Revision history for Perl extension Devel::Size.
0.79_51 2015-02-28 nicholas
+ * as of 5.20.0, s/// is no longer a reliable test for OOK [CPAN #95493]
0.79_50 2015-02-28 nicholas
patches from Zefram:
my $before_size = total_size($uurk);
my $before_length = length $uurk;
cmp_ok($before_size, '>', $before_length, 'Size before is sane');
- $uurk =~ s/Perl //;
+ # As of 5.20.0, s/// doesn't trigger COW.
+ # Seems that formline is about the the only thing left that reliably calls
+ # sv_chop. See CPAN #95493, perl #122322
+ formline '^<<<<~', $uurk;
is(total_size($uurk), $before_size,
"Size doesn't change because OOK is used");
cmp_ok(length $uurk, '<', $before_size, 'but string is shorter');