+All other properties should be calculated by IDP rather than set manually.
+These include:
+=over 4
+=item * is_genealogical - Boolean, indicating whether the witness sets form
+genealogical groupings on the graph.
+=item * status - String to indicate whether a solution has been calculated
+for this analysis problem. Recognized values are "OK" (calculated) and
+"running" (being calculated now). All other values, or no value, imply that
+the calculation has yet to take place.
+=item * groupings - These are extended (if necessary) versions of the witness
+sets, which include the hypothetical witnesses necessary to minimize coincidence
+of variation.
+=item * classes - These are key/value pairs, keyed by witness, indicating for
+each witness whether it is the source of a reading variant, whether it represents
+a reversion to an ancestor (but not parent) reading, or whether its reading
+follows that of a parent on the graph.
+=begin testing
+use Test::More::UTF8;
+use Text::Tradition;
+use TryCatch;
+use_ok( 'Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result' );
+# Make a problem with a graph and a set of groupings
+my $datafile = 't/data/florilegium_tei_ps.xml';
+my $tradition = Text::Tradition->new( 'input' => 'TEI',
+ 'name' => 'flortest',
+ 'file' => $datafile );
+my $s = $tradition->add_stemma( 'dotfile' => 't/data/florilegium.dot' );
+my $sets = [ [ qw/ D Q / ], [ qw/ F H / ], [ qw/ A B C P S T / ] ];
+my $extant = {};
+foreach my $set ( @$sets ) {
+ map { $extant->{$_} = 1 } @$set;
+my $sitgraph = $s->editable( { extant => $extant } );
+my $result = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new(
+ graph => $sitgraph,
+ setlist => $sets );
+is( ref( $result ), 'Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result', "Got a Result object" );
+is( $result->graph, $sitgraph, "Got identical graph string back" );
+is( $result->status, "new", "Calculation status of result set correctly" );
+my @rsets = $result->sets;
+is( $rsets[0], '(A B C P S T)', "First set is biggest set" );
+is( $rsets[1], '(D Q)', "Second set is by alphabetical order" );
+is( $rsets[2], '(F H)', "Second set is by alphabetical order" );
+# Add some calculation values
+$result->is_genealogical( 1 );
+$result->record_grouping( [ qw/ 4 5 D Q / ] );
+try {
+ $result->record_grouping( [ qw/ 3 4 D H / ] );
+ ok( 0, "Recorded a grouping that does not match the input sets" );
+} catch ( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ like( $e->message, qr/Failed to find witness set that is a subset of/,
+ "Correct error thrown on bad record_grouping attempt" );
+$result->record_grouping( [ qw/ 3 F H / ] );
+my $gp1 = $result->grouping(1);
+is( $result->minimum_grouping_for( $rsets[1] ), $gp1,
+ "Found a minimum grouping for D Q" );
+is( "$gp1", "(4 5 D Q)", "Retrieved minimum grouping is correct" );
+is( $result->minimum_grouping_for( $rsets[0] ), $rsets[0],
+ "Default minimum grouping found for biggest group" );
+$result->record_grouping( [ qw/ 1 α δ A B C P S T / ] );
+my %classes = (
+ α => 'source',
+ 3 => 'source',
+ 4 => 'source' );
+foreach my $gp ( $result->groupings ) {
+ map { my $c = $classes{$_} || 'copy'; $result->set_class( $_, $c ) } @$gp;
+foreach my $gp ( $result->groupings ) {
+ foreach my $wit ( @$gp ) {
+ my $expected = $classes{$wit} || 'copy';
+ is( $result->class( $wit ), $expected, "Got expected witness class for $wit" );
+ }
+# Now write it out to JSON
+my $struct = $result->TO_JSON;
+my $newresult = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new( $struct );
+is( $result->object_key, $newresult->object_key,
+ "Object key stayed constant on export/import" );
+my $problem = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new( graph => $sitgraph, setlist => $sets );
+is( $problem->object_key, $result->object_key,
+ "Object key stayed constant for newly created problem" );
+=end testing
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 $self->has_class( $witness )
+=head2 $self->class( $witness )
+If a class has been calculated for the given witness, has_class returns true
+and class returns the calculated answer.
has 'setlist' => (
# Order the sets and make sure they are all distinct Set::Scalars.
$args->{'setlist'} = [ sort { by_size_and_alpha( $a, $b ) }
_check_set_args( $args->{'setlist'} ) ];
- $args->{'groupinglist'} = [ _check_set_args( $args->{'groupinglist'} ) ];
+ if( exists $args->{'groupinglist'} ) {
+ $args->{'groupinglist'} = [ _check_set_args( $args->{'groupinglist'} ) ];
+ }
# If we have been passed a Text::Tradition::Stemma or a Graph, save only
# its string.
# If our only args are graph and setlist, then status should be 'new'
+ $DB::single = 1;
if( scalar keys %$args == 2 ) {
$args->{'status'} = 'new';
map { $self->_add_grouping( $_ ) } $self->sets;
-sub record_grouping {
- my( $self, $group ) = @_;
- unless( ref( $group ) eq 'Set::Scalar' ) {
- my $s = Set::Scalar->new( @$group );
- $group = $s;
- }
- # Find the set that is a subset of this group, and record it in the
- # correct spot in our groupinglist.
- my $idx = 0;
- foreach my $set ( $self->sets ) {
- if( _is_subset( $set, $group ) ) {
- $self->_set_grouping( $idx, $group );
- last;
- }
- $idx++;
- }
- if( $idx == scalar( $self->sets ) ) {
- throw( "Failed to find witness set that is a subset of $group" );
- }
+=head2 $self->object_key
-sub _is_subset {
- # A replacement for the stupid Set::Scalar::is_subset
- my( $set1, $set2 ) = @_;
- my %all;
- map { $all{$_} = 1 } $set2->members;
- foreach my $m ( $set1->members ) {
- return 0 unless $all{$m};
- }
- return 1;
+Returns a unique key that can be used to look up this graph/set combination in
+a database. Currently an MD5 hash of the request_string.
-# A request string is the graph followed by the groups, which should form a unique
-# key for the result.
sub object_key {
my $self = shift;
return md5_hex( encode_utf8( $self->request_string ) );
+=head2 $self->request_string
+A request string is the graph followed by the groups, which should form a unique
+key for the result.
sub request_string {
my $self = shift;
return string_from_graph_problem( $self->graph, [ $self->sets ] );
+# TODO do we need this now?
sub string_from_graph_problem {
my( $graph, $grouping ) = @_;
my( $graphstr, @groupsets );
join( ',', sort { by_size_and_alpha( $a, $b ) } @groupsets );
+# TODO do we need this?
# This should work as $self->problem_json or as problem_json( @objects )
sub problem_json {
my( @objects ) = @_;
return @pstrs;
+=head2 by_size_and_alpha
+A useful utility function to sort Set::Scalar objects first in descending
+order by size, then in ascending alphabetical order by first element (i.e.
+by stringification.)
sub by_size_and_alpha {
my( $a, $b ) = @_;
my $size = $b->members <=> $a->members;
return "$a" cmp "$b";
+=head2 $self->sources
+Return all 'source' class witnesses in these sets for this graph.
sub sources {
my $self = shift;
my @sources = grep { $self->class( $_ ) eq 'source' } $self->assigned_wits;
return @sources;
+=head2 $self->minimum_grouping_for( $set )
+Return the minimum grouping (including necessary hypothetical witnesses) for
+the witness set specified. Will return undef if $set does not match one of
+the defined witness sets in $self->sets.
# Look for a matching set in our setlist, and return its corresponding group
sub minimum_grouping_for {
my( $self, $set ) = @_;
return $self->grouping( $midx );
+=head2 $self->is_genealogical( $bool )
+Record that the sets are genealogical for this graph.
+=head2 $self->set_class( $witness, $class )
+Record that the witness in question is of the given class.
+=head2 $self->record_grouping( $group )
+Record that the group in question (either an arrayref or a Set::Scalar) forms
+a minimum grouping on the graph. Will throw an error unless the group is a
+(non-proper) superset of an existing witness set.
+sub record_grouping {
+ my( $self, $group ) = @_;
+ unless( ref( $group ) eq 'Set::Scalar' ) {
+ my $s = Set::Scalar->new( @$group );
+ $group = $s;
+ }
+ # Find the set that is a subset of this group, and record it in the
+ # correct spot in our groupinglist.
+ my $idx = 0;
+ foreach my $set ( $self->sets ) {
+ if( _is_subset( $set, $group ) ) {
+ $self->_set_grouping( $idx, $group );
+ last;
+ }
+ $idx++;
+ }
+ if( $idx == scalar( $self->sets ) ) {
+ throw( "Failed to find witness set that is a subset of $group" );
+ }
+sub _is_subset {
+ # A replacement for the stupid Set::Scalar::is_subset
+ my( $set1, $set2 ) = @_;
+ my %all;
+ map { $all{$_} = 1 } $set2->members;
+ foreach my $m ( $set1->members ) {
+ return 0 unless $all{$m};
+ }
+ return 1;
sub TO_JSON {
my $self = shift;
- # Graph and setlist
+ # Required values: graph and setlist
my $data = {
graph => $self->graph,
setlist => [],
- groupinglist => [],
- classlist => {}
- $data->{is_genealogical} = 1 if $self->is_genealogical;
foreach my $set ( $self->sets ) {
push( @{$data->{setlist}}, [ $set->members ] );
- # groupinglist
+ # Scalar values, if they are set
+ $data->{is_genealogical} = 1 if $self->is_genealogical;
+ $data->{status} = $self->status if $self->status;
+ # Set values, if they exist
+ $data->{groupinglist} = [] if $self->groupings;
foreach my $group ( $self->groupings ) {
push( @{$data->{groupinglist}}, [ $group->members ] );
- # classlist
+ $data->{classlist} = {} if $self->assigned_wits;
foreach my $wit ( $self->assigned_wits ) {
$data->{classlist}->{$wit} = $self->class( $wit );
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More 'no_plan';
+$| = 1;
+# =begin testing
+use Test::More::UTF8;
+use Text::Tradition;
+use TryCatch;
+use_ok( 'Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result' );
+# Make a problem with a graph and a set of groupings
+my $datafile = 't/data/florilegium_tei_ps.xml';
+my $tradition = Text::Tradition->new( 'input' => 'TEI',
+ 'name' => 'flortest',
+ 'file' => $datafile );
+my $s = $tradition->add_stemma( 'dotfile' => 't/data/florilegium.dot' );
+my $sets = [ [ qw/ D Q / ], [ qw/ F H / ], [ qw/ A B C P S T / ] ];
+my $extant = {};
+foreach my $set ( @$sets ) {
+ map { $extant->{$_} = 1 } @$set;
+my $sitgraph = $s->editable( { extant => $extant } );
+my $result = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new(
+ graph => $sitgraph,
+ setlist => $sets );
+is( ref( $result ), 'Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result', "Got a Result object" );
+is( $result->graph, $sitgraph, "Got identical graph string back" );
+is( $result->status, "new", "Calculation status of result set correctly" );
+my @rsets = $result->sets;
+is( $rsets[0], '(A B C P S T)', "First set is biggest set" );
+is( $rsets[1], '(D Q)', "Second set is by alphabetical order" );
+is( $rsets[2], '(F H)', "Second set is by alphabetical order" );
+# Add some calculation values
+$result->is_genealogical( 1 );
+$result->record_grouping( [ qw/ 4 5 D Q / ] );
+try {
+ $result->record_grouping( [ qw/ 3 4 D H / ] );
+ ok( 0, "Recorded a grouping that does not match the input sets" );
+} catch ( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
+ like( $e->message, qr/Failed to find witness set that is a subset of/,
+ "Correct error thrown on bad record_grouping attempt" );
+$result->record_grouping( [ qw/ 3 F H / ] );
+my $gp1 = $result->grouping(1);
+is( $result->minimum_grouping_for( $rsets[1] ), $gp1,
+ "Found a minimum grouping for D Q" );
+is( "$gp1", "(4 5 D Q)", "Retrieved minimum grouping is correct" );
+is( $result->minimum_grouping_for( $rsets[0] ), $rsets[0],
+ "Default minimum grouping found for biggest group" );
+$result->record_grouping( [ qw/ 1 α δ A B C P S T / ] );
+my %classes = (
+ α => 'source',
+ 3 => 'source',
+ 4 => 'source' );
+foreach my $gp ( $result->groupings ) {
+ map { my $c = $classes{$_} || 'copy'; $result->set_class( $_, $c ) } @$gp;
+foreach my $gp ( $result->groupings ) {
+ foreach my $wit ( @$gp ) {
+ my $expected = $classes{$wit} || 'copy';
+ is( $result->class( $wit ), $expected, "Got expected witness class for $wit" );
+ }
+# Now write it out to JSON
+my $struct = $result->TO_JSON;
+my $newresult = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new( $struct );
+is( $result->object_key, $newresult->object_key,
+ "Object key stayed constant on export/import" );
+my $problem = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new( graph => $sitgraph, setlist => $sets );
+is( $problem->object_key, $result->object_key,
+ "Object key stayed constant for newly created problem" );