config_dir => $config_dir,
_inherited_attributes => [qw/datetime_relative might_have rules/],
debug => $params->{debug} || 0,
- ignore_sql_errors => $params->{ignore_sql_errors}
+ ignore_sql_errors => $params->{ignore_sql_errors},
+ dumped_objects => {}
bless $self, $class;
- $self->dumped_objects({});
return $self;
my $rs = $schema->resultset($source->{class});
if ($source->{cond} and ref $source->{cond} eq 'HASH') {
- # if value starts with \ assume it's meant to be passed as a scalar ref to dbic
- # ideally this would substitute deeply
- $source->{cond} = { map { $_ => ($source->{cond}->{$_} =~ s/^\\//) ? \$source->{cond}->{$_} : $source->{cond}->{$_} } keys %{$source->{cond}} };
+ # if value starts with \ assume it's meant to be passed as a scalar ref
+ # to dbic. ideally this would substitute deeply
+ $source->{cond} = {
+ map {
+ $_ => ($source->{cond}->{$_} =~ s/^\\//) ? \$source->{cond}->{$_}
+ : $source->{cond}->{$_}
+ } keys %{$source->{cond}}
+ };
- $rs = $rs->search($source->{cond}, { join => $source->{join} }) if ($source->{cond});
+ $rs = $rs->search($source->{cond}, { join => $source->{join} })
+ if $source->{cond};
$self->msg("- dumping $source->{class}");
my %source_options = ( set => { %{$config}, %{$source} } );
if ($source->{quantity}) {
- $rs = $rs->search({}, { order_by => $source->{order_by} }) if ($source->{order_by});
+ $rs = $rs->search({}, { order_by => $source->{order_by} })
+ if $source->{order_by};
if ($source->{quantity} =~ /^\d+$/) {
$rs = $rs->search({}, { rows => $source->{quantity} });
} elsif ($source->{quantity} ne 'all') {
- DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('invalid value for quantity - ' . $source->{quantity});
+ DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("invalid value for quantity - $source->{quantity}");
elsif ($source->{ids} && @{$source->{ids}}) {
$source_dir->mkpath(0, 0777);
# strip dir separators from file name
- my $file = $source_dir->file(join('-', map { s|[/\\]|_|g; $_; } @pk_vals) . '.fix');
+ my $file = $source_dir->file(
+ join('-', map { s|[/\\]|_|g; $_; } @pk_vals) . '.fix'
+ );
# write file
# don't bother looking at rels unless we are actually planning to dump at least one type
- return unless $set->{might_have}->{fetch}
- || $set->{belongs_to}->{fetch}
- || $set->{has_many}->{fetch}
+ my ($might_have, $belongs_to, $has_many) = map {
+ $set->{$_}{fetch};
+ } qw/might_have belongs_to has_many/;
+ return unless $might_have
+ || $belongs_to
+ || $has_many
|| $set->{fetch};
# dump rels of object
foreach my $name (sort $src->relationships) {
my $info = $src->relationship_info($name);
my $r_source = $src->related_source($name);
- # if belongs_to or might_have with might_have param set or has_many with has_many param set then
+ # if belongs_to or might_have with might_have param set or has_many with
+ # has_many param set then
if (
- ( $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'single' &&
- (!$info->{attrs}{join_type} || ($set->{might_have} && $set->{might_have}->{fetch}))
- ) ||
- $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'filter' ||
- ($info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi' && ($set->{has_many} && $set->{has_many}->{fetch}))
+ ( $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'single' &&
+ (!$info->{attrs}{join_type} || $might_have)
+ )
+ || $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'filter'
+ ||
+ ($info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi' && $has_many)
) {
my $related_rs = $object->related_resultset($name);
my $rule = $set->{rules}->{$related_rs->result_source->source_name};
# these parts of the rule only apply to has_many rels
if ($rule && $info->{attrs}{accessor} eq 'multi') {
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search($rule->{cond}, { join => $rule->{join} }) if ($rule->{cond});
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search({}, { rows => $rule->{quantity} }) if ($rule->{quantity} && $rule->{quantity} ne 'all');
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search({}, { order_by => $rule->{order_by} }) if ($rule->{order_by});
+ $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
+ $rule->{cond},
+ { join => $rule->{join} }
+ ) if ($rule->{cond});
+ $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
+ {},
+ { rows => $rule->{quantity} }
+ ) if ($rule->{quantity} && $rule->{quantity} ne 'all');
+ $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
+ {},
+ { order_by => $rule->{order_by} }
+ ) if ($rule->{order_by});
- if ($set->{has_many}->{quantity} && $set->{has_many}->{quantity} =~ /^\d+$/) {
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search({}, { rows => $set->{has_many}->{quantity} });
+ if ($set->{has_many}{quantity} &&
+ $set->{has_many}{quantity} =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
+ {},
+ { rows => $set->{has_many}->{quantity} }
+ );
my %c_params = %{$params};
# inherit date param
- my %mock_set = map { $_ => $set->{$_} } grep { $set->{$_} } @inherited_attrs;
+ my %mock_set = map {
+ $_ => $set->{$_}
+ } grep { $set->{$_} } @inherited_attrs;
$c_params{set} = \%mock_set;
- # use Data::Dumper; print ' -- ' . Dumper($c_params{set}, $rule->{fetch}) if ($rule && $rule->{fetch});
- $c_params{set} = merge( $c_params{set}, $rule) if ($rule && $rule->{fetch});
- # use Data::Dumper; print ' -- ' . Dumper(\%c_params) if ($rule && $rule->{fetch});
+ $c_params{set} = merge( $c_params{set}, $rule)
+ if $rule && $rule->{fetch};
$self->dump_rs($related_rs, \%c_params);
return unless $set && $set->{fetch};
foreach my $fetch (@{$set->{fetch}}) {
# inherit date param
- $fetch->{$_} = $set->{$_} foreach grep { !$fetch->{$_} && $set->{$_} } @inherited_attrs;
+ $fetch->{$_} = $set->{$_} foreach
+ grep { !$fetch->{$_} && $set->{$_} } @inherited_attrs;
my $related_rs = $object->related_resultset($fetch->{rel});
my $rule = $set->{rules}->{$related_rs->result_source->source_name};
- die "relationship " . $fetch->{rel} . " does not exist for " . $src->source_name
+ die "relationship $fetch->{rel} does not exist for " . $src->source_name
unless ($related_rs);
if ($fetch->{cond} and ref $fetch->{cond} eq 'HASH') {
- # if value starts with \ assume it's meant to be passed as a scalar ref to dbic
- # ideally this would substitute deeply
+ # if value starts with \ assume it's meant to be passed as a scalar ref
+ # to dbic. ideally this would substitute deeply
$fetch->{cond} = { map {
$_ => ($fetch->{cond}->{$_} =~ s/^\\//) ? \$fetch->{cond}->{$_}
: $fetch->{cond}->{$_}
} keys %{$fetch->{cond}} };
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search($fetch->{cond}, { join => $fetch->{join} })
- if ($fetch->{cond});
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search({}, { rows => $fetch->{quantity} })
- if ($fetch->{quantity} && $fetch->{quantity} ne 'all');
- $related_rs = $related_rs->search({}, { order_by => $fetch->{order_by} })
- if ($fetch->{order_by});
+ $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
+ $fetch->{cond},
+ { join => $fetch->{join} }
+ ) if $fetch->{cond};
+ $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
+ {},
+ { rows => $fetch->{quantity} }
+ ) if $fetch->{quantity} && $fetch->{quantity} ne 'all';
+ $related_rs = $related_rs->search(
+ {},
+ { order_by => $fetch->{order_by} }
+ ) if $fetch->{order_by};
$self->dump_rs($related_rs, { %{$params}, set => $fetch });
my $params = shift || {};
require DBI;
$self->msg("\ncreating schema");
- # die 'must pass version param to generate_schema_from_ddl' unless $params->{version};
my $schema_class = $self->schema_class || "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::Schema";
eval "require $schema_class";
# load schema object from our new DB
- my $namespace2 = "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::GeneratedSchema_" . $namespace_counter;
+ my $namespace2 = "DBIx::Class::Fixtures::GeneratedSchema_$namespace_counter";
Class::C3::Componentised->inject_base( $namespace2 => $schema_class );
my $schema = $namespace2->connect(@{$connection_details});
return $schema;
sub populate {
my $self = shift;
my ($params) = @_;
- unless (ref $params eq 'HASH') {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('first arg to populate must be hash ref');
- }
+ DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('first arg to populate must be hash ref')
+ unless ref $params eq 'HASH';
+ DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('directory param not specified')
+ unless $params->{directory};
- foreach my $param (qw/directory/) {
- unless ($params->{$param}) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw($param . ' param not specified');
- }
- }
my $fixture_dir = dir(delete $params->{directory});
- unless (-e $fixture_dir) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('fixture directory does not exist at ' . $fixture_dir);
- }
+ DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("fixture directory '$fixture_dir' does not exist")
+ unless -d $fixture_dir;
my $ddl_file;
my $dbh;
} elsif ($params->{schema} && $params->{no_deploy}) {
$schema = $params->{schema};
} else {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('you must set the ddl and connection_details params');
+ DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('you must set the ddl and connection_details params');
my $tmp_fixture_dir = dir($fixture_dir, "-~populate~-" . $<);
my $version_file = file($fixture_dir, '_dumper_version');
- unless (-e $version_file) {
-# return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('no version file found');
- }
+# DBIx::Class::Exception->throw('no version file found');
+# unless -e $version_file;
if (-e $tmp_fixture_dir) {
$self->msg("- deleting existing temp directory $tmp_fixture_dir");
$self->msg("- creating temp dir");
- dircopy(
- dir($fixture_dir, $schema->source($_)->from),
- dir($tmp_fixture_dir, $schema->source($_)->from)
- ) for grep { -e dir($fixture_dir, $schema->source($_)->from) } $schema->sources;
+ for ( map { $schema->source($_)->from } $schema->sources) {
+ my $from_dir = $fixture_dir->subdir($_);
+ next unless -e $from_dir;
+ dircopy($from_dir, $tmp_fixture_dir->subdir($_) );
+ }
unless (-d $tmp_fixture_dir) {
- return DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("Unable to create temporary fixtures dir: $tmp_fixture_dir: $!");
+ DBIx::Class::Exception->throw("Unable to create temporary fixtures dir: $tmp_fixture_dir: $!");
my $fixup_visitor;
- my $formatter= $schema->storage->datetime_parser;
+ my $formatter = $schema->storage->datetime_parser;
unless ($@ || !$formatter) {
my %callbacks;
if ($params->{datetime_relative_to}) {
foreach my $source (sort $schema->sources) {
$self->msg("- adding " . $source);
my $rs = $schema->resultset($source);
- my $source_dir = dir($tmp_fixture_dir, lc($rs->result_source->from));
+ my $source_dir = $tmp_fixture_dir->subdir( lc $rs->result_source->from );
next unless (-e $source_dir);
my @rows;
while (my $file = $source_dir->next) {
$HASH1 = $fixup_visitor->visit($HASH1) if $fixup_visitor;
push(@rows, $HASH1);
- $rs->populate(\@rows) if (scalar(@rows));
+ $rs->populate(\@rows) if scalar(@rows);