our $VERSION = '0.01';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
-use MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Array;
-extends 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection';
-has '+method_provider' => (
- default => 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Array'
-sub helper_type { 'ArrayRef' }
+extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
+with 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Array';
no Moose;
package MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection::Bag;
use Moose;
-use Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
-use MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Bag;
-extends 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection';
-has '+method_provider' => (
- default => 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Bag'
-subtype 'Bag' => as 'HashRef[Int]'
- unless find_type_constraint('Bag');
-sub helper_type { 'Bag' }
-before 'process_options_for_provides' => sub {
- my ($self, $options, $name) = @_;
- # Set some default attribute options here unless already defined
- if ((my $type = $self->helper_type) && !exists $options->{isa}){
- $options->{isa} = $type;
- }
- $options->{default} = sub { +{} } unless exists $options->{default};
+extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
+with 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Bag';
no Moose;
-no Moose::Util::TypeConstraints;
# register the alias ...
package # hide me from search.cpan.org
our $VERSION = '0.02';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
-use MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Hash;
-extends 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection';
-has '+method_provider' => (
- default => 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::Hash'
-sub helper_type { 'HashRef' }
+extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
+with 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::Hash';
no Moose;
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
\ No newline at end of file
our $VERSION = '0.01';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
-use MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::ImmutableHash;
-extends 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection';
-has '+method_provider' => (
- default => 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::ImmutableHash'
-sub helper_type { 'HashRef' }
+extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
+with 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::ImmutableHash';
no Moose;
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
\ No newline at end of file
our $VERSION = '0.01';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
-use MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::List;
-extends 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Collection';
-has '+method_provider' => (
- default => 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::List'
-sub helper_type { 'ArrayRef' }
+extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
+with 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::Collection::List';
no Moose;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:STEVAN';
-use MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::String;
-extends 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Base';
-has '+method_provider' => (
- default => 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::MethodProvider::String'
-sub helper_type { 'Str' }
-before 'process_options_for_provides' => sub {
- my ($self, $options, $name) = @_;
- # Set some default attribute options here unless already defined
- if ((my $type = $self->helper_type) && !exists $options->{isa}){
- $options->{isa} = $type;
- }
- $options->{is} = 'rw' unless exists $options->{is};
- $options->{default} = '' unless exists $options->{default};
-after 'check_provides_values' => sub {
- my $self = shift;
- my $provides = $self->provides;
- unless (scalar keys %$provides) {
- my $method_constructors = $self->method_constructors;
- my $attr_name = $self->name;
- foreach my $method (keys %$method_constructors) {
- $provides->{$method} = ($method . '_' . $attr_name);
- }
- }
+extends 'Moose::Meta::Attribute';
+with 'MooseX::AttributeHelpers::Trait::String';
no Moose;