Improve heuristics for pod2man titles
Subject: Re: Strange headers from perldoc
On Mon, 31 Mar 1997 16:02:59 +0100, "M.J.T. Guy" <> said:
> When I go "perldoc CPAN" (in perl5.003_94 as it happens), the header
> lines come out as
> ::home::mjtg::pUser Contr::home::mjtg::perl5.003_94::lib::CPAN(3)
Here's a fix for that. It's just more heuristics, so it isn't perfect.
In a related vein, this still leaves
Getopt::Long(3pUser Contributed Perl DocumentatiGetopt::Long(3pm)
in the page header on my system. "User Contributed Perl Documentation"
is just too long. Would anybody mind replacing this with something
shorter? Say
Getopt::Long(3pm) User Perl Docs Getopt::Long(3pm)
Getopt::Long(3pm) Wankel Rotary Engine Getopt::Long(3pm)
or even
Getopt::Long(3pm) Getopt::Long(3pm)
I'm partial the last of these, myself, but I'd be happy with anything
less than about 20 characters. Patch happily supplied if nobody