$idx =~ s/^\((.*)\)$/$1/ if $self->{'parens'};
+ # Hash-element braces will autoquote a bareword inside themselves.
+ # We need to make sure that C<$hash{warn()}> doesn't come out as
+ # C<$hash{warn}>, which has a quite different meaning. Currently
+ # B::Deparse will always quote strings, even if the string was a
+ # bareword in the original (i.e. the OPpCONST_BARE flag is ignored
+ # for constant strings.) So we can cheat slightly here - if we see
+ # a bareword, we know that it is supposed to be a function call.
+ #
+ $idx =~ s/^([A-Za-z_]\w*)$/$1()/;
return "\$" . $array . $left . $idx . $right;