print STDERR "$name($offset)>> $line\n";
+sub _quote {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ $str =~ s/([\$\@\\"])/\\$1/g;
+ $str =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
+ qq{"$str"}
sub parser {
my ($declarator, $start) = @_;
my $offset = $start;
+ my $peek_str = sub {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ my $len = length $str;
+ substr($line, $offset, $len) eq $str
+ };
my $scan_token = sub {
my ($str) = @_;
my $len = length $str;
+ #report_pos $offset, "param";
my @param = $scan_params->();
+ my @extra;
+ #report_pos $offset, "extra";
+ while ($peek_str->('(')) {
+ push @extra, [$scan_params->()];
+ #report_pos $offset, "extra";
+ }
my $scan_pargroup_opt = sub {
substr($line, $offset, 1) eq '(' or return '';
' ' . $proto, \@attrs
+ #report_pos $offset, "attr";
my ($proto, $attributes) = $scan_attributes->();
my $attr = @$attributes ? ' : ' . join(' ', @$attributes) : '';
+ #report_pos $offset, "'{'";
my $manip_end = $offset;
my $manip_len = $manip_end - $manip_start;
#print STDERR "($manip_start:$manip_len:$manip_end)\n";
- my $params = @param ? 'my (' . join(', ', @param) . ') = @_;' : '';
+ my $params = @param ? 'my (' . join(', ', @param) . ') = @_; ' : '';
+ my $extra_a = join '', map 'sub { ' . (@$_ ? 'my (' . join(', ', @$_) . ') = @_; ' : ''), @extra;
+ my $extra_z = '}' x @extra;
#report_pos $offset;
$proto =~ tr[\n][ ];
+ my $term = sub {
+ my ($str) = @_;
+ $str eq '' and return '';
+ 'BEGIN { ' . __PACKAGE__ . '::_terminate_me(' . _quote($str) . '); } '
+ };
if (defined $name) {
- my $pkg = __PACKAGE__;
#print STDERR "($manip_start:$manip_len) [$line]\n";
- substr $line, $manip_start, $manip_len, " do { sub $name$proto; sub $name$proto$attr { BEGIN { ${pkg}::terminate_me(q[$name]); } $params ";
+ substr $line, $manip_start, $manip_len, " do { sub $name$proto; sub $name$proto$attr { $params$extra_a${\$term->(qq[$extra_z \\&$name };])}";
} else {
- substr $line, $manip_start, $manip_len, " sub$proto$attr { $params ";
+ substr $line, $manip_start, $manip_len, " sub$proto$attr { $params$extra_a${\$term->(qq[$extra_z])}";
- #print STDERR ".> $line\n";
+ print STDERR ".> $line\n";
+ print STDERR ".< $line\n";
-sub terminate_me {
- my ($name) = @_;
+sub _terminate_me {
+ print STDERR "..>\n";
+ my ($str) = @_;
on_scope_end {
my $line = Devel::Declare::get_linestr();
- #print STDERR "~~> $line\n";
+ print STDERR "~~> $line\n";
my $offset = Devel::Declare::get_linestr_offset();
- substr $line, $offset, 0, " \\&$name };";
+ substr $line, $offset, 0, $str;
- #print STDERR "??> $line\n";
+ print STDERR "??> $line\n";
use Function::Parameters;
- fun foo($bar, $baz) {
- return $bar + $baz;
+ fun foo($x, $y) {
+ return $x + $y;
+ }
+ foo(2, 3); # 5
+ fun bar($x)($y) {
+ return $x + $y;
+ bar(2)(3); # 5
fun mymap($fun, @args) :(&@) {
my @res;
C<sub foo { my ($bar, $baz) = @_; >, i.e. the parameter list is simply
copied into C<my> and initialized from L<@_|perlvar/"@_">.
+=head2 Autocurrying
+You can actually use multiple parameter lists:
+C<fun foo(LIST1)(LIST2)(LIST3)...> is valid (and the parameter lists
+are completely separate). You use the same syntax to call the function:
+C<foo(1)(2, 3)(4, 5, 6)>.
+What this actually does is to generate nested subs, each returning a reference
+to the next, as if you'd written
+C<fun foo(LIST1) { fun (LIST2) { fun (LIST3) { ... } } }>.
=head2 Advanced stuff
You can change the name of the new keyword from C<fun> to anything you want by