You may also import all the structure fields directly into your namespace
as regular variables using the :FIELDS import tag. (Note that this still
overrides your core functions.) Access these fields as variables named
-with a preceding C<n_>. Thus, C<$serv_obj-E<gt>name()> corresponds to
+with a preceding C<s_>. Thus, C<$serv_obj-E<gt>name()> corresponds to
$s_name if you import the fields. Array references are available as
-regular array variables, so for example C<@{ $serv_obj-E<gt>aliases()
-}> would be simply @s_aliases.
+regular array variables, so for example C<@{ $serv_obj-E<gt>aliases()}>
+would be simply @s_aliases.
The getserv() function is a simple front-end that forwards a numeric
argument to getservbyport(), and the rest to getservbyname().