELO # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MITHALDU # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Dist-Zilla-Util-FileGenerator # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-EBI-FGPT-FuzzyRecogniser # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Erlang-Parser # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Foorum # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Graphics-Primitive-Driver-CairoPango # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Grimlock # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-IM-Engine-Plugin-Dispatcher # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-IMS-CP-Manifest # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Locale-Handle-Pluggable # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-marc-moose # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Method-Signatures # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-mobirc # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-MooseX-APIRole # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-MooseX-MultiObject # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Net-Bamboo # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Net-Stripe # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Number-Phone-NANP-Vanity # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Perl-Achievements # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Tatsumaki-Template-Markapl # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Text-TEI-Collate # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-Text-Tradition # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-WebService-SOS # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-WWW-Mechanize-Cached # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
-XML-Ant-BuildFile # deps aren't installed correctly (???)
+# doesn't install deps properly (test::dm bugs?)
+App-Benchmark-Accessors # Mojo::Base isn't installed
+Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable # Crypt::SaltedHash isn't installed
+Code-Statistics # MooseX::HasDefaults::RO isn't installed
+Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MITHALDU # List::AllUtils isn't installed
+Dist-Zilla-Util-FileGenerator # MooseX::HasDefaults::RO isn't installed
+EBI-FGPT-FuzzyRecogniser # GO::Parser isn't installed
+Erlang-Parser # Parse::Yapp::Driver isn't installed
+Foorum # Sphinx::Search isn't installed
+Grimlock # DBIx::Class::EncodedColumn isn't installed
+Locale-Handle-Pluggable # MooseX::Types::VariantTable::Declare isn't installed
+mobirc # HTTP::Session::State::GUID isn't installed
+Net-Bamboo # XML::Tidy isn't installed
+Tatsumaki-Template-Markapl # Tatsumaki::Template isn't installed
+Text-Tradition # Bio::Phylo::IO isn't installed
# no tests
AI-ExpertSystem-Advanced # no tests
API-Assembla # no tests
App-mkfeyorm # no tests
App-passmanager # no tests
+App-Scrobble # no tests
Bot-Applebot # no tests
Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-Facebook-OAuth2 # no tests
Catalyst-Authentication-Store-Fey-ORM # no tests
LWP-UserAgent-OfflineCache # no tests
Markdown-Pod # no tests
MooseX-Types-DateTimeX # no tests
+Net-Azure-BlobService # no tests
Net-Dropbox # no tests
Net-Flowdock # no tests
Net-OpenStack-Attack # no tests
Net-Ostrich # no tests
Net-Recurly # no tests
OpenDocument-Template # no tests
+Pod-Weaver-Section-Consumes # no tests
Pod-Weaver-Section-Encoding # no tests
+Pod-Weaver-Section-Extends # no tests
POE-Component-Server-MySQL # no tests
Random-Quantum # no tests
SchemaEvolution # no tests
WWW-WuFoo # no tests
# external dependencies
-Alien-ActiveMQ # requires activemq
AnyEvent-ZeroMQ # requires zeromq installation
AnyMQ-ZeroMQ # requires zeromq installation
Apache2-HttpEquiv # requires apache (for mod_perl)
ZeroMQ-PubSub # requires zmq
ZMQ-Declare # requires zmq
+# flaky internet tests
+WWW-Finances-Bovespa # tests rely on internet site
+WWW-Vimeo-Download # tests rely on internet site
# graphical
App-CPAN2Pkg # tk tests are graphical
App-USBKeyCopyCon # gtk tests are graphical
App-ArchiveDevelCover # depends on nonexistent testdata::setup
App-Dataninja # bad M::I install in inc/
App-Fotagger # Imager doesn't compile
-App-HistHub # missing dep on JSON.pm
App-Magpie # deps on URPM which doesn't exist
App-MediaWiki2Git # git::repository is broken
App-Munchies # depends on XML::DTD
App-TemplateServer-Provider-HTML-Template # dep on app-templateserver
App-TemplateServer-Provider-Mason # dep on app-templateserver
App-TemplateServer-Provider-TD # dep on app-templateserver
-App-TimeTracker # git::repository is broken
App-Twimap # dep on Web::oEmbed::Common
App-Validation-Automation # dep on Switch
App-Wubot # broken
Beagle # depends on term::readline::perl
-Bio-MAGETAB # datetime-format-datemanip is broken
Bot-Backbone # poe-loop-ev prompts
Cache-Profile # broken
Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP-AD-Class # pod coverage fail
Catalyst-Controller-SOAP # broken
Catalyst-Model-Sedna # deps on Alien-Sedna which doesn't exist
Catalyst-Plugin-Continuation # undeclared dep
-Catalyst-Plugin-ErrorCatcher-ActiveMQ-Stomp # pod coverage fail
Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie # broken
Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-TestMemcached # dep with corrupt archive
Catalyst-Plugin-SwiffUploaderCookieHack # undeclared dep
Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-PerLanguageDomains # dep on ::State::Cookie
CatalystX-I18N # dep on ::State::Cookie
CatalystX-MooseComponent # broken
-CatalystX-SimpleAPI # depends on mxms
CatalystX-SimpleLogin # broken
CatalystX-Usul # proc::processtable doesn't load
Cheater # parse::randgen is broken
Class-OWL # uses CMOP::Class without loading cmop
CM-Permutation # OpenGL uses graphics in Makefile.PL
Cogwheel # uses ancient moose apis
+Config-Model # broken
+Config-Model-Backend-Augeas # deps on Config::Model
+Config-Model-OpenSsh # deps on Config::Model
Constructible # GD::SVG is a broken dist
Constructible-Maxima # GD::SVG is a broken dist
Coro-Amazon-SimpleDB # amazon::simpledb::client doesn't exist
Date-Biorhythm # Date::Business prompts in Makefile.PL
DayDayUp # MojoX-Fixup-XHTML doesn't exist
DBICx-Modeler-Generator # broken (weirdly)
-DBIx-Class-Migration # missing dep on Log::Contextual
DBIx-SchemaChecksum # broken
Debian-Apt-PM # configure time failures
Devel-Events # broken (role conflict)
Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ProgCriticTests # broken
DustyDB # uses old moose apis
Dwimmer # broken
-ELF-Extract-Sections # depends on mxms
-ETLp # depends on mxms
Facebook-Graph # broken
Fedora-Bugzilla # deps on nonexistent things
FFmpeg-Thumbnail # undeclared dep
File-DataClass # XML::DTD is a broken dist
File-Stat-Moose # old moose apis
-Finance-Bank-SentinelBenefits-Csv401kConverter # depends on mxms
Form-Factory # uses old moose apis
FormValidator-Nested # broken
Frost # broken
Gitalist # deps on mxms
-Git-CPAN-Patch # system::command is broken
GOBO # coerce with no coercion
Google-Chart # recreating type constraints
Google-Spreadsheet-Agent # pod::coverage fail
Kamaitachi # pod::coverage fail
KiokuDB-Backend-Files # broken
LaTeX-TikZ # broken (with moose)
+marc-moose # broken (only sometimes?)
Mail-Summary-Tools # DT::Format::DateManip is broken
MediaWiki-USERINFO # broken
-Mildew # depends on mxms
+Method-Signatures # doesn't like ANY_MOOSE=Moose
mobirc # http::engine broken
MooseX-Attribute-Prototype # uses old moose apis
MooseX-DBIC-Scaffold # needs unreleased sql-translator
RPC-Any # broken
Scene-Graph # has '+attr' in roles
Server-Control # proc::processtable doesn't load
+Shipment # locale::subcountry is broken
Silki # image::magick is broken
SilkiX-Converter-Kwiki # file::mimeinfo expects (?-xism:
Sloth # rest::utils is broken
Tapper-CLI # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Tapper-Installer # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Tapper-MCP-MessageReceiver # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
-Tapper-MCP # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Tapper-Reports-API # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Tapper-Testplan # sys::info::driver::linux is broken
Telephone-Mnemonic-US # rpm-build-perl is broken
Template-Plugin-Heritable # weird dep issues (not test::dm related)
Test-A8N # broken
-Test-BDD-Cucumber # clone::fast is broken
Test-Daily # configure errors
Test-Pockito # broken
Test-SFTP # Term::ReadPassword prompts in tests
Weather-TW # missing dep on Mojo::DOM
Web-API-Mapper # broken
WebNano-Controller-CRUD # broken
-WebService-SlimTimer # depends on mxms
WebService-Yes24 # broken
WiX3 # broken
WWW-Alltop # XML::SimpleObject configure fail
WWW-Fandango # bad dist
WWW-FMyLife # broken
WWW-Hashdb # test hangs, pegging cpu
+WWW-Mechanize-Cached # tries to read from wrong build dir?
WWW-Metalgate # Cache is broken
WWW-Scramble # pod::coverage fail
WWW-Sitemapper # broken
WWW-Yahoo-Lyrics-JP # broken
XIRCD # undeclared deps
XML-EPP # coerce without coercion
-XML-LibXSLT-Easy # missing dep on mx-getopt, deps on mxms
XML-SRS # deps on prang
Yukki # git::repository is broken
Zucchini # File::Rsync prompts in Makefile.PL