correctly). As a side-effect, fix a bug in B::Lint. The corresponding
bug in B::walkoptree still to be fixed.
p4raw-id: //depot/perl@15850
shift @parents;
+ if (class($op) eq 'PMOP' && $op->pmreplroot && ${$op->pmreplroot}) {
+ unshift(@parents, $op);
+ walkoptree_slow($op->pmreplroot, $method, $level + 1);
+ shift @parents;
+ }
sub compile_stats {
# Now do subs in main
no strict qw(vars refs);
- my $sym;
- while (($sym, *glob) = each %{"main::"}) {
- #warn "Trying $sym\n";#debug
- svref_2object(\*glob)->EGV->lintcv unless $sym =~ /::$/;
+ for my $sym (keys %main::) {
+ next if $sym =~ /::$/;
+ *glob = $main::{$sym};
+ svref_2object(\*glob)->EGV->lintcv;
# Now do subs in non-main packages given by -u options
Use of regexp variable $& at -e line 1
- {
- local $TODO = 'bug';
- runlint 'regexp-variables', 's/./$&/', <<'RESULT';
+ runlint 'regexp-variables', 's/./$&/', <<'RESULT';
Use of regexp variable $& at -e line 1
- }