sub run_tests { plan tests => 2; # add some rows inside a transaction and commit it # XXX: Is storage->dbh the only way to get a dbh? DBICTest->class("Artist")->txn_begin; for (10..15) { DBICTest->class("Artist")->create( { artistid => $_, name => "artist number $_", } ); } DBICTest->class("Artist")->txn_commit; my ($artist) = DBICTest->class("Artist")->find(15); is($artist->name, 'artist number 15', "Commit ok"); # add some rows inside a transaction and roll it back DBICTest->class("Artist")->txn_begin; for (21..30) { DBICTest->class("Artist")->create( { artistid => $_, name => "artist number $_", } ); } DBICTest->class("Artist")->txn_rollback; ($artist) = DBICTest->class("Artist")->search( artistid => 25 ); is($artist, undef, "Rollback ok"); } 1;