=head1 NAME Testing TODO =head1 PURPOSE This file is to detail the tests, in a general sense, that have yet to be written so that I don't forget them. =head1 MISSING TESTS =over 4 =item * Readonly filehandles =over 4 =item * Mutations on readonly filehandles This is to verify that the appropriate errors are thrown =item * Run an optimize on a readonly FH =back =item * _copy_value() For some reason, $c doesn't seem to be undefinable in _copy_value. Maybe this means that the bless()ing should occur iff Cisa('DBM::Deep')>? =item * Splice =over 4 =item * Undefined initial offset =item * splicing in a group that's equal to the target =back =item * Passing in a fh without a file_offset =item * Do I ever use print_at() without passing in offset? =item * How should the inode check for locking happen? =item * medium and large pack_sizes Need to make sure I only run the large pack_size test on 64-bit Perls =item * max_buckets check =item * get_classname() on a deleted sector How should this be triggered?! =item * Open a corrupted file that has a header, but not initial reference =item * Max out the number of transactions =item * Delete something in the head that has its own value in a transaction =item * Run an import within a transaction =over 4 =item * Should all assignments with a non-scalar rvalue happen within a sub-transaction? =item * Does this mean that sub-transactions should just be done right now? It shouldn't be too hard to variablize which transaction is the base instead of hard-coding 0 . . . =back =item * Delete something within a transaction, then commit. Verify that the space is reusable by assigning more to the DB. =back =cut