-eval <<'ESQ' unless defined &reduce;
-# This code is only compiled if the XS did not load
-use vars qw($a $b);
-sub reduce (&@) {
- my $code = shift;
- return shift unless @_ > 1;
- my $caller = caller;
- local(*{$caller."::a"}) = \my $a;
- local(*{$caller."::b"}) = \my $b;
- $a = shift;
- foreach (@_) {
- $b = $_;
- $a = &{$code}();
- }
- $a;
-sub sum (@) { reduce { $a + $b } @_ }
-sub min (@) { reduce { $a < $b ? $a : $b } @_ }
-sub max (@) { reduce { $a > $b ? $a : $b } @_ }
-sub minstr (@) { reduce { $a lt $b ? $a : $b } @_ }
-sub maxstr (@) { reduce { $a gt $b ? $a : $b } @_ }
-sub first (&@) {
- my $code = shift;
- foreach (@_) {
- return $_ if &{$code}();
- }
- undef;
-eval <<'ESQ' unless defined &dualvar;
-push @EXPORT_FAIL, qw(weaken isweak dualvar);
-# The code beyond here is only used if the XS is not installed
-# Hope nobody defines a sub by this name
-sub UNIVERSAL::a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here { ref($_[0]) }
-sub blessed ($) {
- local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
- length(ref($_[0]))
- ? eval { $_[0]->a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here }
- : undef
-sub reftype ($) {
- local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
- my $r = shift;
- my $t;
- length($t = ref($r)) or return undef;
- # This eval will fail if the reference is not blessed
- eval { $r->a_sub_not_likely_to_be_here; 1 }
- ? do {
- $t = eval {
- # we have a GLOB or an IO. Stringify a GLOB gives it's name
- my $q = *$r;
- $q =~ /^\*/ ? "GLOB" : "IO";
- }
- or do {
- # OK, if we don't have a GLOB what parts of
- # a glob will it populate.
- # NOTE: A glob always has a SCALAR
- local *glob = $r;
- defined *glob{ARRAY} && "ARRAY"
- or defined *glob{HASH} && "HASH"
- or defined *glob{CODE} && "CODE"
- or length(ref(${$r})) ? "REF" : "SCALAR";
- }
- }
- : $t
-sub tainted {
- local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
- local $^W = 0;
- eval { kill 0 * $_[0] };
- $@ =~ /^Insecure/;
-sub readonly {
- return 0 if tied($_[0]) || (ref(\($_[0])) ne "SCALAR");
- local($@, $SIG{__DIE__}, $SIG{__WARN__});
- my $tmp = $_[0];
- !eval { $_[0] = $tmp; 1 };
Returns the glob with the given C<name> and a defined subroutine or
C<NULL>. The glob lives in the given C<stash>, or in the stashes
-accessible via @ISA and @UNIVERSAL.
+accessible via @ISA and UNIVERSAL::.
The argument C<level> should be either 0 or -1. If C<level==0>, as a
side-effect creates a glob with the given C<name> in the given C<stash>