utf8.c AOK [utf8_to_uv] Malformed UTF-8 character my $a = ord "\x80" ; Malformed UTF-8 character my $a = ord "\xf080" ; <<<<<< this warning can't be easily triggered from perl anymore [utf16_to_utf8] Malformed UTF-16 surrogate <<<<<< Add a test when somethig actually calls utf16_to_utf8 __END__ # utf8.c [utf8_to_uv] use utf8 ; my $a = ord "\x80" ; EXPECT ######## # utf8.c [utf8_to_uv] BEGIN { if (ord("\t") == 5) { print "SKIPPED\n# Ebcdic platforms have different \\x constructs."; exit 0; } } use utf8 ; my $a = ord "\x80" ; { use warnings 'utf8' ; my $a = ord "\x80" ; no warnings 'utf8' ; my $a = ord "\x80" ; } EXPECT \x80 will produce malformed UTF-8 character; use \x{80} for that at - line 12. ######## # utf8.c [utf8_to_uv] use utf8 ; my $a = ord "\xf080" ; EXPECT ######## # utf8.c [utf8_to_uv] BEGIN { if (ord("\t") == 5) { print "SKIPPED\n# Ebcdic platforms have different \\x constructs."; exit 0; } } use utf8 ; my $a = ord "\xf080" ; { use warnings 'utf8' ; my $a = ord "\xf080" ; no warnings 'utf8' ; my $a = ord "\xf080" ; } EXPECT \xf0 will produce malformed UTF-8 character; use \x{f0} for that at - line 12.