=head2 dump_overwrite
If set to a true value, the dumping code will overwrite existing files.
-The default is false, which means the dumping code will die if it encounters
-an existing file.
+The default is false, which means the dumping code will skip the already
+existing files.
my $schema_fn = $self->_get_dump_filename($schema_class);
- croak "$schema_fn exists, will not overwrite"
- if -f $schema_fn && !$self->dump_overwrite;
- open(my $schema_fh, '>', $schema_fn)
- or croak "Cannot open $schema_fn for writing: $!";
- print $schema_fh qq|package $schema_class;\n\n$tagline\n\n|;
- print $schema_fh qq|use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n|;
- print $schema_fh qq|use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';\n\n|;
- print $schema_fh qq|__PACKAGE__->load_classes;\n|;
- print $schema_fh qq|\n1;\n\n|;
- close($schema_fh)
- or croak "Cannot close $schema_fn: $!";
+ if (-f $schema_fn && !$self->dump_overwrite) {
+ warn "$schema_fn exists, will not overwrite\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ open(my $schema_fh, '>', $schema_fn)
+ or croak "Cannot open $schema_fn for writing: $!";
+ print $schema_fh qq|package $schema_class;\n\n$tagline\n\n|;
+ print $schema_fh qq|use strict;\nuse warnings;\n\n|;
+ print $schema_fh qq|use base 'DBIx::Class::Schema';\n\n|;
+ print $schema_fh qq|__PACKAGE__->load_classes;\n|;
+ print $schema_fh qq|\n1;\n\n|;
+ close($schema_fh)
+ or croak "Cannot close $schema_fn: $!";
+ }
foreach my $src_class (sort keys %{$self->{_dump_storage}}) {
my $src_fn = $self->_get_dump_filename($src_class);
- croak "$src_fn exists, will not overwrite"
- if -f $src_fn && !$self->dump_overwrite;
+ if (-f $src_fn && !$self->dump_overwrite) {
+ warn "$src_fn exists, will not overwrite\n";
+ next;
+ }
open(my $src_fh, '>', $src_fn)
or croak "Cannot open $src_fn for writing: $!";
print $src_fh qq|package $src_class;\n\n$tagline\n\n|;
use strict;
use Test::More;
+use Test::Warn;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use File::Path;
use make_dbictest_db;
ok(!$@, 'no death with dump_directory set') or diag "Dump failed: $@";
-eval { DBICTest::Schema::1->connect($make_dbictest_db::dsn) };
-like($@, qr|DBICTest/Schema/1.pm exists, will not overwrite|,
- 'death when attempting to overwrite without option');
+warnings_like { DBICTest::Schema::1->connect($make_dbictest_db::dsn) }
+ [
+ qr|Dumping manual schema|,
+ (qr|DBICTest/Schema/1.*?.pm exists, will not overwrite|) x 3,
+ qr|Schema dump completed|
+ ],
+ 'warn and skip when attempting to overwrite without option';
rmtree($dump_path, 1, 0711);
eval { DBICTest::Schema::2->connect($make_dbictest_db::dsn) };
-ok(!$@, 'no death with dump_directory set (overwrite1)') or diag "Dump failed: $@";
+ok(!$@, 'no death with dump_directory set (overwrite1)')
+ or diag "Dump failed: $@";
eval { DBICTest::Schema::2->connect($make_dbictest_db::dsn) };
-ok(!$@, 'no death with dump_directory set (overwrite2)') or diag "Dump failed: $@";
+ok(!$@, 'no death with dump_directory set (overwrite2)')
+ or diag "Dump failed: $@";
-END { rmtree($dump_path, 1, 0711); }
+END { rmtree($dump_path, 1, 1); }