eval "use DBD::SQLite; use SQL::Translator";
plan $@
? ( skip_all => 'needs DBD::SQLite and SQL::Translator for testing' )
- : ( tests => 17 );
+ : ( tests => 11 );
use lib qw(t/lib);
like( $e, qr/table.*changelog/, 'missing table error' );
# insert two rows -not- in txn
-my ($artistA, $artistB);
-#$schema->txn_do(sub {
- $artistA = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({
- name => 'Fred Bloggs A',
- });
- $artistB = $schema->resultset('Artist')->create({
- name => 'Fred Bloggs B',
- });
+$schema->storage->dbh_do(sub {
+ my $dbh = $_[1];
+ $dbh->do($_) for (
+ "INSERT INTO artist ( name ) VALUES ('Fred Bloggs A' )",
+ "INSERT INTO artist ( name ) VALUES ('Fred Bloggs B' )"
+ );
# create the journal
is( $@, '', "no error" );
is( $count, 2, "count is 2 (auditlog)" );
-# now delete a row
-eval {
- my $deleted = $schema->txn_do(sub {
- $artistA->delete;
- });
-is( $@, '', "no error from deletion journal (create_id not null)" );
-is( $artistA->in_storage, 0, "row was deleted" );
-# check journal log still has two rows
-$count = eval { $schema->_journal_schema->resultset('ArtistAuditLog')->count };
-is( $@, '', "no error" );
-is( $count, 2, "count is 2 (auditlog 2)" );
-# and that one of them has a delete_id
-$count = eval {
- $schema->_journal_schema->resultset('ArtistAuditLog')
- ->search({
- artistid => $artistA->id,
- delete_id => { '-not' => undef }
- })->count;
-is( $@, '', "no error" );
-is( $count, 1, "count is 1 (delete_id)" );