toke.c AOK we seem to have lost a few ambiguous warnings!! 1 if $a EQ $b ; 1 if $a NE $b ; 1 if $a LT $b ; 1 if $a GT $b ; 1 if $a GE $b ; 1 if $a LE $b ; $a = <<; Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated (called 3 times via depcom) \1 better written as $1 use warnings 'syntax' ; s/(abc)/\1/; warn(warn_nosemi) Semicolon seems to be missing $a = 1 &time ; Reversed %c= operator my $a =+ 2 ; $a =- 2 ; $a =* 2 ; $a =% 2 ; $a =& 2 ; $a =. 2 ; $a =^ 2 ; $a =| 2 ; $a =< 2 ; $a =/ 2 ; Multidimensional syntax %.*s not supported my $a = $a[1,2] ; You need to quote \"%s\"" sub fred {} ; $SIG{TERM} = fred; Scalar value %.*s better written as $%.*s" @a[3] = 2; @a{3} = 2; Can't use \\%c to mean $%c in expression $_ = "ab" ; s/(ab)/\1/e; Unquoted string "abc" may clash with future reserved word at - line 3. warn(warn_reserved $a = abc; chmod() mode argument is missing initial 0 chmod 3; Possible attempt to separate words with commas @a = qw(a, b, c) ; Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list @a = qw(a b # c) ; umask: argument is missing initial 0 umask 3; %s (...) interpreted as function print ("") printf ("") sort ("") Ambiguous use of %c{%s%s} resolved to %c%s%s $a = ${time[2]} $a = ${time{2}} Ambiguous use of %c{%s} resolved to %c%s $a = ${time} sub fred {} $a = ${fred} Misplaced _ in number $a = 1_2; $a = 1_2345_6; Bareword \"%s\" refers to nonexistent package $a = FRED:: ; Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::%s(), qualify as such or use & sub time {} my $a = time() \x%.*s will produce malformed UTF-8 character; use \x{%.*s} for that use utf8 ; $_ = "\xffe" Unrecognized escape \\%c passed through $a = "\m" ; %s number > %s non-portable my $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ; $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0b111111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0x0fffffffe ; $a = 0x0ffffffff ; $a = 0x1ffffffff ; $a = 0037777777776 ; $a = 0037777777777 ; $a = 0047777777777 ; Integer overflow in binary number my $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ; $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0b111111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0x0fffffffe ; $a = 0x0ffffffff ; $a = 0x1ffffffff ; $a = 0037777777776 ; $a = 0037777777777 ; $a = 0047777777777 ; Mandatory Warnings ------------------ Use of "%s" without parentheses is ambiguous [check_uni] rand + 4 Ambiguous use of -%s resolved as -&%s() [yylex] sub fred {} ; - fred ; Precedence problem: open %.*s should be open(%.*s) [yylex] open FOO || die; Operator or semicolon missing before %c%s [yylex] Ambiguous use of %c resolved as operator %c *foo *foo __END__ # toke.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; 1 if $a EQ $b ; 1 if $a NE $b ; 1 if $a GT $b ; 1 if $a LT $b ; 1 if $a GE $b ; 1 if $a LE $b ; no warnings 'deprecated' ; 1 if $a EQ $b ; 1 if $a NE $b ; 1 if $a GT $b ; 1 if $a LT $b ; 1 if $a GE $b ; 1 if $a LE $b ; EXPECT Use of EQ is deprecated at - line 3. Use of NE is deprecated at - line 4. Use of GT is deprecated at - line 5. Use of LT is deprecated at - line 6. Use of GE is deprecated at - line 7. Use of LE is deprecated at - line 8. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; format STDOUT = @<<< @||| @>>> @>>> $a $b "abc" 'def' . no warnings 'deprecated' ; format STDOUT = @<<< @||| @>>> @>>> $a $b "abc" 'def' . EXPECT Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5. Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5. Use of comma-less variable list is deprecated at - line 5. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; $a = <<; no warnings 'deprecated' ; $a = <<; EXPECT Use of bare << to mean <<"" is deprecated at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; s/(abc)/\1/; no warnings 'syntax' ; s/(abc)/\1/; EXPECT \1 better written as $1 at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'semicolon' ; $a = 1 &time ; no warnings 'semicolon' ; $a = 1 &time ; EXPECT Semicolon seems to be missing at - line 3. ######## # toke.c BEGIN { # Scalars leaked: due to syntax errors $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} = 0 unless $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} > 3; } use warnings 'syntax' ; my $a =+ 2 ; $a =- 2 ; $a =* 2 ; $a =% 2 ; $a =& 2 ; $a =. 2 ; $a =^ 2 ; $a =| 2 ; $a =< 2 ; $a =/ 2 ; EXPECT Reversed += operator at - line 7. Reversed -= operator at - line 8. Reversed *= operator at - line 9. Reversed %= operator at - line 10. Reversed &= operator at - line 11. Reversed .= operator at - line 12. syntax error at - line 12, near "=." Reversed ^= operator at - line 13. syntax error at - line 13, near "=^" Reversed |= operator at - line 14. syntax error at - line 14, near "=|" Reversed <= operator at - line 15. Unterminated <> operator at - line 15. ######## # toke.c BEGIN { # Scalars leaked: due to syntax errors $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} = 0 unless $ENV{PERL_DESTRUCT_LEVEL} > 3; } no warnings 'syntax' ; my $a =+ 2 ; $a =- 2 ; $a =* 2 ; $a =% 2 ; $a =& 2 ; $a =. 2 ; $a =^ 2 ; $a =| 2 ; $a =< 2 ; $a =/ 2 ; EXPECT syntax error at - line 12, near "=." syntax error at - line 13, near "=^" syntax error at - line 14, near "=|" Unterminated <> operator at - line 15. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; my $a = $a[1,2] ; no warnings 'syntax' ; my $a = $a[1,2] ; EXPECT Multidimensional syntax $a[1,2] not supported at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; sub fred {} ; $SIG{TERM} = fred; no warnings 'syntax' ; $SIG{TERM} = fred; EXPECT You need to quote "fred" at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; @a[3] = 2; @a{3} = 2; no warnings 'syntax' ; @a[3] = 2; @a{3} = 2; EXPECT Scalar value @a[3] better written as $a[3] at - line 3. Scalar value @a{3} better written as $a{3} at - line 4. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; $_ = "ab" ; s/(ab)/\1/e; no warnings 'syntax' ; $_ = "ab" ; s/(ab)/\1/e; EXPECT Can't use \1 to mean $1 in expression at - line 4. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'reserved' ; $a = abc; no warnings 'reserved' ; $a = abc; EXPECT Unquoted string "abc" may clash with future reserved word at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'chmod' ; chmod 3; no warnings 'chmod' ; chmod 3; EXPECT chmod() mode argument is missing initial 0 at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'qw' ; @a = qw(a, b, c) ; no warnings 'qw' ; @a = qw(a, b, c) ; EXPECT Possible attempt to separate words with commas at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'qw' ; @a = qw(a b #) ; no warnings 'qw' ; @a = qw(a b #) ; EXPECT Possible attempt to put comments in qw() list at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'umask' ; umask 3; no warnings 'umask' ; umask 3; EXPECT umask: argument is missing initial 0 at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; print ("") EXPECT print (...) interpreted as function at - line 3. ######## # toke.c no warnings 'syntax' ; print ("") EXPECT ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; printf ("") EXPECT printf (...) interpreted as function at - line 3. ######## # toke.c no warnings 'syntax' ; printf ("") EXPECT ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; sort ("") EXPECT sort (...) interpreted as function at - line 3. ######## # toke.c no warnings 'syntax' ; sort ("") EXPECT ######## # toke.c use warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = ${time[2]}; no warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = ${time[2]}; EXPECT Ambiguous use of ${time[...]} resolved to $time[...] at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = ${time{2}}; EXPECT Ambiguous use of ${time{...}} resolved to $time{...} at - line 3. ######## # toke.c no warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = ${time{2}}; EXPECT ######## # toke.c use warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = ${time} ; no warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = ${time} ; EXPECT Ambiguous use of ${time} resolved to $time at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'ambiguous' ; sub fred {} $a = ${fred} ; no warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = ${fred} ; EXPECT Ambiguous use of ${fred} resolved to $fred at - line 4. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'syntax' ; $a = 1_2; $a = 1_2345_6; no warnings 'syntax' ; $a = 1_2; $a = 1_2345_6; EXPECT Misplaced _ in number at - line 3. Misplaced _ in number at - line 4. Misplaced _ in number at - line 4. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'bareword' ; #line 25 "bar" $a = FRED:: ; no warnings 'bareword' ; #line 25 "bar" $a = FRED:: ; EXPECT Bareword "FRED::" refers to nonexistent package at bar line 25. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'ambiguous' ; sub time {} my $a = time() ; no warnings 'ambiguous' ; my $b = time() ; EXPECT Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::time(), qualify as such or use & at - line 4. ######## # toke.c use warnings ; eval <<'EOE'; { #line 30 "foo" $_ = " \x{123} " ; } EOE EXPECT ######## # toke.c BEGIN { if (ord("\t") == 5) { print "SKIPPED\n# Ebcdic platforms have different \\x constructs."; exit 0; } } use warnings 'utf8' ; use utf8 ; $_ = " \xffe " ; no warnings 'utf8' ; $_ = " \xffe " ; EXPECT \xff will produce malformed UTF-8 character; use \x{ff} for that at - line 10. ######## # toke.c my $a = rand + 4 ; EXPECT Warning: Use of "rand" without parens is ambiguous at - line 2. ######## # toke.c $^W = 0 ; my $a = rand + 4 ; { no warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = rand + 4 ; use warnings 'ambiguous' ; $a = rand + 4 ; } $a = rand + 4 ; EXPECT Warning: Use of "rand" without parens is ambiguous at - line 3. Warning: Use of "rand" without parens is ambiguous at - line 8. Warning: Use of "rand" without parens is ambiguous at - line 10. ######## # toke.c sub fred {}; -fred ; EXPECT Ambiguous use of -fred resolved as -&fred() at - line 3. ######## # toke.c $^W = 0 ; sub fred {} ; -fred ; { no warnings 'ambiguous' ; -fred ; use warnings 'ambiguous' ; -fred ; } -fred ; EXPECT Ambiguous use of -fred resolved as -&fred() at - line 4. Ambiguous use of -fred resolved as -&fred() at - line 9. Ambiguous use of -fred resolved as -&fred() at - line 11. ######## # toke.c open FOO || time; EXPECT Precedence problem: open FOO should be open(FOO) at - line 2. ######## # toke.c $^W = 0 ; open FOO || time; { no warnings 'precedence' ; open FOO || time; use warnings 'precedence' ; open FOO || time; } open FOO || time; EXPECT Precedence problem: open FOO should be open(FOO) at - line 3. Precedence problem: open FOO should be open(FOO) at - line 8. Precedence problem: open FOO should be open(FOO) at - line 10. ######## # toke.c $^W = 0 ; *foo *foo ; { no warnings 'ambiguous' ; *foo *foo ; use warnings 'ambiguous' ; *foo *foo ; } *foo *foo ; EXPECT Operator or semicolon missing before *foo at - line 3. Ambiguous use of * resolved as operator * at - line 3. Operator or semicolon missing before *foo at - line 8. Ambiguous use of * resolved as operator * at - line 8. Operator or semicolon missing before *foo at - line 10. Ambiguous use of * resolved as operator * at - line 10. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'misc' ; my $a = "\m" ; no warnings 'misc' ; $a = "\m" ; EXPECT Unrecognized escape \m passed through at - line 3. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'portable' ; my $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ; $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0b111111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0x0fffffffe ; $a = 0x0ffffffff ; $a = 0x1ffffffff ; $a = 0037777777776 ; $a = 0037777777777 ; $a = 0047777777777 ; no warnings 'portable' ; $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ; $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0b111111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0x0fffffffe ; $a = 0x0ffffffff ; $a = 0x1ffffffff ; $a = 0037777777776 ; $a = 0037777777777 ; $a = 0047777777777 ; EXPECT Binary number > 0b11111111111111111111111111111111 non-portable at - line 5. Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at - line 8. Octal number > 037777777777 non-portable at - line 11. ######## # toke.c use warnings 'overflow' ; my $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ; $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ; $a = 0x0fffffffe ; $a = 0x0ffffffff ; $a = 0x10000000000000000 ; $a = 0037777777776 ; $a = 0037777777777 ; $a = 002000000000000000000000; no warnings 'overflow' ; $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111110 ; $a = 0b011111111111111111111111111111111 ; $a = 0b10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ; $a = 0x0fffffffe ; $a = 0x0ffffffff ; $a = 0x10000000000000000 ; $a = 0037777777776 ; $a = 0037777777777 ; $a = 002000000000000000000000; EXPECT Integer overflow in binary number at - line 5. Integer overflow in hexadecimal number at - line 8. Integer overflow in octal number at - line 11.