Merge 'trunk' into 'pluggable_errors'
r83419@syeeda (orig r4746): stevan | 2008-06-23 23:54:19 +0400
fixing the POD stuff
r83422@syeeda (orig r4749): sartak | 2008-06-24 09:03:53 +0400
r63155@onn: sartak | 2008-06-24 02:03:33 -0400
Add support for meta_attr->does("ShortAlias")
r83423@syeeda (orig r4750): sartak | 2008-06-24 09:04:46 +0400
r63157@onn: sartak | 2008-06-24 02:04:34 -0400
Fix another typo
r83424@syeeda (orig r4751): sartak | 2008-06-24 09:07:37 +0400
r63159@onn: sartak | 2008-06-24 02:05:54 -0400
Test that "no Moose::Role" doesn't explode, qualify the namespace of Moose::_get_caller
r83425@syeeda (orig r4752): sartak | 2008-06-24 09:08:36 +0400
r63160@onn: sartak | 2008-06-24 02:07:28 -0400
Test that the sugar from Moose::Role is unimported correctly
r83430@syeeda (orig r4757): autarch | 2008-06-26 10:04:30 +0400
I feel silly thanking myself.
r83441@syeeda (orig r4763): nothingmuch | 2008-06-26 12:47:08 +0400
update FAQ on constructor stuff