my $obj = Foo->new(attr1 => undef);
ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'UT attr1 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
- ok (exception { $obj = Foo->new(attr2 => undef) },
+ is (exception { $obj = Foo->new(attr2 => undef) }, undef,
'But assigning undef to attr2 generates a type constraint error');
my $obj = Bar->new(attr1 => undef);
ok(!$obj->has_attr1, 'attr1 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
- ok (!exception { $obj = Bar->new(attr2 => undef) },
+ is (exception { $obj = Bar->new(attr2 => undef) }, undef,
'assigning undef to attr2 does not produce an error');
ok(!$obj->has_attr2, 'attr2 has no value when assigned undef in constructor');
local $TODO = 'some immutable cases are not handled yet';
# for now, catch errors
- ok(! exception { do_tests }, 'tests do not die');
+ is(exception { do_tests }, undef, 'tests do not die');
is(Test::More->builder->current_test, 28, 'if we got here, we can declare victory!');
local $TODO = 'some immutable cases are not handled yet';
# for now, catch errors
- ok(! exception { do_tests }, 'tests do not die');
+ is (exception { do_tests }, undef, 'tests do not die');
is(Test::More->builder->current_test, 44, 'if we got here, we can declare victory!');