sub _is_lob_type {
my $self = shift;
my $type = shift;
- $type && $type =~ /(?:text|image|lob|bytea|binary)/i;
+ $type && $type =~ /(?:text|image|lob|bytea|binary|memo)/i;
## This will be useful if we ever implement BLOB filehandle inflation and will
my $updated_cols = $self->next::method($source, $to_insert, @_);
- $self->_update_blobs($source, $blob_cols, $to_insert) if %$blob_cols;
+ $self->_insert_blobs($source, $blob_cols, $to_insert) if %$blob_cols;
return $updated_cols;
-#sub update {
-# my ($self, $source) = splice @_, 0, 2;
-# my ($fields) = @_;
-# my $blob_cols = $self->_remove_blob_cols($source, $fields);
-# my @res = 1;
-# if (%$fields) {
-# if (wantarray) {
-# @res = $self->next::method($source, @_);
-# } else {
-# $res[0] = $self->next::method($source, @_);
-# }
-# }
-# $self->_update_blobs($source, $blob_cols, $fields) if %$blob_cols;
-# return wantarray ? @res : $res[0];
+sub update {
+ my ($self, $source) = splice @_, 0, 2;
+ my ($fields, $where) = @_;
+ my $wantarray = wantarray;
+ my $blob_cols = $self->_remove_blob_cols($source, $fields);
+ my @res;
+ if ($wantarray) {
+ @res = $self->next::method($source, @_);
+ } else {
+ $res[0] = $self->next::method($source, @_);
+ }
+ $self->_update_blobs($source, $blob_cols, $where) if %$blob_cols;
+ return $wantarray ? @res : $res[0];
sub _remove_blob_cols {
my ($self, $source, $fields) = @_;
sub _update_blobs {
- my ($self, $source, $blob_cols, $inserted) = @_;
+ my ($self, $source, $blob_cols, $where) = @_;
+ my (@primary_cols) = $source->primary_columns;
+ croak "Cannot update TEXT/IMAGE column(s) without a primary key"
+ unless @primary_cols;
+# check if we're updating a single row by PK
+ my $pk_cols_in_where = 0;
+ for my $col (@primary_cols) {
+ $pk_cols_in_where++ if defined $where->{$col};
+ }
+ my @rows;
+ if ($pk_cols_in_where == @primary_cols) {
+ my %row_to_update;
+ @row_to_update{@primary_cols} = @{$where}{@primary_cols};
+ @rows = \%row_to_update;
+ } else {
+ my $rs = $source->resultset->search(
+ $where,
+ {
+ result_class => 'DBIx::Class::ResultClass::HashRefInflator',
+ select => \@primary_cols
+ }
+ );
+ @rows = $rs->all; # statement must finish
+ }
+ for my $row (@rows) {
+ $self->_insert_blobs($source, $blob_cols, $row);
+ }
+sub _insert_blobs {
+ my ($self, $source, $blob_cols, $row) = @_;
my $dbh = $self->dbh;
my $table = $source->from;
- my %inserted = %$inserted;
+ my %row = %$row;
my (@primary_cols) = $source->primary_columns;
croak "Cannot update TEXT/IMAGE column(s) without a primary key"
unless @primary_cols;
- if ((grep { defined $inserted{$_} } @primary_cols) != @primary_cols) {
+ if ((grep { defined $row{$_} } @primary_cols) != @primary_cols) {
if (@primary_cols == 1) {
my $col = $primary_cols[0];
- $inserted{$col} = $self->last_insert_id($source, $col);
+ $row{$col} = $self->last_insert_id($source, $col);
} else {
croak "Cannot update TEXT/IMAGE column(s) without primary key values";
$sth = $self->sth(
"select $col from $table where $search_cond"
- $sth->execute(map $inserted{$_}, @primary_cols);
+ $sth->execute(map $row{$_}, @primary_cols);
} else {
- my $search_cond = join ',' => map "$_ = $inserted{$_}", @primary_cols;
+ my $search_cond = join ',' => map "$_ = $row{$_}", @primary_cols;
$sth = $dbh->prepare(
"select $col from $table where $search_cond"
my $maxloblen = length $binstr{'large'};
"Localizing LongReadLen to $maxloblen to avoid truncation of test data";
- local $dbh->{'LongReadLen'} = $maxloblen;
+ local $dbh->{'LongReadLen'} = $maxloblen * 2;
my $rs = $schema->resultset('BindType');
my $last_id;
- # try a blob update
- TODO: {
- local $TODO = 'updating TEXT/IMAGE does not work yet';
- my $new_str = $binstr{large} . 'foo';
- eval { $rs->search({ id => $last_id })->update({ blob => $new_str }) };
- ok !$@, 'updated blob successfully';
- diag $@ if $@;
- ok(eval {
- $rs->find($last_id)->blob
- } eq $new_str, "verified updated blob" );
- diag $@ if $@;
- }
# blob insert with explicit PK
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {};
],{ RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0 });
my $created = eval { $rs->create( { id => 1, blob => $binstr{large} } ) };
- ok(!$@, "inserted large blob without dying");
+ ok(!$@, "inserted large blob without dying with manual PK");
diag $@ if $@;
my $got = eval {
diag $@ if $@;
- ok($got eq $binstr{large}, "verified inserted large blob");
+ ok($got eq $binstr{large}, "verified inserted large blob with manual PK");
+ # try a blob update
+ my $new_str = $binstr{large} . 'mtfnpy';
+ eval { $rs->search({ id => 1 })->update({ blob => $new_str }) };
+ ok !$@, 'updated blob successfully';
+ diag $@ if $@;
+ $got = eval {
+ $rs->find(1)->blob
+ };
+ diag $@ if $@;
+ ok($got eq $new_str, "verified updated blob");