Revision history for Perl extension DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
- - SQLite: introspect ON DELETE/UPDATE and DEFERRABLE clauses
+ - DB2: introspect ON DELETE/UPDATE FK clauses
+ - DB2 WARNING: the default for on_delete/on_update is now 'NO ACTION'
+ not 'CASCADE', the default for is_deferrable is still 1 because DB2
+ does not have deferrable constraints
+ - SQLite: introspect ON DELETE/UPDATE and DEFERRABLE FK clauses
- SQLite WARNING: the default for on_delete/on_update is now 'NO ACTION'
not 'CASCADE', and the default for is_deferrable is now 0 not 1.
return \@uniqs;
my $sth = $self->{_cache}->{db2_fk} ||= $self->dbh->prepare(<<'EOF');
SELECT tc.constname, sr.reftabschema, sr.reftabname,
- kcu.colname, rkcu.colname, kcu.colseq
+ kcu.colname, rkcu.colname, kcu.colseq,
+ sr.deleterule, sr.updaterule
FROM syscat.tabconst tc
JOIN syscat.keycoluse kcu
ON tc.constname = kcu.constname
my %rels;
+ my %rules = (
+ A => 'NO ACTION',
+ C => 'CASCADE',
+ N => 'SET NULL',
+ R => 'RESTRICT',
+ );
COLS: while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
my ($fk, $remote_schema, $remote_table, $local_col, $remote_col,
- $colseq) = @row;
+ $colseq, $delete_rule, $update_rule) = @row;
if (not exists $rels{$fk}) {
if ($self->db_schema && $self->db_schema->[0] ne '%'
$rels{$fk}{local_columns}[$colseq-1] = $self->_lc($local_col);
$rels{$fk}{remote_columns}[$colseq-1] = $self->_lc($remote_col);
+ $rels{$fk}{attrs} ||= {
+ on_delete => $rules{$delete_rule},
+ on_update => $rules{$update_rule},
+ is_deferrable => 1, # DB2 has no deferrable constraints
+ };
return [ values %rels ];
null => '',
preserve_case_mode_is_exclusive => 1,
quote_char => '"',
+ default_is_deferrable => 1,
+ default_on_clause => 'NO ACTION',
data_types => {
# datalink => { data_type => 'datalink' },
extra => {
- count => 30 * 2,
+ create => [
+ # 4 through 8 are used for the multi-schema tests
+ q{
+ create table db2_loader_test9 (
+ id int generated by default as identity not null primary key
+ )
+ },
+ q{
+ create table db2_loader_test10 (
+ id int generated by default as identity not null primary key,
+ nine_id int,
+ foreign key (nine_id) references db2_loader_test9(id)
+ on delete set null on update restrict
+ )
+ },
+ ],
+ drop => [ qw/db2_loader_test9 db2_loader_test10/ ],
+ count => 4 + 30 * 2,
run => sub {
- SKIP: {
- $schema = shift;
+ $schema = shift;
+ # test on delete/update fk clause introspection
+ ok ((my $rel_info = $schema->source('Db2LoaderTest10')->relationship_info('nine')),
+ 'got rel info');
+ is $rel_info->{attrs}{on_delete}, 'SET NULL',
+ 'ON DELETE clause introspected correctly';
+ is $rel_info->{attrs}{on_update}, 'RESTRICT',
+ 'ON UPDATE clause introspected correctly';
+ is $rel_info->{attrs}{is_deferrable}, 1,
+ 'DEFERRABLE defaults to 1';
+ SKIP: {
my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
try {