# We have the collation, so get the alignment table with witnesses in rows.
# Also return the reading objects in the table, rather than just the words.
- my $all_wits_table = $tradition->collation->make_alignment_table( 'refs' );
+ my $wits = {};
+ map { $wits->{$_} = 1 } $stemma->witnesses;
+ my $all_wits_table = $tradition->collation->make_alignment_table( 'refs', $wits );
# For each column in the alignment table, we want to see if the existing
# groupings of witnesses match our stemma hypothesis. We also want, at the
# TODO: deal with a.c. reading logic
$DB::single = 1 if $rank == 25;
my $variant_row = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups,
- $stemma->apsp, $lacunose );
+ $stemma->graph, $lacunose );
$variant_row->{'id'} = $rank;
$genealogical++ if $variant_row->{'genealogical'};
$conflicts += grep { $_->{'conflict'} } @{$variant_row->{'readings'}};
# my @trees = @{$stemma->distance_trees};
# if( @trees ) {
# foreach my $tree ( 0 .. $#trees ) {
-# my $dc = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups,
-# $stemma->distance_apsps->[$tree] );
+# my $dc = analyze_variant_location( $group_readings, $groups, $tree );
# foreach my $rdg ( keys %$dc ) {
# my $var = $dc->{$rdg};
# # TODO Do something with this
# -> readings [ { text, group, conflict, missing } ]
sub analyze_variant_location {
- my( $group_readings, $groups, $apsp, $lacunose ) = @_;
+ my( $group_readings, $groups, $graph, $lacunose ) = @_;
my %contig;
my $conflict = {};
my %missing;
map { $contig{$_} = $gst } @$g;
foreach my $g ( sort { scalar @$b <=> scalar @$a } @$groups ) {
- my @members = @$g;
- my $gst = wit_stringify( $g ); # $gst is now the name of this group.
- while( @members ) {
- # Gather the list of vertices that are needed to join all members.
- my $curr = pop @members;
- foreach my $m ( @members ) {
- foreach my $v ( $apsp->path_vertices( $curr, $m ) ) {
- $contig{$v} = $gst unless exists $contig{$v};
- next if $contig{$v} eq $gst;
- # Record what is conflicting. TODO do we use this?
- $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} = $group_readings->{$contig{$v}};
- }
+ my $gst = wit_stringify( $g );
+ # Copy the graph, and delete all non-members from the new graph.
+ my $part = $graph->undirected_copy;
+ map { $part->delete_vertex( $_ )
+ if $contig{$_} && $contig{$_} ne $gst } $graph->vertices;
+ # Now all the members of the group should still be reachable
+ # from the first member.
+ my %reachable = ( $g->[0] => 1 );
+ map { $reachable{$_} = 1 } $part->all_reachable( $g->[0] );
+ # ...and none of these nodes should be marked as being in another
+ # group.
+ foreach ( keys %reachable ) {
+ if( $contig{$_} && $contig{$_} ne $gst ) {
+ $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} = $group_readings->{$contig{$_}};
+ } else {
+ $contig{$_} = $gst;
+ # None of the unreachable nodes should be in our group either.
+ foreach ( $part->vertices ) {
+ next if $reachable{$_};
+ $conflict->{$group_readings->{$gst}} = $group_readings->{$gst}
+ if $contig{$_} && $contig{$_} eq $gst;
+ }
# Write the reading.
my $reading = { 'text' => $group_readings->{$gst},
'missing' => wit_stringify( $lacunose ),
if( $reading->{'conflict'} ) {
$reading->{'group'} = $gst;
} else {
- my @all_vertices = grep { $contig{$_} eq $gst && !$missing{$_} } keys %contig;
+ my @all_vertices = grep { !$missing{$_} } keys %reachable;
$reading->{'group'} = wit_stringify( \@all_vertices );
push( @{$variant_row->{'readings'}}, $reading );
- $variant_row->{'genealogical'} = keys %$conflict ? undef : 1;
+ $variant_row->{'genealogical'} = !( keys %$conflict );
return $variant_row;
required => 1,
-# TODO Think about making a new class for the graphs, which has apsp as a property.
has graph => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Graph',
predicate => 'has_graph',
-has apsp => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'Graph',
- writer => '_save_apsp',
- );
has distance_trees => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'ArrayRef[Graph]',
predicate => 'has_distance_trees',
-has distance_apsps => (
- is => 'ro',
- isa => 'ArrayRef[Graph]',
- writer => '_save_distance_apsps',
- );
sub BUILD {
my( $self, $args ) = @_;
# If we have been handed a dotfile, initialize it into a graph.
-# If we are saving a new graph, calculate its apsp values.
-after 'graph' => sub {
- my( $self, $args ) = @_;
- if( $args ) {
- # We had a new graph.
- my $undirected;
- if( $self->graph->is_directed ) {
- # Make an undirected version.
- $undirected = Graph->new( 'undirected' => 1 );
- foreach my $v ( $self->graph->vertices ) {
- $undirected->add_vertex( $v );
- }
- foreach my $e ( $self->graph->edges ) {
- $undirected->add_edge( @$e );
- }
- } else {
- $undirected = $self->graph;
- }
- $self->_save_apsp( $undirected->APSP_Floyd_Warshall() );
- }
# Render the stemma as SVG.
sub as_svg {
my( $self, $opts ) = @_;
return $svg;
+sub witnesses {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @wits = grep { $self->graph->get_vertex_attribute( $_, 'class' ) eq 'extant' }
+ $self->graph->vertices;
+ return @wits;
#### Methods for calculating phylogenetic trees ####
before 'distance_trees' => sub {
# Save the resulting trees
my $trees = _parse_newick( $result );
$self->_save_distance_trees( $trees );
- # and calculate their APSP values.
- my @apsps;
- foreach my $t ( @$trees ) {
- push( @apsps, $t->APSP_Floyd_Warshall() );
- }
- $self->_save_distance_apsps( \@apsps );
} else {
warn "Failed to calculate distance trees: $result";