# vim: set ft=perl:
-BEGIN { print "1..1\n" }
+use strict;
+use Test::More 'no_plan'; # tests => 1;
+use SQL::Translator;
+use Data::Dumper;
my $create = q|
-use SQL::Translator;
-use Data::Dumper;
-$SQL::Translator::DEBUG = 0;
-my $tr = SQL::Translator->new(parser => "PostgreSQL",
- producer => "MySQL"
- #producer => "SQL::Translator::Producer::MySQL::translate"
- #producer => sub { Dumper($_[1]) }
- );
-print "not " unless ($tr->translate(\$create));
-print "ok 1 # pointless test -- plz fix me!\n";
--- The cvterm module design is based on the ontology
--- ================================================
--- TABLE: cv
--- ================================================
-create table cv (
- cv_id serial not null,
- primary key (cv_id),
- cvname varchar not null,
- cvdefinition text,
- unique(cvname)
--- ================================================
--- TABLE: cvterm
--- ================================================
-create table cvterm (
- cvterm_id serial not null,
- primary key (cvterm_id),
- cv_id int not null,
- foreign key (cv_id) references cv (cv_id),
- name varchar(255) not null,
- termdefinition text,
--- the primary dbxref for this term. Other dbxrefs may be cvterm_dbxref
- dbxref_id int,
- foreign key (dbxref_id) references dbxref (dbxref_id),
- unique(termname, cv_id)
--- The unique key on termname, termtype_id ensures that all terms are
--- unique within a given cv
-create index cvterm_idx1 on cvterm (cv_id);
--- ================================================
--- TABLE: cvrelationship
--- ================================================
-create table cvrelationship (
- cvrelationship_id serial not null,
- primary key (cvrelationship_id),
- reltype_id int not null,
- foreign key (reltype_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
- subjterm_id int not null,
- foreign key (subjterm_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
- objterm_id int not null,
- foreign key (objterm_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
- unique(reltype_id, subjterm_id, objterm_id)
+my $tr = SQL::Translator->new(
+ parser => "PostgreSQL",
+ producer => "MySQL"
-create index cvrelationship_idx1 on cvrelationship (reltype_id);
-create index cvrelationship_idx2 on cvrelationship (subjterm_id);
-create index cvrelationship_idx3 on cvrelationship (objterm_id);
--- ================================================
--- TABLE: cvpath
--- ================================================
-create table cvpath (
- cvpath_id serial not null,
- primary key (cvpath_id),
- reltype_id int,
- foreign key (reltype_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
- subjterm_id int not null,
- foreign key (subjterm_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
- objterm_id int not null,
- foreign key (objterm_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
- cv_id int not null,
- foreign key (cv_id) references cv (cv_id),
- pathdistance int,
- unique (subjterm_id, objterm_id)
-create index cvpath_idx1 on cvpath (reltype_id);
-create index cvpath_idx2 on cvpath (subjterm_id);
-create index cvpath_idx3 on cvpath (objterm_id);
-create index cvpath_idx4 on cvpath (cv_id);
--- ================================================
--- TABLE: cvtermsynonym
--- ================================================
-create table cvtermsynonym (
- cvterm_id int not null,
- foreign key (cvterm_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
- termsynonym varchar(255) not null,
- unique(cvterm_id, termsynonym)
-create index cvterm_synonym_idx1 on cvterm_synonym (cvterm_id);
--- ================================================
--- TABLE: cvterm_dbxref
--- ================================================
-create table cvterm_dbxref (
- cvterm_dbxref_id serial not null,
- primary key (cvterm_dbxref_id),
- cvterm_id int not null,
- foreign key (cvterm_id) references cvterm (cvterm_id),
- dbxref_id int not null,
- foreign key (dbxref_id) references dbxref (dbxref_id),
- unique(cvterm_id, dbxref_id)
-create index cvterm_dbxref_idx1 on cvterm_dbxref (cvterm_id);
-create index cvterm_dbxref_idx2 on cvterm_dbxref (dbxref_id);
+ok( $tr->translate(\$create), 'Translate PG2My' );