join ", ", @errors;
plan skip_all => $msg;
- elsif ($ntests and $ntests ne 'no_plan') {
+ return unless defined $ntests;
+ if ($ntests ne 'no_plan') {
plan tests => $ntests;
else {
If one of C<SQL::Translator::Parser::MySQL>'s dependencies does not exist,
then the test will be skipped.
+Instead of a number of tests, you can pass C<undef> if you're using
+C<done_testing()>, or C<'no_plan'> if you don't want a plan at all.
=head1 EXPORTS
table_ok, field_ok, constraint_ok, index_ok, view_ok, trigger_ok, procedure_ok,
use SQL::Translator::Schema::Constants;
use Test::SQL::Translator qw(maybe_plan table_ok);
- maybe_plan(61, 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL');
- SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL->import('parse');
+maybe_plan(undef, 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL');
my @dsn =
-: $ENV{DBI_DSN} ? @ENV{ map { "DBI_$_" } qw/DSN USER PASS/ };
+: $ENV{DBI_DSN} ? @ENV{ map { "DBI_$_" } qw/DSN USER PASS/ }
+: plan skip_all => 'Set $ENV{DBICTEST_PG_DSN}, _USER and _PASS to run this test';
my $dbh = eval {
DBI->connect(@dsn, {AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError=>1,PrintError => 1} );
-SKIP: {
- if (my $err = ($@ || $DBI::err )) {
- chomp $err;
- skip "No connection to test db. DBI says '$err'", 60;
- }
+if (my $err = ($@ || $DBI::err )) {
+ chomp $err;
+ plan skip_all => "No connection to test db. DBI says '$err'";
- ok($dbh, "dbh setup correctly");
- $dbh->do('SET client_min_messages=WARNING');
+ok($dbh, "dbh setup correctly");
+$dbh->do('SET client_min_messages=WARNING');
my $sql = q[
drop table if exists sqlt_test2;
-} # end of SKIP block