--- /dev/null
+##Convert an Emacs-style TAGS file to a standard ctags file.
+##Runs in a single pass over the TAGS file and keeps the first
+##tag entry found, and the file name and line number the tag can
+##be found on.
+##Then it opens all relevant files and builds the regular expression
+##for ctags.
+##Run over a few test files and compared with a real ctags file shows
+##only extra tags in the translated file, which probably won't hurt
+use strict;
+my $filename;
+my ($tag,$line_no,$line);
+my %tags = ();
+my %files = ();
+my @lines = ();
+while (<>) {
+ if ($_ eq "\x0C\n") {
+ ##Grab next line and parse it for the filename
+ $_ = <>;
+ chomp;
+ s/,\d+$//;
+ $filename = $_;
+ ++$files{$filename};
+ next;
+ }
+ ##Figure out how many records in this line and
+ ##extract the tag name and the line that it is found on
+ next if /struct/;
+ if (/\x01/) {
+ ($tag,$line_no) = /\x7F(\w+)\x01(\d+)/;
+ next unless $tag;
+ ##Take only the first entry per tag
+ next if defined($tags{$tag});
+ $tags{$tag}{FILE} = $filename;
+ $tags{$tag}{LINE_NO} = $line_no;
+ }
+ else {
+ tr/(//d;
+ ($tag,$line_no) = /(\w+)\s*\x7F(\d+),/;
+ next unless $tag;
+ ##Take only the first entry per tag
+ next if defined($tags{$tag});
+ $tags{$tag}{FILE} = $filename;
+ $tags{$tag}{LINE_NO} = $line_no;
+ }
+foreach $filename (keys %files) {
+ open FILE, $filename or die "Couldn't open $filename: $!\n";
+ @lines = <FILE>;
+ close FILE;
+ chomp @lines;
+ foreach $tag ( keys %tags ) {
+ next unless $filename eq $tags{$tag}{FILE};
+ $line = $lines[$tags{$tag}{LINE_NO}-1];
+ if (length($line) >= 50) {
+ $line = substr($line,0,50);
+ }
+ else {
+ $line .= '$';
+ }
+ $line =~ s#\\#\\\\#;
+ $tags{$tag}{LINE} = join '', '/^',$line,'/';
+ }
+foreach $tag ( sort keys %tags ) {
+ print "$tag\t$tags{$tag}{FILE}\t$tags{$tag}{LINE}\n";
The a2ps at http://www.infres.enst.fr/~demaille/a2ps/ does lots of things
related to generating nicely printed output of documents.
-=head2 Is there a ctags for Perl?
+=head2 Is there a etags/ctags for perl?
-There's a simple one at
+With respect to the source code for the Perl interpreter, yes.
+There has been support for etags in the source for a long time.
+Ctags was introduced in v5.005_54 (and probably 5.005_03).
+After building perl, type 'make etags' or 'make ctags' and both
+sets of tag files will be built.
+Now, if you're looking to build a tag file for perl code, then there's
+a simple one at
http://www.perl.com/CPAN/authors/id/TOMC/scripts/ptags.gz which may do
the trick. And if not, it's easy to hack into what you want.