Merge 'trunk' into 'current'
r27903@fenchurch (orig r4475): ilmari | 2008-06-08 14:18:48 +0100
Fix Oracle constraint detection for non-owned schemas
r37690@fenchurch (orig r5722): timbunce | 2009-03-09 21:02:02 +0000
Implement result_base_class and schema_base_class options.
r37693@fenchurch (orig r5725): timbunce | 2009-03-09 21:36:21 +0000
Fix test plan count in t/23dumpmore.t and add Change note missed from r5722
r37694@fenchurch (orig r5726): timbunce | 2009-03-09 21:40:30 +0000
Reduce noise when running tests if Test::Kwalitee isn't installed.