use strict;
use warnings;
use Algorithm::Diff; # for word similarity measure
-use Benchmark;
-use Digest::MD5 qw/ md5_hex /;
-use Encode qw/ encode_utf8 /;
+use Encode qw/ decode_utf8 encode_utf8 /;
use Exporter 'import';
use Graph;
use JSON qw/ to_json /;
+use LWP::UserAgent;
use Set::Scalar;
-use Text::Tradition;
use Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result;
use Text::Tradition::Directory;
use Text::Tradition::Stemma;
use vars qw/ @EXPORT_OK /;
@EXPORT_OK = qw/ run_analysis group_variants analyze_variant_location wit_stringify /;
+my $SOLVER_URL = '';
my $unsolved_problems = {};
=head1 NAME
# Make sure we have a lookup DB for graph calculation results; this will die
# if calcdir or calcdsn isn't passed.
- my $dir = $opts{'calcdir'} ? delete $opts{'calcdir'}
- : Text::Tradition::Directory->new( dsn => $opts{'calcdsn'} );
+ my $dir;
+ if( exists $opts{'calcdir'} ) {
+ $dir = delete $opts{'calcdir'}
+ } elsif ( exists $opts{'calcdsn'} ) {
+ $dir = Text::Tradition::Directory->new( dsn => $opts{'calcdsn'} );
+ }
# Get the stemma
my $stemma = $tradition->stemma( $stemma_id );
# needed to make up the groups.
$graph = $stemma->situation_graph( $extant, $acwits );
} catch ( Text::Tradition::Error $e ) {
- die "Could not extend graph with given extant and a.c. witnesses: "
- . $e->message;
+ throw( "Could not extend graph with given extant and a.c. witnesses: "
+ . $e->message );
} catch {
- die "Could not extend graph with a.c. witnesses @$acwits";
+ throw( "Could not extend graph with a.c. witnesses @$acwits" );
return $graph;
Looks up the set of groups in the answers provided by the external graph solver
service and returns a cleaned-up answer, adding the rank IDs back where they belong.
-The JSON has the form
- { "graph": [ stemmagraph DOT string without newlines ],
- "groupings": [ array of arrays of groups, one per rank ] }
The answer has the form
{ "variants" => [ array of variant location structures ],
"variant_count" => total,
sub solve_variants {
- my( $dir, @groups ) = @_;
+ my( @groups ) = @_;
+ # Are we using a local result directory?
+ my $dir;
+ if( ref( $groups[0] ) eq 'Text::Tradition::Directory' ) {
+ $dir = shift @groups;
+ }
- ## For each graph/group combo, look it up in the DB.
- ## Witness map is a HACK to get around limitations in node names from IDP
- my $witness_map = {};
- ## Variables to store answers as they come back
+ ## For each graph/group combo, make a Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result
+ ## object so that we can send it off for IDP lookup.
my $variants = [];
my $genealogical = 0; # counter
+ # TODO Optimize for unique graph problems
+ my @problems;
foreach my $graphproblem ( @groups ) {
+ # Construct the calc result key and look up its answer
+ my $problem = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new(
+ graph => $graphproblem->{'graph'},
+ setlist => [ values %{$graphproblem->{'grouping'}} ] );
+ push( @problems, $problem );
+ }
+ my @results;
+ if( $dir ) {
+ my $scope = $dir->new_scope;
+ @results = map { $dir->lookup( $_->object_key ) || $_ } @problems;
+ } else {
+ my $json = JSON->new->allow_blessed->convert_blessed->utf8->encode( \@problems );
+ # Send it off and get the result
+ # print STDERR "Sending request: " . decode_utf8( $json ) . "\n";
+ my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
+ my $resp = $ua->post( $SOLVER_URL, 'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
+ 'Content' => $json );
+ my $answer;
+ if( $resp->is_success ) {
+ $answer = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new(
+ decode_json( $resp->content ) );
+ throw( "Unexpected answer from IDP: $answer" ) unless ref( $answer ) eq 'ARRAY';
+ } else {
+ throw( "IDP solver returned " . $resp->status_line . " / " . $resp->content
+ . "; cannot run graph analysis" );
+ }
+ # One more sanity check
+ throw( "Something went wrong with answer symmetricity" )
+ unless @groups == @$answer;
+ # Convert the results
+ @results = map { Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new( $_ ) } @$answer;
+ }
+ # We now have a single JSON-encoded Result object per problem sent. Fold its
+ # answers into our variant info structure.
+ foreach my $idx ( 0 .. $#groups ) {
+ my $graphproblem = $groups[$idx];
+ my $result = $results[$idx];
# Initialize the result structure for this graph problem
my $vstruct = { readings => [] };
push( @$variants, $vstruct );
- # Construct the calc result key and look up its answer
- my $reqkey = _get_calc_key( $graphproblem );
- my $scope = $dir->new_scope;
- my $answer = $dir->lookup( $reqkey );
- unless( $answer ) {
- #warn "No answer found for graph problem $reqkey, moving on";
- # Record the unsolved problem so that we can go get a solution
- _save_problem( $graphproblem );
- # Put just the request, with no real result, into vstruct
+ # 0. Do we have a calculated result at all?
+ unless( $result->status eq 'OK' ) {
+ $vstruct->{'unsolved'} = $result->status;
foreach my $rid ( keys %{$graphproblem->{grouping}} ) {
push( @{$vstruct->{readings}}, { readingid => $rid,
group => [ $graphproblem->{grouping}->{$rid}->members ] } );
- ## The answer is a Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result containing a bunch
- ## of information about this variant set. Record the information therein.
# 1. Did the group evaluate as genealogical?
- $vstruct->{genealogical} = $answer->is_genealogical;
- $genealogical++ if $answer->is_genealogical;
+ $vstruct->{genealogical} = $result->is_genealogical;
+ $genealogical++ if $result->is_genealogical;
# 2. What are the calculated minimum groupings for each variant loc?
foreach my $rid ( keys %{$graphproblem->{grouping}} ) {
my $inputset = $graphproblem->{grouping}->{$rid};
- my $minset = $answer->minimum_grouping_for( $inputset );
+ my $minset = $result->minimum_grouping_for( $inputset );
push( @{$vstruct->{readings}}, { readingid => $rid, group => $minset } );
# 3. What are the sources and classes calculated for each witness?
- $vstruct->{witcopy_types} = { $answer->classes };
+ $vstruct->{witcopy_types} = { $result->classes };
$vstruct->{reading_roots} = {};
- map { $vstruct->{reading_roots}->{$_} = 1 } $answer->sources;
+ map { $vstruct->{reading_roots}->{$_} = 1 } $result->sources;
- # Spit out any unsolved problems we encountered
- # _list_unsolved();
return { 'variants' => $variants,
'variant_count' => scalar @$variants,
'genealogical_count' => $genealogical };
-sub _get_calc_key {
- my( $graphproblem ) = @_;
- my $graph = $graphproblem->{graph};
- my $grouping = [ values %{$graphproblem->{grouping}} ];
- my $key = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result::string_from_graph_problem(
- $graph, $grouping );
- return md5_hex( encode_utf8( $key ) );
-sub _save_problem {
- my( $graphproblem ) = @_;
- my $problem = Text::Tradition::Analysis::Result->new(
- graph => $graphproblem->{graph},
- setlist => [ values %{$graphproblem->{grouping}} ]
- );
- my $key = _get_calc_key( $graphproblem );
- my( $str ) = $problem->problem_json;
- say STDERR "Stashing unsolved problem $str at key $key";
- $unsolved_problems->{$key} = $problem;
-sub _list_unsolved {
- #say STDERR "Problems needing a solution:";
- my @problems = values %$unsolved_problems;
- return unless @problems;
- my $first = shift @problems;
- map { say STDERR $_ } $first->problem_json( @problems );
=head2 analyze_location ( $tradition, $graph, $location_hash )
Given the tradition, its stemma graph, and the solution from the graph solver,
my ( $tradition, $graph, $variant_row, $lacunose ) = @_;
my $c = $tradition->collation;
+ if( exists $variant_row->{'unsolved'} ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $reading_roots = delete $variant_row->{'reading_roots'};
+ my $classinfo = delete $variant_row->{'witcopy_types'};
# Make a hash of all known node memberships, and make the subgraphs.
my $contig = {};
- my $reading_roots = {};
my $subgraph = {};
my $acstr = $c->ac_label;
my @acwits;
- my $NO_IDP;
- if( exists $variant_row->{'reading_roots'} ) {
- $reading_roots = delete $variant_row->{'reading_roots'};
- } else {
- warn "No reading source information from IDP - proceed at your own risk";
- $NO_IDP = 1;
- }
- my $classinfo = delete $variant_row->{'witcopy_types'};
# Note which witnesses positively belong to which group. This information
# comes ultimately from the IDP solver.
# Also make a note of the reading's roots.
my @orphan_hypotheticals;
my $ctr = 0;
do {
- die "Infinite loop on leaves" if $ctr > 100;
+ throw( "Infinite loop on leaves" ) if $ctr > 100;
@orphan_hypotheticals =
grep { $tree->get_vertex_attribute( $_, 'class' ) eq 'hypothetical' }
my @redundant_root;
$ctr = 0;
do {
- die "Infinite loop on roots" if $ctr > 100;
+ throw( "Infinite loop on roots" ) if $ctr > 100;
@redundant_root =
grep { $tree->get_vertex_attribute( $_, 'class' ) eq 'hypothetical'
&& $tree->successors( $_ ) == 1 }
# then alphabetically by first-sorted.
die "Must specify a set list to Analysis::Result->new()"
unless ref( $args->{'setlist'} ) eq 'ARRAY';
+ die "Empty set list specified to Analysis::Result->new()"
+ unless @{$args->{'setlist'}};
# Order the sets and make sure they are all distinct Set::Scalars.
$args->{'setlist'} = [ sort { by_size_and_alpha( $a, $b ) }
_check_set_args( $args->{'setlist'} ) ];
# If our only args are graph and setlist, then status should be 'new'
- $DB::single = 1;
if( scalar keys %$args == 2 ) {
$args->{'status'} = 'new';
sub request_string {
my $self = shift;
- return string_from_graph_problem( $self->graph, [ $self->sets ] );
-# TODO do we need this now?
-sub string_from_graph_problem {
- my( $graph, $grouping ) = @_;
- my( $graphstr, @groupsets );
- # Get the graph string
- if( ref( $graph ) && ref( $graph ) eq 'Graph' ) {
- $graphstr = Text::Tradition::Stemma::editable_graph( $graph, { 'linesep' => ' ' } );
- } else {
- throw( "Passed non-graph object $graph to stringification" )
- if ref( $graph );
- $graphstr = $graph;
- }
- # Make sure all groupings are sets
- foreach my $g ( @$grouping ) {
- if( ref( $g ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
- push( @groupsets, Set::Scalar->new( @$g ) );
- } elsif( ref( $g ) eq 'Set::Scalar' ) {
- push( @groupsets, $g );
- } else {
- throw( "Tried to stringify grouping $g that is neither set nor array" );
- }
- }
- return $graphstr . '//' .
- join( ',', sort { by_size_and_alpha( $a, $b ) } @groupsets );
-# TODO do we need this?
-# This should work as $self->problem_json or as problem_json( @objects )
-sub problem_json {
- my( @objects ) = @_;
- # There should be a distinct problem for each unique graph.
- my %distinct_problems;
- foreach my $o ( @objects ) {
- unless( exists $distinct_problems{$o->graph} ) {
- $distinct_problems{$o->graph} = [];
- }
- my @groupings;
- map { push( @groupings, [ $_->members ] ) } $o->sets;
- push( @{$distinct_problems{$o->graph}}, \@groupings );
- }
- my @pstrs = map { to_json(
- { graph => $_, groupings => $distinct_problems{$_} } ) }
- keys %distinct_problems;
- return @pstrs;
+ return $self->graph . '//' . join( ',', $self->sets );
=head2 by_size_and_alpha