use strict;
use warnings;
-use Test::More tests => 60;
+use Test::More tests => 62;
use Test::Exception;
::throws_ok {
with 'Role::Spliff', 'Role::Blunt';
} qr/Two \'override\' methods of the same name encountered/,
- '... cannot compose it because we have no superclass';
+ '... cannot compose it because we have no superclass';
ok(My::Test11->meta->has_method('twist'), '... the twist method has been added');
is(My::Test11->twist(), 'My::Test::Base::twist -> Role::Blunt::twist', '... got the right method return');
is(My::Test12->twist(), 'My::Test::Base::twist -> Role::Spliff::twist', '... got the right method return');
+ok(!My::Test13->can('twist'), '... no twist method here at all');
+is(My::Test14->twist(), 'My::Test::Base::twist', '... got the right method return (from superclass)');