Applied changes submitted by Paul Makepeace <>.
His notes:
I have added the --use-same-auth switch to provide the producers with the same DSN/user/password as the parser gets. Since these options sort of existed already for the Dumper producer so I renamed them to more generic --producer-X; now they all have them.
I also added a "--package My::Class::DBI" option for specifying the base class. One thing I wasn't quite sure on was that this base class is being stripped out - confused me at first but it seems to have been taken out in CVS v the version that's on CPAN -- maybe something in the works? Anyway, I put it back just for now as I needed it for my current project :-)
(Wasn't particularly excited by either of those switch names; feel free to come up with something better...)
perl -Mlib=blib/lib bin/sqlt --parser DBI –dsn 'dbi:mysql:dbname=X;host=' --db-user X --db-password X --use-same-auth --producer ClassDBI –package 'My::Class::DBI'