package Log::Contextual;
+.:12:44:33:. <@mst> we have a $Get_Logger global that contains a subref
+.:12:45:11:. <@mst> sub log_debug (&) { my $log = $Get_Logger->(); if ($log->is_debug) {
+ $log->debug($_[0]->()} } }
+.:13:01:22:. >>@mst<< frew: the other part is we'll need a set_logger function that's global
+.:13:01:26:. >>@mst<< frew: plus a with_logger function
+.:13:01:33:. >>@mst<< frew: that uses local()
+.:13:01:38:. <@mst> that should be enough to make a start
+.:13:01:48:. <@frew> so with_logger is what gives us context?
+.:13:01:57:. <@mst> right
+.:13:02:09:. <@mst> with_logger { $logger }, sub { <run code> };
+.:13:02:29:. <@mst> sub with_logger { local $Get_Logger = $_[0]; $_[1]->() }
+.:13:03:05:. <@mst> amazing how simple this stuff is once you get the paradigm
+.:13:03:13:. <@mst> also consider
+.:13:04:17:. <@mst> package Catalyst::Plugin::LogContextual; use Moose::Role; around
+ handle_request => sub { my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift); my @args = @_;
+ with_logger { $self->log } sub { $self->$orig(@args) } };
+.:13:03:43:. <@frew> so why is $G_L a subref instead of just a ref? to allow for lazy
+ instantiation or what?
+.:13:06:37:. <@mst> it does the caller introspection there IIRC
+.:13:09:56:. <@mst> I've spent like a year thinking about how to do logging sanely
+.:13:10:17:. <@mst> having it turn out to be this bloody trivial to implement amuses me
+.:13:10:43:. <@frew> mst: I guess that's why thinking about it for a year is worth it :-)
+.:13:12:01:. <@mst> there's a couple other things we'll want, I suspect
+.:13:12:18:. <@mst> like a concept of depth and a category system separate from the logger
+.:13:12:24:. <@mst> but those can be handled later atop this API
+.:13:13:35:. <@frew> so like, logging from the model, logging from the controller, logging from
+ the DBIDS part of the model vs the DBIC part of the model ?
+.:13:14:13:. <@mst> that sort of thing
+.:13:14:20:. <@mst> how much of that we can delegate to the logger I dunno yet