use vars qw( @EXPORT @ISA $VERSION );
@EXPORT = qw( shell fetch get install );
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
- $VERSION = "0.86"; #have to hardcode or gets unhappy
+ $VERSION = "0.8601"; #have to hardcode or gets unhappy
### purely for backward compatibility, so we can call it from the commandline:
### ok, so it's a 'build' installer, but you don't /have/ module build
- if( $type eq INSTALLER_BUILD and
+ ### XXX duplicated from CPANPLUS::Selfupdate. fix somehow?
+ if( $type eq INSTALLER_BUILD and (
not CPANPLUS::Dist->has_dist_type( INSTALLER_BUILD )
- ) {
+ or not $cb->module_tree( INSTALLER_BUILD )
+ ->is_uptodate( version => '0.24' )
+ ) ) {
### XXX this is for recording purposes only. We *have* to install
### these before even creating a dist object, or we'll get an error
### saying 'no such dist type';
+ ### XXX duplicated from CPANPLUS::Selfupdate. fix somehow?
my $href = $self->status->configure_requires || {};
- my $deps = { INSTALLER_BUILD, 0, %$href };
+ my $deps = { INSTALLER_BUILD, '0.24', %$href };
$self->status->configure_requires( $deps );
my $cb = shift;
? { }
- : { 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.04' };
+ : { 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.24' };
sub { return 1 }, # always enabled
ok( scalar(keys(%$href)), " Dependencies recorded" );
ok( defined $href->{$Inst}, " Dependency on $Inst" );
+ cmp_ok( $href->{$Inst}, '>', 0,
+ " Minimum version: $href->{$Inst}" );
my $err = CPANPLUS::Error->stack_as_string;
like( $err, qr/$Inst/, " Message mentions $Inst" );