sub run_tests { my $schema = shift; plan tests => 12; # first page my $it = $schema->class("CD")->search( {}, { order_by => 'title', rows => 3, page => 1 } ); is( $it->pager->entries_on_this_page, 3, "entries_on_this_page ok" ); is( $it->pager->next_page, 2, "next_page ok" ); is( $it->count, 3, "count on paged rs ok" ); is( $it->next->title, "Caterwaulin' Blues", "iterator->next ok" ); $it->next; $it->next; is( $it->next, undef, "next past end of page ok" ); # second page, testing with array my @page2 = $schema->class("CD")->search( {}, { order_by => 'title', rows => 3, page => 2 } ); is( $page2[0]->title, "Generic Manufactured Singles", "second page first title ok" ); # page a standard resultset $it = $schema->class("CD")->search( {}, { order_by => 'title', rows => 3 } ); my $page = $it->page(2); is( $page->count, 2, "standard resultset paged rs count ok" ); is( $page->next->title, "Generic Manufactured Singles", "second page of standard resultset ok" ); # test software-based limit paging $it = $schema->class("CD")->search( {}, { order_by => 'title', rows => 3, page => 2, software_limit => 1 } ); is( $it->pager->entries_on_this_page, 2, "software entries_on_this_page ok" ); is( $it->pager->previous_page, 1, "software previous_page ok" ); is( $it->count, 2, "software count on paged rs ok" ); is( $it->next->title, "Generic Manufactured Singles", "software iterator->next ok" ); } 1;