Newz(506, xhv->xhv_array /* HvARRAY(hv) */,
PERL_HV_ARRAY_ALLOC_BYTES(xhv->xhv_max+1 /* HvMAX(hv)+1 */),
+ /* At start of hash, entry is NULL. */
if (entry)
entry = HeNEXT(entry);
while (!entry) {
+ /* OK. Come to the end of the current list. Grab the next one. */
xhv->xhv_riter++; /* HvRITER(hv)++ */
if (xhv->xhv_riter > (I32)xhv->xhv_max /* HvRITER(hv) > HvMAX(hv) */) {
+ /* There is no next one. End of the hash. */
xhv->xhv_riter = -1; /* HvRITER(hv) = -1 */
entry = ((HE**)xhv->xhv_array)[xhv->xhv_riter];
- /* if we have an entry, but it's a placeholder, don't count it */
- if (entry && HeVAL(entry) == &PL_sv_undef)
- entry = 0;
- }
+ /* If we have an entry, but it's a placeholder, don't count it.
+ Try the next. */
+ while (entry && HeVAL(entry) == &PL_sv_undef)
+ entry = HeNEXT(entry);
+ }
+ /* Will loop again if this linked list starts NULL
+ or if we run through it and find only placeholders. */
if (oldentry && HvLAZYDEL(hv)) { /* was deleted earlier? */
chdir 't';
-use Test::More tests => 61;
+use Test::More tests => 157;
use strict;
my @Exported_Funcs;
is ($hash{nowt}, undef,
"undef values should not be misunderstood as placeholders (again)");
+ # perl #18651 - found a rather nasty data dependant
+ # bug whereby hash iterators could lose hash keys (and values, as the code
+ # is common) for restricted hashes.
+ my @keys = qw(small medium large);
+ # There should be no difference whether it is restricted or not
+ foreach my $lock (0, 1) {
+ # Try setting all combinations of the 3 keys
+ foreach my $usekeys (0..7) {
+ my @usekeys;
+ for my $bits (0,1,2) {
+ push @usekeys, $keys[$bits] if $usekeys & (1 << $bits);
+ }
+ my %clean = map {$_ => length $_} @usekeys;
+ my %target;
+ lock_keys ( %target, @keys ) if $lock;
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %clean) {
+ $target{$k} = $v;
+ }
+ my $message
+ = ($lock ? 'locked' : 'not locked') . ' keys ' . join ',', @usekeys;
+ is (scalar keys %target, scalar keys %clean, "scalar keys for $message");
+ is (scalar values %target, scalar values %clean,
+ "scalar values for $message");
+ # Yes. All these sorts are necessary. Even for "identical hashes"
+ # Because the data dependency of the test involves two of the strings
+ # colliding on the same bucket, so the iterator order (output of keys,
+ # values, each) depends on the addition order in the hash. And locking
+ # the keys of the hash involves behind the scenes key additions.
+ is_deeply( [sort keys %target] , [sort keys %clean],
+ "list keys for $message");
+ is_deeply( [sort values %target] , [sort values %clean],
+ "list values for $message");
+ is_deeply( [sort %target] , [sort %clean],
+ "hash in list context for $message");
+ my (@clean, @target);
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %clean) {
+ push @clean, $k, $v;
+ }
+ while (my ($k, $v) = each %target) {
+ push @target, $k, $v;
+ }
+ is_deeply( [sort @target] , [sort @clean],
+ "iterating with each for $message");
+ }
+ }