X-Git-Url: http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;f=pages%2Ftags-SDL.html-inc;h=6a56d371fc36c7dc1383e4baebadfc9c29f37246;hb=c8ad4fe9f211e727310a1ce6d23ffb1d7822d71f;hp=8e44a16a8c488f2690a9b69307485f11906814e9;hpb=e294b56045fc65d773bb238f22423ab303dd813e;p=sdlgit%2FSDL-Site.git diff --git a/pages/tags-SDL.html-inc b/pages/tags-SDL.html-inc index 8e44a16..6a56d37 100644 --- a/pages/tags-SDL.html-inc +++ b/pages/tags-SDL.html-inc @@ -1 +1 @@ -

Results for tag: SDL

Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
Sol's Tutorials
When I was struggling with SDL C a while ago, someone recommended Sol's Tutorial to me. It had not only help me understand video in SDL, but I believe my code has improved using Sol's code style. I would like to pass these along to fellow SDL_Perl users too. So here is the Ch 02 code of Sol's Tutorial in SDL_Perl. It will be getting more and more Perly as our team hacks on it. There is more to come!


Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
Friday, 13 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]
So I have been hacking for a while on SDL::Events::set_event_filter. The code below is an example usage. The magic behind this is here
1 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
2 use strict;

Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
You need the new code from the redesign branch to use this .
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use SDL;

Development Update
Monday, 09 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]
Had an exam on the weekend so I am a bit late. Here is the progress so far.
SDL::Video at 97% SDL::Events at 25% ~1000 tests cases passing on Windows and Linux


Development Update
Monday, 02 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]
In the past week the SDL Perl team has been busy! This is what we have accomplished
Commitment to Testing! In an effort to focus on continuing our focus on testing we have setup a Smolder site for the SDL redesign process. Currently we have two platforms (linux, windows32) regularly tested on here. If there are more people following the redesign process and would like to share their test results; contact us at sdl-devel@perl.org and we will provide access to you.
SDL::Video For the core development most of the focus has been on redesigning around the Video category of the SDL perl API. As of now we are 50% done . 19 functions out of 38 functions have been implemented and tested.

The Future and Beyond!
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Tags: [Design] [SDL] [Updates] [games]
Updates Since the last post SDL Perl has seen an increase of interest to both use and contribute to SDL Perl. Before I dig into the updates, I would like to acknowledge them.
Core Development Acme ( Leon Brocard ): Has started to work on the Redesign Effort with me. The help is much appreciated! Enjoy your vacation.
Website and Windows Testing FROGGS (Tobias Leich): Came in as a new user to SDL Perl. And after breaking the redesigned SDL Perl in as many ways possible he has decided to help out on the new site.

The beginnings of modular design for SDL Perl
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Tags: [Design] [SDL] [Updates]
The design before
The bindings before were all in one huge XS file . This was then exported into the SDL module. This means that the XS file has to handle with macros if any component (e.x SDL_Mixer) is not compiled. Moreover having ever binding in one XS file prevents use to treat C structs as object with only one point of free and malloc. This would be BEGIN and DESTROY in Perl. Also the monolithic design introduces a lot of bugs because we have to use free and malloc all over the place. Lastly SDL monolithic design has the constructor for all structs in both Perl and in XS.
The design we are aiming for Simple one XS per Module. This would also simplify the Build code.

Why and How Frozen Bubble is going to CPAN
Friday, 02 October 2009
Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]


HackFest: Results
Monday, 28 September 2009
Tags: [HackFest] [Perl] [SDL]
MacOSX build is working again. It's still rough but Tetris works on it now. dngor++ SDL::Tutorial::Tetris is on CPAN as v0.15. nferraz++ SDL Perl docs are a little better now. magnet++ Finally experimental Rect and Game::Rect are behaving. There is still more work needed in Game::Rect. Moreover there are more tests on the experimental release. garu++ Also POGL is working experimentally with SDL.
Hopefully I can get the first three results into the next release soon. The next release 2.2.3 will go up as a developmental release first. Also the experimental branch is going up as version 2_4.
Developers All developers please tell me what to put you guys want to be put down as on the

Updates, Falling Block Game, and Hack Fest
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
You can grab the code . Note you will have to install deps yourself. Read the README file. It is not a tutorial yet, because it was hacked together in ~50 hours. But it playable now. During building this I found out that MacOSX (and Snow Leopard) has died again.
Hackfest So with dngor's help this sunday (27/09/09) we will have a hackfest to fix MacOSX support. Anyone with a MacOSX and wants to help is welcome on #sdl irc.perl.org . We will also try to fix up a lot of docs and the tutorial for a early next week release. Also if we can we will migrate to the new site.

Thanks nothingmuch, and updates
Friday, 18 September 2009
Tags: [Design] [Perl] [SDL] [Tutorial]
After a struggling with XS and opaque C structs in the experimental SDL::Rect for a long time. Nothingmuch comes along and solves my problem with this beautiful module XS::Object::Magic . So I will start moving my ugly XS to Magic Land.
SDL Perl Tutorials
This past week I have been working on the sorry state of SDL Perl tutorials. Currently I am working on a Tetris Clone . I am hoping to have it done by next Thrusday for TPM meeting. This tutorial is a mix of several tutorials I found online . Another Lunar Lander tutorial has been submitted by Nelson Ferraz.

Design of SDL::Rect
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Tags: [Design] [Perl] [SDL]
Lately we have been working on cleaning up the XS name spaces of SDL perl. After some bumps and falls we came up with a separated Rect module. Rect is one of the most simple C struct as shown below.

Using the awesome perlobject.map as a reference I was able to create a blessed perl object in XS . So now SDL::Rect->new(...) gave us a blessed reference ready to go. And as an icing it would destroy itself properly no matter where it was used. But once I brought it into our existing code base, garu pointed out the extending it was a little bit of a mess. So far to extend Rect we have to something like below. Any comment or advice would be much appreciated.

Updates and Design Decisions
Wednesday, 09 September 2009
Tags: [Design] [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]


Why I will be sticking to CPAN
Sunday, 06 September 2009
Tags: [CPAN] [Perl] [SDL]
Recently there was really long discussion on sdl-devel@perl.org about providing packages for SDL perl rather than focusing on CPAN releases. The gists of the argument was that SDL perl should be making platform specific packages for end users. I agree with this idea but I do have to face the truth.
The truth is there are very few developers currently working on SDL Perl. The truth is CPAN provides several tools that which currently drives development for SDL Perl. There are people interested in packaging SDL Perl ( kmx , jean and Jerome Quelin). The truth is there are other very critical areas we can focus on.
If there are people looking to package SDL Perl for their platform please contact us at sdl-devel@perl.org.

Frozen Bubble coming to CPAN
Friday, 04 September 2009
Tags: [CPAN] [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
To do this the Makefile.PL will need to be rewritten a little bit. Moreover we will need to make test using code from Frozen Bubble so that it can be smoke tested on CPAN.  If contributors need more information please contact me.

Newbie Friendly Perl Projects
Thursday, 03 September 2009
Tags: [CPAN] [Perl] [SDL] [personal]
This is a reply to szabgab's post on how to get newbies interested in Perl modules. Being a newbie in Perl myself I thought I should take a shot.
I was thinking you can make projects more accessible to newbies by having a step by step plan included with where they need to look. For example for docs of SDL_perl:
Look at SDL docs [ link ] See where SDL_perl is using the same functions [ link ] and the docs to this file [ link ] Use the pod format to add it to the source [ link to using pod ] {BONUS} Come up with tutorial or cookbook [ link to example ] Submit code to github [ link ] or email them to me [ link ]

More Games + Update
Tuesday, 01 September 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [games]
So while I am hacking away on v2.4 and breaking a lot of things. Here is a link to some more games for SDL Perl. These only work in windows now but I will look into bringing them to CPAN (with Garry's permission).
These where reported by Garry Taylor. Here is the rest of the email:

Updates on Plan for v2.4
Monday, 31 August 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]
After some hunting for memory leaks, it became obvious that some rewrite of XS will be necessary. Since this will be a big undertaking I asked for some help from chromatic and garu . We came up with the following plan for v2.4.
Currently all XS is mapped to the SDL_perl module. This does not reflect the modular nature of the sdl libs. So the plan is to gradually move SDL structs and their respective functions to their correct namespaces. We will start with SDL::Rect as garu has added many tests for it. This way the build system will be a lot easier to hack since Module::Build was made for one XS per module. Moreover we will move the Build utilities to Alien::SDL, making it even simpler. The main idea is to adhere to single responsibility principle and encapsulation.
Obviously this will take some time and effort, but it will pay off in the long run. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Code is not the only thing
Sunday, 30 August 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Questions] [SDL]
After only several weeks of maintaining SDL perl, Today I have come to noticed how important it is to update README's, docs and so on. I will redouble my effort to do this .
However I am not sure where to start updating docs. Has anyone re-documented old modules before? Any advice? If anyone is interested in helping me to sort out documentation please contact me on sdl-devel@perl.org. For people wanting to learn the SDL base there is no better way.


SDL Perl v2.2.2 out and Plans for v2.4
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL]
       I have release v2.2.2 which includes several bug fixes:
Made App loop() faster RT   Patched support for add support for gluquadric* sub RT   Made App init slimer RT   Added faster SDL::Color alternative RT   Added better error reporting for TTFont errors Added experimental win32 support RT [Update: v2.2.2.5 is better for windows support]
You can grab this release off CPAN .

Catching memory leaks in XS
Friday, 28 August 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL]
So I am trying to find and plug memory leaks in SDL perl. Most of the memory leaks occur because in XS a reference is still held. One very expensive mem leak was caught by TELS really early on here . The problem occurs where in XS there is
RETVAL = (cast *) safemalloc( ... );  and safefree(...) is never called.
Here is a in code example lines 1082 on.

Alien::SDL 0.01 released!!!
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Tags: [Alien] [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
With yesterday's frantic coding to get windows compatibility setup we were left with a very crude way of installing. After some late night hacking I finally came up with Alias's suggestion to have Alien::SDL. All thanks to Alias's  generous access to his windows farm , I was able to make a easier module to install SDL deps on windows. Future plans are in place to get sources and compile them for other platform.Hopefully a SDL perl release will be out soon to use Alien::SDL now.
The above script is in test/testsprite.pl.
Until then you can do:

SDL perl is coming to Strawberry!!
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
You can follow the history here .
It has been tested on winXP 32/64 bit strawberry so far. Here is how you can get it.
Go here to get the code   Click download, choose .tar.gz Save the resultant kthakore....tar.gz somewhere Get this and extract it on C:/strawberry/ Last do pip kthakore......tar.gz (I find this so amazing!!) Play with C:/strawberry/cpan/build/SDL/test/*.pl  or post a bug report  

My milestones (itches) for gaming in Perl
Tuesday, 25 August 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [personal]
As a new Perl developer I am able to contribute with great enthusiasm due to the great community and the fancies of the language. However I know that these things will fade and I will need something else to take the place. Usually what has worked for me in the past was to set milestones. These will act as roots, keeping me interested in being involved. After all in words better than mines.
We all “scratch our own itches”. It’s why I started Linux, it’s why I started git, and it’s why I am still involved. -- Linus


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Results for tag: SDL

Perl+SDL 3D Rendering
Saturday, 31 July 2010
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Showcase]
Recently we have done a lot of work on the next release of SDL Perl. But it all pays off when I see users do cool things as one of the users has done below. Talon^++! This project is a great example for people wanting to learn 3D from scratch.
This was a project to test how well Perl+SDL performs and does not use OpenGL at all. This is all perl and SDL, with the help of libsdl_gfx for SDL::GFX::Primitives. Texture mapping doesn't use SDL::GFX::Primitives because textured_polygon just takes a surface, tiles it, and clips out the polygon, which doesn't look 3D at all.

SDL 2.503 Released!
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
SDL 2.503 has been released on to CPAN. The changes are mostly in the new features added to SDLx::* layer. However as our continuing attempt to improve cross platform support we have some low level fixes.
Most interstingly we have begun work on SDLx::Sprite::Animated. Although, volatile, this addition will be highly anticipated. We look forward for more work on it soon. Additionally are the changes in SDLx::Surface. SDLx::Surface is an attempt to provide gfx, pixels, video and low level surface functions in a combined and simpler interface.
Since SDLx::Sprite and SDLx::App depends on SDLx::Surface, new features will be propagated and the magic amplified! These are exciting times for SDL in Perl. So come join us for great justice on #sdl irc.perl.org or sdl-devel@perl.org .

Huge World Maps in less then 100 lines
Friday, 16 July 2010
Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL] [Syntax]

Hello folks,
Recently we have been working on making the Perl syntax sugar for SDL in the form of SDLx. So far we have got the SDLx::Surface and SDLx::Sprite (garu++) done. So the first thing we did was throw together a quick Zelda map walker. As you can see above.  The code is at  http://gist.github.com/478440 . The SDL code that this depends on will be SDL 2.503 soonish . We are in the process of cleaning up some more SDLx and Alien::SDL bugs. After that SDLx::App will be overhauled to make this sort of thing even easier. Finally living up to our goal of  'Simple Games Easy. Complex Games Possible.' 
UPDATE: with some help, and newcomer jtpalmer's help we have added Link

--caio yapgh


The Build Process of SDL Perl
Wednesday, 07 July 2010
Tags: [Building] [Perl] [SDL]
A while ago I had a long chat with mst on why SDL uses Module::Build rather then Make. I told him it is a simple matter of code inertia. The existing Module::Build system has worked well for us so far. Never the less, he convinced me that switching to Make will improve debugging the Build system. But to be able to switch we will need to completely replace the Build system. I am not prepared to do that so I will just present the requirements so mst or someone else can at least attempt to switch.
The Build Process

SDL RC 2.5 decides to play with PDL
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
Tags: [PDL] [Perl] [SDL]
PDL provides great number crunching capabilities to Perl and SDL provides game-developer quality real-time bitmapping and sound.
You can use PDL and SDL together to create real-time,
responsive animations and simulations.

Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Tags: [Pack] [Perl] [SDL] [Surface] [XS]
In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface . So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.
The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:
SV * get_pixel32 ( SDL_Surface * surface , int x , int y )

SDLpp.pl: Packaging SDL Scripts Alpha
Friday, 14 May 2010
Tags: [Packaging] [Perl] [SDL]
After a lot of patches and head scratching I have an alpha version of SDLpp.pl . The purpose of SDLpp.pl is to allow SDL perl developers to package their game for end users.
Here is the shooter.pl packaged up:


Getting people to use SDL Perl: Docs, API, and Distribution
Friday, 07 May 2010
Tags: [API] [Design] [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]
The road so far
Things have been busy but fruitful. Our two core modules are getting to be a bit more stable. Alien::SDL 1.405 is behaving well. This foundational stability will start to show results in SDL too I believe. Most excitingly the main developer of frozen-bubble is reviewing our Games::FrozenBubble port to CPAN. All good and well, but to keep this project going we need to improve.
Getting people to use SDL Perl
After a long chat with a new SDL user on #sdl today, I realize we still have some way to go. Currently it seems we are lacking in a few areas. We can definitely use some feedback and help in these areas.

We have more docs now on http://sdl.perl.org but they suck
What type of tutorials do you think will be good for beginners?
A project start to finish?
Individual tutorials for various topics?
What needs to go in SDL::CookBook?

API sweetness
SDL Perl depends on distinct C libraries
This makes naming conventions, data formats different the SDL:: namespaces
How do people design this stuff?
We are hackers and we just go do stuff but I think this needs some prior thought
Any takers?

If SDL scripts can be packaged up simply for game developers to distribute their games it will be a big plus
One way is a Wx::Perl::Packer clone
Another is a CPAN/Steam clone that game devs can upload games too and people can point and click download games? 
If anyone wants to help in these areas please talk to us on sdl-devel@perl.org. 


Games::FrozenBubble: It is a start!
Monday, 12 April 2010
Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]
We released a playable (client) frozen bubble on CPAN . There is more work to be done but it is a great start! It currently works on Windows and Linux.


Release SDL 2.4: Frozen-Bubble begins to go to CPAN
Tuesday, 06 April 2010
Tags: [Frozen Bubble] [Perl] [SDL]

SDL 2.4 is released!
After 8 months of work this picture begins to sum it up:

A summer of possibilities (SDL_perl and GSOC 2010 )
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Tags: [GSOC] [Perl] [SDL]
GSOC 2010
As many of the readers must know The Perl Foundation has been accepted for the GSOC 2010 program. There are several SDL_perl mentors involved in it too. Right now we are accepting student applications.
Process to Apply

New build system! Needs testing!
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Tags: [Building] [Releases] [SDL]


Quick Game for Toronto Perl Mongers
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Tags: [Game] [SDL] [TPM]

Beep ... Boop


SDL_perl 2.3_5 is out!
Monday, 01 February 2010
Tags: [Releases] [SDL]
We keep on rolling,
waiting on the world to turn.

Threaded XS callback finally gets solved.
Wednesday, 06 January 2010
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates] [XS]

Dragged down from the lofty isles,
into the guts and gore of the monster,

SDL Alpha 2: A sneak preview
Sunday, 06 December 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]
Pretty or Ugly,
Code is Code
New or Old,

Developer Release of SDL 2.3_1
Monday, 30 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [Releases] [SDL]

The city of Rome was built,
with the first brick.

SDL Perl Documentation: Reviewers need
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Tags: [Docs] [Perl] [SDL]

The written word,

Migrating Sol's Tutorial of SDL to SDL_Perl
Sunday, 15 November 2009
Tags: [Example] [Perl] [SDL]
If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants. --Newton


Once in a while .... (set_event_filter)
Friday, 13 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [XS]

Once in a while
Things just work!

Hello Mouse? An Example of the New Event Code
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Sneak Preview]
Any code that is not marketed is dead code


Development Update
Monday, 09 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]
Short and Sweet

Had an exam on the weekend so I am a bit late. Here is the progress so far.

Development Update
Monday, 02 November 2009
Tags: [Perl] [SDL] [Updates]

A stoic stone will sit idle,
but will some effort,

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