use warnings;
use Moose;
use DBI;
+use Encode qw/ decode_utf8 /;
use KiokuDB::GC::Naive;
use KiokuDB::TypeMap;
use KiokuDB::TypeMap::Entry::Naive;
# If we are using DBI, we can do it the easy way; if not, the hard way.
# Easy way still involves making a separate DBI connection. Ew.
my @tlist;
- if( $self->dsn =~ /^dbi/ ) {
- $DB::single = 1;
+ if( $self->dsn =~ /^dbi:(\w+):/ ) {
+ my $dbtype = $1;
my @connection = @{$self->directory->backend->connect_info};
# Get rid of KiokuDB-specific arg
pop @connection if scalar @connection > 4;
- $connection[3]->{'sqlite_unicode'} = 1 if $connection[0] =~ /^dbi:SQLite/;
- $connection[3]->{'mysql_enable_utf8'} = 1 if $connection[0] =~ /^dbi:mysql/;
- $connection[3]->{'pg_enable_utf8'} = 1 if $connection[0] =~ /^dbi:Pg/;
+ $connection[3]->{'sqlite_unicode'} = 1 if $dbtype eq 'SQLite';
+ $connection[3]->{'pg_enable_utf8'} = 1 if $dbtype eq 'Pg';
my $dbh = DBI->connect( @connection );
my $q = $dbh->prepare( 'SELECT id, name from entries WHERE class = "Text::Tradition"' );
while( my @row = $q->fetchrow_array ) {
+ my( $id, $name ) = @row;
+ # Horrible horrible hack
+ $name = decode_utf8( $name ) if $dbtype eq 'mysql';
push( @tlist, { 'id' => $row[0], 'name' => $row[1] } );
} else {
my $collation = $tradition->collation;
my $needsave = !$collation->has_cached_svg;
$c->stash->{'result'} = $collation->as_svg;
- $m->save( $tradition );
+ $m->save( $tradition ); # to save generate SVG in the cache
push( @$rows, { 'rank' => $i+1, 'readings' => \@rankrdgs } );
- $c->log->debug( Dumper( $rows ) );
$c->stash->{'witnesses'} = $wits;
$c->stash->{'table'} = $rows;
$c->stash->{'template'} = '';