Returns true if MODULE is marked as deprecated in PERL_VERSION. If PERL_VERSION is
omitted, it defaults to the current version of Perl.
+=item C<removed_from( MODULE )>
+Takes a module name as an argument, returns the first perl version where that module
+was removed from core. Returns undef if the given module was never in core or remains
+in core.
+=item C<removed_from_by_date( MODULE )>
+Takes a module name as an argument, returns the first perl version by release date where that module
+was removed from core. Returns undef if the given module was never in core or remains
+in core.
sub first_release_raw {
my $module = shift;
- $module = shift if $module->isa(__PACKAGE__);
+ $module = shift if $module->isa(__PACKAGE__)
+ and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#;
my $version = shift;
my @perls = $version
sub is_deprecated {
my $module = shift;
- $module = shift if $module->isa(__PACKAGE__);
+ $module = shift if $module->isa(__PACKAGE__)
+ and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#;
my $perl_version = shift;
$perl_version ||= $];
return unless $module && exists $deprecated{$perl_version}{$module};
return $deprecated{$perl_version}{$module};
+sub removed_from {
+ my @perls = &removed_raw;
+ return shift @perls;
+sub removed_from_by_date {
+ my @perls = sort { $released{$a} cmp $released{$b} } &removed_raw;
+ return shift @perls;
+sub removed_raw {
+ my $mod = shift;
+ $mod = shift if $mod->isa(__PACKAGE__)
+ and scalar @_ and $_[0] =~ m#\A[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*(?:(::|')[0-9a-zA-Z_]+)*\z#;
+ return unless my @perls = sort { $a cmp $b } first_release_raw($mod);
+ my $last = pop @perls;
+ my @removed = grep { $_ > $last } sort { $a cmp $b } keys %version;
+ return @removed;
# When things escaped.
# NB. If you put version numbers with trailing zeroes here, you
# should also add an alias for the numerical ($]) version; see
#!perl -w
use strict;
use Module::CoreList;
-use Test::More tests => 13;
+use Test::More tests => 24;
BEGIN { require_ok('Module::CoreList'); }
is(Module::CoreList->first_release('File::Spec', 0.82), 5.006_001,
"File::Spec reached 0.82 with 5.006_001");
+is(Module::CoreList::first_release_by_date('File::Spec'), 5.005,
+ "File::Spec was first bundled in 5.005");
+is(Module::CoreList::first_release('File::Spec'), 5.00405,
+ "File::Spec was released in perl with lowest version number 5.00405");
+is(Module::CoreList::first_release('File::Spec', 0.82), 5.006_001,
+ "File::Spec reached 0.82 with 5.006_001");
is_deeply([ sort keys %Module::CoreList::released ],
[ sort keys %Module::CoreList::version ],
"have a note of everythings release");
is( $consistent, 1,
"families seem consistent (descendants have same modules as ancestors)" );
+# Check the function API for consistency
+is(Module::CoreList->first_release_by_date('Module::CoreList'), 5.009002,
+ "Module::CoreList was first bundled in 5.009002");
+is(Module::CoreList->first_release('Module::CoreList'), 5.008009,
+ "Module::CoreList was released in perl with lowest version number 5.008009");
+is(Module::CoreList->first_release('Module::CoreList', 2.18), 5.010001,
+ "Module::CoreList reached 2.18 with 5.010001");
+is(Module::CoreList::first_release_by_date('Module::CoreList'), 5.009002,
+ "Module::CoreList was first bundled in 5.009002");
+is(Module::CoreList::first_release('Module::CoreList'), 5.008009,
+ "Module::CoreList was released in perl with lowest version number 5.008009");
+is(Module::CoreList::first_release('Module::CoreList', 2.18), 5.010001,
+ "Module::CoreList reached 2.18 with 5.010001");
+is(Module::CoreList->removed_from('CPANPLUS::inc'), 5.010001,
+ "CPANPLUS::inc was removed from 5.010001");
+is(Module::CoreList::removed_from('CPANPLUS::inc'), 5.010001,
+ "CPANPLUS::inc was removed from 5.010001");
#!perl -w
use strict;
use Module::CoreList;
-use Test::More tests => 5;
+use Test::More tests => 6;
BEGIN { require_ok('Module::CoreList'); }
is_deeply([ Module::CoreList->find_modules(qr/Test::H.*::.*s/, 5.006001, 5.007003) ],
[ qw(Test::Harness::Assert Test::Harness::Straps) ],
'qr/Test::H.*::.*s/ at 5.006001 and 5.007003');
+is_deeply([ Module::CoreList::find_modules(qr/Module::CoreList/) ], [ qw(Module::CoreList) ],
+ 'Module::CoreList functional' );