--- /dev/null
+package MooseX::Antlers::RefFilter;
+# note: we actually handle weaken as well as external refs because I intend
+# to use Data::Dumper as a first pass and YAML::XS as a second and neither
+# of them know how to deal with weak references
+# better still, neither actually does the bloody cross refs properly - Dumper
+# emits them but the nature of the beast is that they don't eval back in
+# right, YAML::XS seems to make two aliases to one ref (Data::Alias-ish)
+# since when I weaken one both copies disappear on me. sigh.
+# on the upside, we can use a really dumb dumper for the rest - JSON::XS
+# strikes me as an interesting possibility for speed reasons
+use Moose;
+use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr isweak);
+use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
+extends 'Data::Visitor';
+# we need name tracking but have to apply the role at the end of the file
+# so that our around modifiers end up within the name tracking around
+# instead of outside - otherwise e.g. array value weakening goes wrong
+has 'external_mappings' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
+has '_internal_mappings' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
+has 'weaken_these' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
+has 'map_these' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
+around visit => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my $value = $_[0];
+ # note that we can't localize this one since it needs to be global
+ # across the entire structure - we could consider a weakref based trick
+ # like we use in the recorder but I don't -think- there's any need
+ # if we've already seen this reference, register a mapping for this
+ # copy of it so we fix it up afterwards (see visit_ref for the same process
+ # being used for references to be supplied externally at deserialize time
+ # and the top of the class for notes on how much I love serializers)
+ if (ref($value) && (my $m = $self->_internal_mappings->{refaddr $value})) {
+ $self->map_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = $m;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
+around visit_ref => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my $value = $_[0];
+ # if we've got a mapping for a reference (i.e. it's supplied from
+ # somewhere else) then we need to record where we are and then
+ # return undef for the fmap process so we serialize an undefined
+ # value and the fixup puts the external reference back in later
+ if (my $m = $self->external_mappings->{refaddr $value}) {
+ $self->map_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = $m;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $self->_internal_mappings->{refaddr $value} = $self->_current_trace_name;
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
+around visit_hash_value => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my ($value, $key, $hash) = @_;
+ if (isweak $hash->{$key}) {
+ $self->weaken_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = 1;
+ }
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
+around visit_array_entry => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my ($value, $index, $array) = @_;
+ if (isweak $array->[$index]) {
+ $self->weaken_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = 1;
+ }
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
+around visit_scalar => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my $scalar = $_[0];
+ if (isweak $$scalar) {
+ $self->weaken_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = 1;
+ }
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
+# now it's safe to apply the role
+with 'MooseX::Antlers::Visitor::NameTracking';
+sub fixup_code {
+ my $self = shift;
+ join("\n\n",
+ grep defined,
+ map $self->${\"_fixup_code_for_$_"},
+ qw(externals weakrefs)
+ );
+sub _fixup_code_for_externals {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $ext = $self->map_these;
+ return unless keys %$ext;
+ join("\n",
+ qq{# fixup code for external references},
+ map {
+ my ($l, $r) = ($_, $ext->{$_});
+ # if the LHS is a scalarref deref then we actually
+ # need to strip that bit off and push the enref to the RHS since
+ # ${\undef} = "foo"
+ # is an attempt to modify a readonly value and perl will burst into tears
+ if ($l =~ m/^\${(.*)}$/) { $l = $1; $r = "\\".$r; }
+ $l.' = '.$r.';';
+ }
+ sort keys %$ext
+ );
+sub _fixup_code_for_weakrefs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $weaken = $self->weaken_these;
+ return unless keys %$weaken;
+ join("\n",
+ qq{# fixup code for weak references},
+ 'use Scalar::Util ();',
+ map {
+ 'Scalar::Util::weaken('.$_.');';
+ }
+ sort keys %$weaken
+ );
+# force recursion into objects (Data::Visitor doesn't by default)
+sub visit_object { shift->visit_ref(@_) }
--- /dev/null
+package MooseX::Antlers::RefTracker;
+use Moose;
+use Scalar::Util qw(weaken refaddr);
+use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
+extends 'Data::Visitor';
+with 'MooseX::Antlers::Visitor::NameTracking';
+# dump the lazy when we get a sensible version of D::V on the dev system
+has '_traced_refs' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
+has '_traced_names' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
+before visit_ref => sub {
+ my ($self, $data) = @_;
+ # can't just rely on refaddr because it may get re-used if the data goes
+ # out of scope (we could play clever games with free magic on the wizard
+ # or whatever but KISS) - but we -can- keep a weak reference which will
+ # turn to undef if the variable disappears
+ weaken($self->_traced_refs->{refaddr $data} = $data);
+ $self->_traced_names->{refaddr $data} = $self->_current_trace_name;
+sub traced_ref_map {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $refs = $self->_traced_refs;
+ my $names = $self->_traced_names;
+ # nuke keys where the traced refs entry is undef since they indicate
+ # "went out of scope" so the name is no longer valid. however if we
+ # do still have a refs entry we know the name is valid because if it
+ # didn't go out of scope that refaddr can't have been re-used.
+ # (NB: I don't care if this works under ithreads)
+ delete @{$names}{grep !defined($refs->{$_}), keys %$names};
+ $names;
+# force recursion into objects (Data::Visitor doesn't by default)
+sub visit_object { shift->visit_ref(@_) }
--- /dev/null
+package MooseX::Antlers::Visitor::NameTracking;
+use Moose::Role;
+use B qw(perlstring);
+use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
+has '_current_trace_name' => (is => 'ro');
+has 'root_name' => (is => 'ro');
+around visit => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ local $self->{_current_trace_name}
+ = ($self->{_current_trace_name}||$self->root_name);
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
+around visit_hash_entry => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my $key = $_[0]; # $key, $value
+ local $self->{_current_trace_name}
+ = $self->{_current_trace_name}.'->{'.(perlstring $key).'}';
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
+around visit_array_entry => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ my $index = $_[1]; # $value, $index
+ local $self->{_current_trace_name}
+ = $self->{_current_trace_name}.'->['.$index.']';
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
+around visit_scalar => sub {
+ my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
+ local $self->{_current_trace_name} = '${'.$self->{_current_trace_name}.'}';
+ return $self->$orig(@_);
--- /dev/null
+use Test::More qw(no_plan);
+use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr weaken isweak);
+use YAML::XS;
+use aliased 'MooseX::Antlers::RefTracker';
+use aliased 'MooseX::Antlers::RefFilter';
+my $foo = {
+ bar => { baz => [ 'quux', { fleem => 1 } ] },
+ skald => \[ { hot => 'story' } ],
+my @expect = split "\n", <<'EOEXPECT';
+my $tracker = RefTracker->new({ root_name => '$foo' });
+delete $foo->{bar}{baz};
+my $result = $tracker->traced_ref_map;
+ \@expect,
+ [ sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } values %$result ],
+ "Expected results present"
+my %map = reverse %$result;
+foreach my $e (@expect) {
+ my $value = do {
+ local $@;
+ my $r = eval $e;
+ die "Error $@ evaluating $e" if $@;
+ $r;
+ };
+ is($map{$e},refaddr($value), "Result for ${e} ok");
+my $flimflam = {
+ one => { two => three },
+ bard => $foo->{skald},
+ bard_guts => ${$foo->{skald}},
+ empty_now => $foo->{bar},
+weaken($flimflam->{weak_one} = $flimflam->{one});
+weaken($flimflam->{weak_member}[0] = $flimflam->{bard});
+weaken(${$flimflam->{weak_scalar}} = $flimflam->{bard_guts});
+#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
+#warn "Flimflam:\n".Dumper($flimflam);
+my $replacer = RefFilter->new({
+ external_mappings => $result,
+ root_name => '$final',
+my $copyflam = $replacer->visit($flimflam);
+my $dump = Dump($copyflam);
+my $fixup = $replacer->fixup_code;
+#warn "Dump:\n".$dump;
+#warn "Fixup:\n".$fixup;
+my $final = Load($dump);
+#warn "Unfixed final:\n".Dumper($final);
+ local $@;
+ eval $fixup;
+ die "fixup code died: $@" if $@;
+#warn "Fixed final:\n".Dumper($final);
+is_deeply($flimflam, $final, 'Structures deeply the same after fixup');
+ok(isweak($final->{weak_one}), '$final->{weak_one} is a weak ref');
+ok(isweak($final->{weak_member}[0]), '$final->{weak_member}[0] is a weak ref');
+ok(isweak(${$final->{weak_scalar}}), '${$final->{weak_scalar}} is a weak ref');
+++ /dev/null
-package Visitor::NameTracking;
-use Moose::Role;
-use B qw(perlstring);
-use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
-has '_current_trace_name' => (is => 'ro');
-has 'root_name' => (is => 'ro');
-around visit => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- local $self->{_current_trace_name}
- = ($self->{_current_trace_name}||$self->root_name);
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-around visit_hash_entry => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my $key = $_[0]; # $key, $value
- local $self->{_current_trace_name}
- = $self->{_current_trace_name}.'->{'.(perlstring $key).'}';
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-around visit_array_entry => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my $index = $_[1]; # $value, $index
- local $self->{_current_trace_name}
- = $self->{_current_trace_name}.'->['.$index.']';
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-around visit_scalar => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- local $self->{_current_trace_name} = '${'.$self->{_current_trace_name}.'}';
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-package Ref::Tracer;
-use Moose;
-use Scalar::Util qw(weaken refaddr);
-use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
-extends 'Data::Visitor';
-with 'Visitor::NameTracking';
-# dump the lazy when we get a sensible version of D::V on the dev system
-has '_traced_refs' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
-has '_traced_names' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
-before visit_ref => sub {
- my ($self, $data) = @_;
- # can't just rely on refaddr because it may get re-used if the data goes
- # out of scope (we could play clever games with free magic on the wizard
- # or whatever but KISS) - but we -can- keep a weak reference which will
- # turn to undef if the variable disappears
- weaken($self->_traced_refs->{refaddr $data} = $data);
- $self->_traced_names->{refaddr $data} = $self->_current_trace_name;
-sub traced_ref_map {
- my $self = shift;
- my $refs = $self->_traced_refs;
- my $names = $self->_traced_names;
- # nuke keys where the traced refs entry is undef since they indicate
- # "went out of scope" so the name is no longer valid. however if we
- # do still have a refs entry we know the name is valid because if it
- # didn't go out of scope that refaddr can't have been re-used.
- # (NB: I don't care if this works under ithreads)
- delete @{$names}{grep !defined($refs->{$_}), keys %$names};
- $names;
-# force recursion into objects (Data::Visitor doesn't by default)
-sub visit_object { shift->visit_ref(@_) }
-package Ref::Replacer;
-# note: we actually handle weaken as well as external refs because I intend
-# to use Data::Dumper as a first pass and YAML::XS as a second and neither
-# of them know how to deal with weak references
-# better still, neither actually does the bloody cross refs properly - Dumper
-# emits them but the nature of the beast is that they don't eval back in
-# right, YAML::XS seems to make two aliases to one ref (Data::Alias-ish)
-# since when I weaken one both copies disappear on me. sigh.
-# on the upside, we can use a really dumb dumper for the rest - JSON::XS
-# strikes me as an interesting possibility for speed reasons
-use Moose;
-use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr isweak);
-use namespace::clean -except => 'meta';
-extends 'Data::Visitor';
-# we need name tracking but have to apply the role at the end of the file
-# so that our around modifiers end up within the name tracking around
-# instead of outside - otherwise e.g. array value weakening goes wrong
-has 'external_mappings' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
-has '_internal_mappings' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
-has 'weaken_these' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
-has 'map_these' => (is => 'ro', lazy => 1, default => sub { {} });
-around visit => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my $value = $_[0];
- # note that we can't localize this one since it needs to be global
- # across the entire structure - we could consider a weakref based trick
- # like we use in the recorder but I don't -think- there's any need
- # if we've already seen this reference, register a mapping for this
- # copy of it so we fix it up afterwards (see visit_ref for the same process
- # being used for references to be supplied externally at deserialize time
- # and the top of the class for notes on how much I love serializers)
- if (ref($value) && (my $m = $self->_internal_mappings->{refaddr $value})) {
- $self->map_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = $m;
- return undef;
- }
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-around visit_ref => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my $value = $_[0];
- # if we've got a mapping for a reference (i.e. it's supplied from
- # somewhere else) then we need to record where we are and then
- # return undef for the fmap process so we serialize an undefined
- # value and the fixup puts the external reference back in later
- if (my $m = $self->external_mappings->{refaddr $value}) {
- $self->map_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = $m;
- return undef;
- }
- $self->_internal_mappings->{refaddr $value} = $self->_current_trace_name;
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-around visit_hash_value => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my ($value, $key, $hash) = @_;
- if (isweak $hash->{$key}) {
- $self->weaken_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = 1;
- }
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-around visit_array_entry => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my ($value, $index, $array) = @_;
- if (isweak $array->[$index]) {
- $self->weaken_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = 1;
- }
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-around visit_scalar => sub {
- my ($orig, $self) = (shift, shift);
- my $scalar = $_[0];
- if (isweak $$scalar) {
- $self->weaken_these->{$self->_current_trace_name} = 1;
- }
- return $self->$orig(@_);
-# now it's safe to apply the role
-with 'Visitor::NameTracking';
-sub fixup_code {
- my $self = shift;
- join("\n\n",
- grep defined,
- map $self->${\"_fixup_code_for_$_"},
- qw(externals weakrefs)
- );
-sub _fixup_code_for_externals {
- my $self = shift;
- my $ext = $self->map_these;
- return unless keys %$ext;
- join("\n",
- qq{# fixup code for external references},
- map {
- my ($l, $r) = ($_, $ext->{$_});
- # if the LHS is a scalarref deref then we actually
- # need to strip that bit off and push the enref to the RHS since
- # ${\undef} = "foo"
- # is an attempt to modify a readonly value and perl will burst into tears
- if ($l =~ m/^\${(.*)}$/) { $l = $1; $r = "\\".$r; }
- $l.' = '.$r.';';
- }
- sort keys %$ext
- );
-sub _fixup_code_for_weakrefs {
- my $self = shift;
- my $weaken = $self->weaken_these;
- return unless keys %$weaken;
- join("\n",
- qq{# fixup code for weak references},
- 'use Scalar::Util ();',
- map {
- 'Scalar::Util::weaken('.$_.');';
- }
- sort keys %$weaken
- );
-# force recursion into objects (Data::Visitor doesn't by default)
-sub visit_object { shift->visit_ref(@_) }
-use Test::More qw(no_plan);
-use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr weaken isweak);
-use YAML::XS;
-my $foo = {
- bar => { baz => [ 'quux', { fleem => 1 } ] },
- skald => \[ { hot => 'story' } ],
-my @expect = split "\n", <<'EOEXPECT';
-my $tracer = Ref::Tracer->new({ root_name => '$foo' });
-delete $foo->{bar}{baz};
-my $result = $tracer->traced_ref_map;
- \@expect,
- [ sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } values %$result ],
- "Expected results present"
-my %map = reverse %$result;
-foreach my $e (@expect) {
- my $value = do {
- local $@;
- my $r = eval $e;
- die "Error $@ evaluating $e" if $@;
- $r;
- };
- is($map{$e},refaddr($value), "Result for ${e} ok");
-my $flimflam = {
- one => { two => three },
- bard => $foo->{skald},
- bard_guts => ${$foo->{skald}},
- empty_now => $foo->{bar},
-weaken($flimflam->{weak_one} = $flimflam->{one});
-weaken($flimflam->{weak_member}[0] = $flimflam->{bard});
-weaken(${$flimflam->{weak_scalar}} = $flimflam->{bard_guts});
-#use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
-#warn "Flimflam:\n".Dumper($flimflam);
-my $replacer = Ref::Replacer->new({
- external_mappings => $result,
- root_name => '$final',
-my $copyflam = $replacer->visit($flimflam);
-my $dump = Dump($copyflam);
-my $fixup = $replacer->fixup_code;
-#warn "Dump:\n".$dump;
-#warn "Fixup:\n".$fixup;
-my $final = Load($dump);
-#warn "Unfixed final:\n".Dumper($final);
- local $@;
- eval $fixup;
- die "fixup code died: $@" if $@;
-#warn "Fixed final:\n".Dumper($final);
-is_deeply($flimflam, $final, 'Structures deeply the same after fixup');
-ok(isweak($final->{weak_one}), '$final->{weak_one} is a weak ref');
-ok(isweak($final->{weak_member}[0]), '$final->{weak_member}[0] is a weak ref');
-ok(isweak(${$final->{weak_scalar}}), '${$final->{weak_scalar}} is a weak ref');