X-Git-Url: http://git.shadowcat.co.uk/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?a=blobdiff_plain;f=pages%2Fblog-0006.html-inc;h=2e202e79e222745e30148733ba74569908ecbd32;hb=c8ad4fe9f211e727310a1ce6d23ffb1d7822d71f;hp=a69f1fc6a4cffd3c930442914f225f1fc4036078;hpb=6e0d970b5047980a17d230b86d5c27c49213d18c;p=sdlgit%2FSDL-Site.git diff --git a/pages/blog-0006.html-inc b/pages/blog-0006.html-inc index a69f1fc..2e202e7 100644 --- a/pages/blog-0006.html-inc +++ b/pages/blog-0006.html-inc @@ -1,6 +1,81 @@

-The Future and Beyond! +Providing direct memory access to SDL_Surface's pixels

I do not think about awesomeness...
I just am awesomeness


Since the last post SDL Perl has seen an increase of interest to both use and contribute to SDL Perl. Before I dig into the updates, I would like to acknowledge them.

Core Development

Acme (Leon Brocard): Has started to work on the Redesign Effort with me. The help is much appreciated! Enjoy your vacation.

Website and Windows Testing

FROGGS (Tobias Leich): Came in as a new user to SDL Perl. And after breaking the redesigned SDL Perl in as many ways possible he has decided to help out on the new site.

Last Legacy Release

Ok! Now this weekend hopefully we will release our last legacy release, after this we move on! This release will focus on showing of SDL + Perl possibilities.

Pong + SDL::Game::Rect

garu has been working on making SDL object extensions that provide a more perly way to use and play with the SDL bindings. To demonstrate the benefits of this SDL::Tutorial::Pong is done and being polished up. SDL::Game::Rect is a peek in to the design and vision we have for SDL down the road.


The design we have settled on for future release for SDL Perl can be broken in to two layers, SDL::* and SDL::Game::*. Previously the SDL Perl library tried to provide C bindings and provide Perl Idiomatic access. This was messy in regards to the single responsibility principle (do one thing and do it well).

We have decided to separate these two focuses into the two name spaces SDL::* and SDL::Game::*. SDL::* will provide straight access to SDL's C API, nothing less and nothing more. SDL::Game::* will extend and make pretty unicorns for Perl.

This design has already begin to pay of. One major benefit been in the XS readability. Moreover since structs are treated as objects, Perl manages their destruction, and deliver less memory leaks.
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In an attempt to make pixel access easier on SDL_Surface pixels. I have started work on SDLx::Surface. So far I have only start on the 32 bpp surfaces.


The general idea is to make Pointer Values (PV) of each pixel in the surface and place them into a 2D matrix. First I make pointer values like this:

SV * get_pixel32 (SDL_Surface *surface, int x, int y)
+ //Convert the pixels to 32 bit 
+ Uint32 *pixels = (Uint32 *)surface->pixels; 
+ //Get the requested pixel  
+ Uint32* u_ptr =  pixels + ( y * surface->w ) + x ; 
+        SV* sv = newSVpv("a",1); //Make a temp SV* value on the go
+        SvCUR_set(sv, sizeof(Uint32)); //Specify the new CUR length
+ SvLEN_set(sv, sizeof(Uint32)); //Specify the LEN length
+        SvPV_set(sv,(char*)u_ptr); // set the actual pixel's pointer as the memory space to use
+ return sv; //make a modifiable reference using u_ptr's place as the memory :)


Next I loop through all the pixels and put them in a 2D array format, shown below:

AV * construct_p_matrix ( SDL_Surface *surface )
+    AV * matrix = newAV();
+     int i, j;
+     for(  i =0 ; i < surface->w; i++)
+      {
+        AV * matrix_row = newAV();
+        for( j =0 ; j < surface->h; j++)
+        {
+           av_push(matrix_row, get_pixel32(surface, i,j) );
+        }
+        av_push(matrix, newRV_noinc((SV*) matrix_row) );
+      }
+ return matrix;


You can see the complete here.


In Perl I can do a get access on this pixel using:

my $surf32_matrix = SDLx::Surface::pixel_array($screen_surface);
+   print unpack 'b*', $surf32_matrix->[0][0]; # pixel value at x = 0 and y =0
+# 11111111000000000000000000000000


The structure of the PV is using Devel::Peek is :

print Dump $surf32_matrix->[0][0];
+#SV = PV(0xed0dbc) at 0xeb5344
+#  REFCNT = 1
+#  FLAGS = (POK,pPOK)
+#  PV = 0x9e04ac "\0\0\377\0"
+#  CUR = 4
+#  LEN = 4


The problem is in setting the value of this pointer value. I have tried the following things with no success:

if ( SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK($screen_surface) ) {
+    return if ( SDL::Video::lock_surface($screen_surface) < 0 ); #required for pixel operations
+#USING pack
+my $green = pack 'b*', '11111111000000000000000000000000';
+substr( $surf32_matrix->[0][0], 0, 8 * 4, $green); #no change
+#substr( $surf32_matrix->[0][0], 0, 8 * 4, 0xFF000000); segfault
+substr( ${$surf32_matrix->[0][0]}, 0, 8 * 4, 0xFF000000); #no change
+#$surf32_matrix->[0][0] = $green; SEGFAULT's cannot write to memory
+${$surf32_matrix->[0][0]} = $green; #no change
+  if ( SDL::Video::MUSTLOCK($screen_surface) );


You can see an example here.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.



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