If you create a useful parser or producer, you are encouraged to
submit your work to the SQLFairy project!
+You may find that the TTSchema producer doesn't give you enough control over
+templating and you want to play with the Template config or add you own
+variables. Or maybe you just have a really good template you want to submit to
+SQLFairy :) If so, the SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Base producer may be
+just for you! Instead of working like a normal producer it provides a base
+class so you can cheaply build new producer modules based on templates.
+It's simplest use is when we just want to put a single template in its own
+module. So to create a Foo producer we create a F<Custom/Foo.pm> file as
+follows, putting our template in the __DATA__ section.
+ package Custom::Foo.pm;
+ use base qw/SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Base/;
+ # Use our new class as the producer
+ sub produce { return __PACKAGE__->new( translator => shift )->run; };
+ __DATA__
+ [% FOREACH table IN schema.get_tables %]
+ Table: [% table.name %]
+ Fields:
+ [% FOREACH field IN table.get_fields -%]
+ [% field.name %]
+ [% END -%]
+ [% END %]
+For that we get a producer called Custom::Foo that we can now call like a
+normal producer (as long as the directory with F<Custom/Foo.pm> is in our @INC
+ $ sqlt -f YAML -t Custom-Foo foo.yaml
+The template gets variables of C<schema> and C<translator> to use in building
+its output. You also get a number of methods you can override to hook into the
+template generation.
+B<tt_config> Allows you to set the config options used by the Template object.
+The Template Toolkit provides a huge number of options which allow you to do all
+sorts of magic (See L<Template::Manual::Config> for details). This method
+provides a hook into them by returning a hash of options for the Template. e.g.
+Say you want to use the INTERPOLATE option to save some typing in your template;
+ sub tt_config { ( INTERPOLATE => 1 ); }
+A common use for this is to add you own filters to the template:
+ sub tt_config {(
+ FILTERS => { foo_filter => \&foo_filter, }
+ );}
+Another common extension is adding your own template variables. This is done
+with B<tt_vars>:
+ sub tt_vars { ( foo => "bar" ); }
+What about using template files instead of DATA sections? You can already! if
+you give a template on the command line your new producer will use that instead
+of reading the DATA section:
+ $ sqlt -f YAML -t Custom-Foo --template foo.tt foo.yaml
+This is usefull as you can set up a producer that adds a set of filters and
+variables that you can then use in templates given on the command line. (There
+is also a tt_schema method to over ride if you need even finer control over the
+source of your template). Note that if you leave out the DATA section all
+together then your producer will require a template file name to be given.
+See L<SQL::Translator::Producer::TT::Base> for more details of what you can do.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ken Y. Clark E<lt>kclark@cpan.orgE<gt>.