X-Git-Url: http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;f=quotefile;h=5a4c706657148a1c12172cabc7b990cfa9e8a51e;hb=d72314b25bf4c65afc20505662475d3ed534195b;hp=3bd9441f5114a83e6c49befef8981e6611bfd795;hpb=e6c2838de9993e1eae67e473cc3388f6b45555ad;p=scpubgit%2Fmst-quotefile.git diff --git a/quotefile b/quotefile index 3bd9441..5a4c706 100644 --- a/quotefile +++ b/quotefile @@ -14484,3 +14484,219 @@ anime villain giving a long winded monologue? inbox. I logged in and there was no inbox. < Dom> I logged in again today and it said I had 1 new message(s). I read *both* of them and now I have -1 remaining. +% +< alh> Don't hold your breath +< mst> if I was going to asphyxiate somebody to make this feature happen it + wouldn't be -me- I'd choose, no. +< alh> I'm not fully aware of your ... proclivities +% + someone told him perl was crusty and now that's a fact for him + like, shit mang. don't tell anyone how old unix is. + gonna be hell to pay when they find out we made all the machines + out of fucking beach sand +% +< revhippie> > ALLOW_INVALID_DATES may be useful for Web applications that + obtain year, month, and day in three different fields and store + exactly what the user inserted, without date validation. +< revhippie> well, that's handy, mysql. "this is intended to support garbage." +% +< shaldannon> what they say about California ... "where the earth moves + and the traffic doesn't" +% +-!- sobel [~matt@] has joined #chat +< sobel> welp, there goes the neighborhood +< phaylon> it sometimes already feels like eli roth directed an episode + of sesame street, so not sure we'll notice :) +% +< gwern> ... oh geez, he just died, so emailing him is definitely out of + the question +% +<+wodencafe> throw new AssertionError("No + java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets instances for you!"); +<+wodencafe> This is actually in the standard library. Hooligans. +% +< ragingrobot> aol: "yo, what's up?" "asl" "i'm so fucked today, my dog got + hit by a truck" "asl" "tomorrow i may die of cancer" "asl" +< audio> 18/f/cali ;) +< ragingrobot> irl: that translates to 65/m/alabama +% +< quanticle> who serves dinner parties with actual linen napkins anymore? +< catern> as a millenial I prefer paper towels +< mst> catern: I guess it would feel bad if the place settings were less + disposable than you are, sure +% +< mst> "what's the difference between america and yoghurt?" "if you leave + yoghurt on its own for long enough, eventually it develops a culture" +< quanticle> I mean, tbf, that's a difference between America and *milk* +< quanticle> Once it develops the culture, it's yogurt +% +< xiaomiao> friesisch? +< sobel> esperanto, lojban +< xiaomiao> it made more sense in the original klingon +% +< ether> I hear IKEA's CEO was elected prime minister of Sweden. He's + now busy assembling his cabinet. +% + I didn't want to have a go at him but also "FFS, kid" + yes, that + my god are we becoming responsible elders or something + what a terrifying thought +% +< feepbot> https://twitter.com/CatWorkers/status/1458441028013371397 +< |dbotdan> cats with jobs (@CatWorkers, 2021-11-10 14:26) Images: + https://nitter.skrep.in/pic/media%2FFD1sXR3XIAYqev-.jpg + (description: a cat with a sign on its back; confidence: 0.48) +% +< Kassandry> Push them off a balcony into a pool of alligators? +< sungo> at the time, yeah that was a possiblity. the second floor fire + escape that we all used to avoid walking past the project + managers, at the time, was directly over animal infested swamps +% + 2 aroaces sitting in a tree; H E L P U S W E C A N T G E T D O W N +% +< velix> oh dear, pg_receivewal needs replication sluts +< velix> slots! +< mst> .oO "promiscuous replication" +< davidfetter> I guess they're always in a dtf state +% +< velix> The left-overs from the vietnamese guy are tasty. +< velix> Wait, that sounds crazy. +-!- velix is now known as vorelix +% +-!- GeekRuthie has joined #chat + * GeekRuthie finds her way back in. + * GeekRuthie hunts for something to blame on pirateFinn. +< pirateFinn> Oh no what did I forget I did now +% +< ragingrobot> brb makin myself a raktajino +<+bin> whats your raktajino recipe, ragingrobot +< ragingrobot> bin: I try to keep it simple: espresso, cinnamon, cardamom +< ragingrobot> and maybe a little whiskey for an O'Brien raktajino :) +% +< mst> I quite like sticking a half scoop of chocolate ice cream into coffee +<+She> mst: We call this mixture "affrontgato". +% +< phaylon> the building I grew up with was originally accidentally built + without toilets in 1923 +% +<+wodencafe> Don't worry, I'm laughing at you, not with you. +% +< sobel> learning to work with the tools now baked into modern languages + has been super interesting to me. i'm receptive to gripes about + 'automagic' languages but making sand produce computation is + already sufficient magic to me +% + damnit where is my awake + beats me + if you find it let me know if mine is also there +% + * TBSliver was pinged... *sees Oracle mentioned* Nope. Nope nope nope +% +< mst> > "Look I know I'm wrong but every time I hear the word "gastropub" a + little voice in my head immediately whispers "...pub for snails" +< LeoNerd> If a gastropub had little covid-safe eating booths for every + customer, could you call those gastropods? +% +< LeoNerd> Oh boo.. I fixed that bug but forgot to work in a reference to + "self-sealing stem bolts" in the comments +% + but i feel bad about it + yes, well, that happens no matter what + "roll a d6 on the anxietying erry table" + *rolls a nat 20 on a d6* +% +< LeoNerd> Personal update: My leg operation actually happened, finally. +< mst> LeoNerd: is it still attached? +< LeoNerd> I guess so. I mean, I can wiggle my toes and see them +< LeoNerd> So either that, or your Object::Remote has gained new abilities ;) +% +< ether> so my husband and I have decided we don't want children. +< ether> we'll be telling them tonight. +% +No highly esteemed deed is commemorated here +Mostly embarrassing deeds, as a matter of fact +% +< neilb> p5p's law: "it's a bit more weird and twisted than you might + imagine, even when you take into account p5p's law" +% +< [Tux]> sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance ; make -j8 +< ilmari> TIL cpupower. I've just been fiddling about in + /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/ like some kind of caveman +% +< ilmari> try and avoid imagining extra problems that don't exist - + programming is hard enough when you only have to deal with the + real ones. +< ilmari> Step back. Explain what you're trying to achieve. +% +< sungo> you know, the thing I want right now is an aerosol version of + the vaccine. then i want to hire all those assholes that + non-consensually spray me with cologne at the mall or wherever, + stock them with the aersol vaccine and let them loose in crowds +% +< sungo> right now I kinda want to murder things. well, more than usual. +% +< sobel> definitely gonna stop that malicious curl traffic by threatening the + author of a world-famous http util. it literally pulls the cat right + back into the bag, amazing. +< sobel> my actual cat said raow right after i sent that +% +< k-man> i wish there was a wwmstdo function +< k-man> what would mst do +< k-man> you input a cpan module, and it outputs what mst would use instead +% + Fucking mornings. I have so much adrenaline going through me + I swear if I sneeze Vulcans are going to land in Montana + asking "That was most fascinating. Humans got a warp core + faster than we thought." +% +< Hecate> love my db admin +< Hecate> > but technically, for my part, the app is doing the + ratelimiting on the db. by crashing, which is bad, but my + precious db is ok ! :) +% +< perigrin> asynchronous programming, Three most common problems: + caching, fenceposts, naming things (including verbs) +% + Anyway after that our PM told them to calm the fuck down and to + make a ticket and prioritise it + Suddenly it's not a "do it yesterday" emergency + it talks to the product manager or it gets the hose +% + * LeoNerd mildly amused there's a debian package called wbritish-insane +% +< sobel> i'm so over it. i used to try to make jokes like, "i could hire + better coders at Build-a-Bear workshop" but THEY'RE NOT FUNNY +% +< random> I am having a day of Pol WTF Did You DO? +< random> (Disney Plus doesn't work on the wifi) +< random> ...if my wifi is somehow bouncing through Hetzner... +% +< cat-xeger> bad day. no biscuits. +-!- LeoNerd [~leo@genoa.dictatorshipcake.co.uk] has joined #chat +< LeoNerd> \o/ I return + * cat-xeger drops teh bin of biscuits on leonerd's toes +% +< phaylon> mst: je m'appelle phaylon, je suis un fromage <- all I got left +% +< cat-xeger> welp... I just caused the marketing rep's brain/script to go boom +< cat-xeger> "could you answer just with a letter which range you and your + spouses combined salary are in?" "my spouse is dead" +% +-!- TorgoX [~torgo@S010610561194533f.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #perl +< TorgoX> FROZEN PIPE woooo-hoooooo! +< TorgoX> And I don't mean the thing from when you close a channel from + my $DONGS, "-|", "ls", "--sort=size" too early +% +When my friend was getting his degree in Economics he said that someone +had made a graffiti on one of the desks in the lecture hall that was the +Guns 'n Roses logo but it said "Guns 'n Butter". :) + -- @WhippleMarc +% +< TrueWolves> The best part of computers is they do exactly what they've + been told. The worst part of computers is they do exactly + what they've been told, and you're not always the one + they're listening to. +% +< sobel> claims of a new "roaring twenties" seem to be greatly exaggerated +< sungo> we assumed that we humans would be doing the roaring. if you're + a coronavirus, this decade fucking rules