As seen in <>, since 4.2.0 or so
gcc's search path has a new "include-fixed" directory,
which currently contains <syslimits.h> and a few other headers.
Converting <syslimits.h> therefore fails unless h2ph knows about the new
directory too.
See for some
background to the gcc change.
# Determine include directories; $Config{usrinc} should be enough for (all
-# non-GCC?) C compilers, but gcc uses an additional include directory.
+# non-GCC?) C compilers, but gcc uses additional include directories.
sub inc_dirs
my $from_gcc = `LC_ALL=C $Config{cc} -v 2>&1`;
$from_gcc = '';
- length($from_gcc) ? ($from_gcc, $Config{usrinc}) : ($Config{usrinc});
+ length($from_gcc) ? ($from_gcc, $from_gcc . "-fixed", $Config{usrinc}) : ($Config{usrinc});