Re: Pod problems & fixes
> Couldn't we please just make it program options?
Right. Well, here is a simple version. The output of
perl -d -MPod::Text -e 'pod2text(@ARGV)' -- -a -72 INSTALL
follows, then the patch. What say?
Needs a few details - like L<> output, but that can wait until the
relevant people say yes/no.
=head1 foo -> ==== foo ====
=head2 foo -> == foo ==
=item foo -> : foo (i.e. s/^ /: /, so a search
for /^:/ finds next =item)
B<foo> -> ``foo'' (was unquoted)
C<foo> -> ``foo'' (was `foo')
F<foo> -> "foo" (was unquoted)
I<foo> -> *foo*
L<foo> -> the section on "foo" (details here must be fixed.
The =items look a little strange, but OK. Anyone got a better
suggestion? But remember:
> From: Andy Dougherty <>
> Mostly, they can just use /^=/ in their favorite pager and find their way
> around the file. If we remove the =head and =item markers, this sense of
> where you are in the whole file gets lost. So I'm not going to do that.
BTW, is it a point to have just one string to search for? If so, s/^:/=/.
Indentation: Have not checked exactly, but apparently =head* sets indent
to 4, =item adds 4. Some verbatim paragraphs get too indented. One fix
might be *not* to indent things under =head* that are not =items,
another would be to edit INSTALL a bit.
Also did
s/B<(Note:?|before|not)>/I<$1>/gi; # correct, I think
s/B<(ARCH|VERSION)>/$1/g; # looked a bit silly in ``quotes'',
# and after all they are already
# in uppercase.