+* Fix Producer::Oracle varchar2 without size def (ORA-00906: missing right
+ parenthesis)
+* Fix Producer::Oracle translate float and double to float instead of number
* Fix Producer::Oracle generation of too long unique constraint names
+* Fix Producer::SQLite when generating VIEWs with add_drop_table => 1
* Producer::Oracle tests now use Test::Differences
* Prettify output of SQLite producer (less bogus newlines)
-* Augment SQLite and Pg producers to accept a perl-formatted
- (%d.%03d%03d) and 3-part (X.X.X) *_version producer args
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-# 0.11006
-# ----------------------------------------------------------
-* Fix Producer::Oracle varchar2 without size def (ORA-00906: missing right parenthesis)
-* Fix Producer::Oracle translate float and double to float instead of number
+* Augment SQLite and Pg producers to accept a perl-formatted (%d.%03d%03d)
+ and regular no-leading-zero (X.X.X) *_version producer args
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.11005 2010-02-24