op.c AOK "my" variable %s masks earlier declaration in same scope my $x; my $x ; Variable "%s" may be unavailable sub x { my $x; sub y { $x } } Variable "%s" will not stay shared sub x { my $x; sub y { sub { $x } } } Found = in conditional, should be == 1 if $a = 1 ; Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated split ; Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated $a = split ; Useless use of time in void context Useless use of a variable in void context Useless use of a constant in void context time ; $a ; "abc" Applying %s to %s will act on scalar(%s) my $a ; my @a = () ; my %a = () ; my $b = \@a ; my $c = \%a ; @a =~ /abc/ ; @a =~ s/a/b/ ; @a =~ tr/a/b/ ; @$b =~ /abc/ ; @$b =~ s/a/b/ ; @$b =~ tr/a/b/ ; %a =~ /abc/ ; %a =~ s/a/b/ ; %a =~ tr/a/b/ ; %$c =~ /abc/ ; %$c =~ s/a/b/ ; %$c =~ tr/a/b/ ; Parentheses missing around "my" list at -e line 1. my $a, $b = (1,2); Parentheses missing around "local" list at -e line 1. local $a, $b = (1,2); Bareword found in conditional at -e line 1. use warnings 'bareword'; my $x = print(ABC || 1); Value of %s may be \"0\"; use \"defined\" $x = 1 if $x = ; $x = 1 while $x = ; Subroutine fred redefined at -e line 1. sub fred{1;} sub fred{1;} Constant subroutine %s redefined sub fred() {1;} sub fred() {1;} Format FRED redefined at /tmp/x line 5. format FRED = . format FRED = . Array @%s missing the @ in argument %d of %s() push fred ; Hash %%%s missing the %% in argument %d of %s() keys joe ; Statement unlikely to be reached (Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()? exec "true" ; my $a defined(@array) is deprecated (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) my @a ; defined @a ; defined (@a = (1,2,3)) ; defined(%hash) is deprecated (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) my %h ; defined %h ; /---/ should probably be written as "---" join(/---/, @foo); %s() called too early to check prototype [Perl_peep] fred() ; sub fred ($$) {} Mandatory Warnings ------------------ Prototype mismatch: [cv_ckproto] sub fred() ; sub fred($) {} %s never introduced [pad_leavemy] TODO Runaway prototype [newSUB] TODO oops: oopsAV [oopsAV] TODO oops: oopsHV [oopsHV] TODO __END__ # op.c use warnings 'misc' ; my $x ; my $x ; no warnings 'misc' ; my $x ; EXPECT "my" variable $x masks earlier declaration in same scope at - line 4. ######## # op.c use warnings 'closure' ; sub x { my $x; sub y { $x } } EXPECT Variable "$x" will not stay shared at - line 7. ######## # op.c no warnings 'closure' ; sub x { my $x; sub y { $x } } EXPECT ######## # op.c use warnings 'closure' ; sub x { our $x; sub y { $x } } EXPECT ######## # op.c use warnings 'closure' ; sub x { my $x; sub y { sub { $x } } } EXPECT Variable "$x" may be unavailable at - line 6. ######## # op.c no warnings 'closure' ; sub x { my $x; sub y { sub { $x } } } EXPECT ######## # op.c use warnings 'syntax' ; 1 if $a = 1 ; no warnings 'syntax' ; 1 if $a = 1 ; EXPECT Found = in conditional, should be == at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; split ; no warnings 'deprecated' ; split ; EXPECT Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; $a = split ; no warnings 'deprecated' ; $a = split ; EXPECT Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'void' ; close STDIN ; 1 x 3 ; # OP_REPEAT # OP_GVSV wantarray ; # OP_WANTARRAY # OP_GV # OP_PADSV # OP_PADAV # OP_PADHV # OP_PADANY # OP_AV2ARYLEN ref ; # OP_REF \@a ; # OP_REFGEN \$a ; # OP_SREFGEN defined $a ; # OP_DEFINED hex $a ; # OP_HEX oct $a ; # OP_OCT length $a ; # OP_LENGTH substr $a,1 ; # OP_SUBSTR vec $a,1,2 ; # OP_VEC index $a,1,2 ; # OP_INDEX rindex $a,1,2 ; # OP_RINDEX sprintf $a ; # OP_SPRINTF $a[0] ; # OP_AELEM # OP_AELEMFAST @a[0] ; # OP_ASLICE #values %a ; # OP_VALUES #keys %a ; # OP_KEYS $a{0} ; # OP_HELEM @a{0} ; # OP_HSLICE unpack "a", "a" ; # OP_UNPACK pack $a,"" ; # OP_PACK join "" ; # OP_JOIN (@a)[0,1] ; # OP_LSLICE # OP_ANONLIST # OP_ANONHASH sort(1,2) ; # OP_SORT reverse(1,2) ; # OP_REVERSE # OP_RANGE # OP_FLIP (1 ..2) ; # OP_FLOP caller ; # OP_CALLER fileno STDIN ; # OP_FILENO eof STDIN ; # OP_EOF tell STDIN ; # OP_TELL readlink 1; # OP_READLINK time ; # OP_TIME localtime ; # OP_LOCALTIME gmtime ; # OP_GMTIME eval { getgrnam 1 }; # OP_GGRNAM eval { getgrgid 1 }; # OP_GGRGID eval { getpwnam 1 }; # OP_GPWNAM eval { getpwuid 1 }; # OP_GPWUID EXPECT Useless use of repeat (x) in void context at - line 3. Useless use of wantarray in void context at - line 5. Useless use of reference-type operator in void context at - line 12. Useless use of reference constructor in void context at - line 13. Useless use of single ref constructor in void context at - line 14. Useless use of defined operator in void context at - line 15. Useless use of hex in void context at - line 16. Useless use of oct in void context at - line 17. Useless use of length in void context at - line 18. Useless use of substr in void context at - line 19. Useless use of vec in void context at - line 20. Useless use of index in void context at - line 21. Useless use of rindex in void context at - line 22. Useless use of sprintf in void context at - line 23. Useless use of array element in void context at - line 24. Useless use of array slice in void context at - line 26. Useless use of hash element in void context at - line 29. Useless use of hash slice in void context at - line 30. Useless use of unpack in void context at - line 31. Useless use of pack in void context at - line 32. Useless use of join in void context at - line 33. Useless use of list slice in void context at - line 34. Useless use of sort in void context at - line 37. Useless use of reverse in void context at - line 38. Useless use of range (or flop) in void context at - line 41. Useless use of caller in void context at - line 42. Useless use of fileno in void context at - line 43. Useless use of eof in void context at - line 44. Useless use of tell in void context at - line 45. Useless use of readlink in void context at - line 46. Useless use of time in void context at - line 47. Useless use of localtime in void context at - line 48. Useless use of gmtime in void context at - line 49. Useless use of getgrnam in void context at - line 50. Useless use of getgrgid in void context at - line 51. Useless use of getpwnam in void context at - line 52. Useless use of getpwuid in void context at - line 53. ######## # op.c no warnings 'void' ; close STDIN ; 1 x 3 ; # OP_REPEAT # OP_GVSV wantarray ; # OP_WANTARRAY # OP_GV # OP_PADSV # OP_PADAV # OP_PADHV # OP_PADANY # OP_AV2ARYLEN ref ; # OP_REF \@a ; # OP_REFGEN \$a ; # OP_SREFGEN defined $a ; # OP_DEFINED hex $a ; # OP_HEX oct $a ; # OP_OCT length $a ; # OP_LENGTH substr $a,1 ; # OP_SUBSTR vec $a,1,2 ; # OP_VEC index $a,1,2 ; # OP_INDEX rindex $a,1,2 ; # OP_RINDEX sprintf $a ; # OP_SPRINTF $a[0] ; # OP_AELEM # OP_AELEMFAST @a[0] ; # OP_ASLICE #values %a ; # OP_VALUES #keys %a ; # OP_KEYS $a{0} ; # OP_HELEM @a{0} ; # OP_HSLICE unpack "a", "a" ; # OP_UNPACK pack $a,"" ; # OP_PACK join "" ; # OP_JOIN (@a)[0,1] ; # OP_LSLICE # OP_ANONLIST # OP_ANONHASH sort(1,2) ; # OP_SORT reverse(1,2) ; # OP_REVERSE # OP_RANGE # OP_FLIP (1 ..2) ; # OP_FLOP caller ; # OP_CALLER fileno STDIN ; # OP_FILENO eof STDIN ; # OP_EOF tell STDIN ; # OP_TELL readlink 1; # OP_READLINK time ; # OP_TIME localtime ; # OP_LOCALTIME gmtime ; # OP_GMTIME eval { getgrnam 1 }; # OP_GGRNAM eval { getgrgid 1 }; # OP_GGRGID eval { getpwnam 1 }; # OP_GPWNAM eval { getpwuid 1 }; # OP_GPWUID EXPECT ######## # op.c use warnings 'void' ; for (@{[0]}) { "$_" } # check warning isn't duplicated no warnings 'void' ; for (@{[0]}) { "$_" } # check warning isn't duplicated EXPECT Useless use of string in void context at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'void' ; use Config ; BEGIN { if ( ! $Config{d_telldir}) { print < 3; } # known scalar leak use warnings 'misc' ; my $a ; my @a = () ; my %a = () ; my $b = \@a ; my $c = \%a ; @a =~ /abc/ ; @a =~ s/a/b/ ; @a =~ tr/a/b/ ; @$b =~ /abc/ ; @$b =~ s/a/b/ ; @$b =~ tr/a/b/ ; %a =~ /abc/ ; %a =~ s/a/b/ ; %a =~ tr/a/b/ ; %$c =~ /abc/ ; %$c =~ s/a/b/ ; %$c =~ tr/a/b/ ; { no warnings 'misc' ; my $a ; my @a = () ; my %a = () ; my $b = \@a ; my $c = \%a ; @a =~ /abc/ ; @a =~ s/a/b/ ; @a =~ tr/a/b/ ; @$b =~ /abc/ ; @$b =~ s/a/b/ ; @$b =~ tr/a/b/ ; %a =~ /abc/ ; %a =~ s/a/b/ ; %a =~ tr/a/b/ ; %$c =~ /abc/ ; %$c =~ s/a/b/ ; %$c =~ tr/a/b/ ; } EXPECT Applying pattern match (m//) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 5. Applying substitution (s///) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 6. Applying transliteration (tr///) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 7. Applying pattern match (m//) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 8. Applying substitution (s///) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 9. Applying transliteration (tr///) to @array will act on scalar(@array) at - line 10. Applying pattern match (m//) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 11. Applying substitution (s///) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 12. Applying transliteration (tr///) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 13. Applying pattern match (m//) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 14. Applying substitution (s///) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 15. Applying transliteration (tr///) to %hash will act on scalar(%hash) at - line 16. Can't modify private array in substitution (s///) at - line 6, near "s/a/b/ ;" BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at - line 18. ######## # op.c use warnings 'syntax' ; my $a, $b = (1,2); no warnings 'syntax' ; my $c, $d = (1,2); EXPECT Parentheses missing around "my" list at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'syntax' ; local $a, $b = (1,2); no warnings 'syntax' ; local $c, $d = (1,2); EXPECT Parentheses missing around "local" list at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'bareword' ; print (ABC || 1) ; no warnings 'bareword' ; print (ABC || 1) ; EXPECT Bareword found in conditional at - line 3. ######## --FILE-- abc --FILE-- # op.c use warnings 'misc' ; open FH, " ; no warnings 'misc' ; $x = 1 if $x = ; EXPECT Value of construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4. ######## # op.c use warnings 'misc' ; opendir FH, "." ; $x = 1 if $x = readdir FH ; no warnings 'misc' ; $x = 1 if $x = readdir FH ; closedir FH ; EXPECT Value of readdir() operator can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4. ######## # op.c use warnings 'misc' ; $x = 1 if $x = <*> ; no warnings 'misc' ; $x = 1 if $x = <*> ; EXPECT Value of glob construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'misc' ; %a = (1,2,3,4) ; $x = 1 if $x = each %a ; no warnings 'misc' ; $x = 1 if $x = each %a ; EXPECT Value of each() operator can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4. ######## # op.c use warnings 'misc' ; $x = 1 while $x = <*> and 0 ; no warnings 'misc' ; $x = 1 while $x = <*> and 0 ; EXPECT Value of glob construct can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'misc' ; opendir FH, "." ; $x = 1 while $x = readdir FH and 0 ; no warnings 'misc' ; $x = 1 while $x = readdir FH and 0 ; closedir FH ; EXPECT Value of readdir() operator can be "0"; test with defined() at - line 4. ######## # op.c use warnings 'redefine' ; sub fred {} sub fred {} no warnings 'redefine' ; sub fred {} EXPECT Subroutine fred redefined at - line 4. ######## # op.c use warnings 'redefine' ; sub fred () { 1 } sub fred () { 1 } no warnings 'redefine' ; sub fred () { 1 } EXPECT Constant subroutine fred redefined at - line 4. ######## # op.c use warnings 'redefine' ; format FRED = . format FRED = . no warnings 'redefine' ; format FRED = . EXPECT Format FRED redefined at - line 5. ######## # op.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; push FRED; no warnings 'deprecated' ; push FRED; EXPECT Array @FRED missing the @ in argument 1 of push() at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; @a = keys FRED ; no warnings 'deprecated' ; @a = keys FRED ; EXPECT Hash %FRED missing the % in argument 1 of keys() at - line 3. ######## # op.c use warnings 'syntax' ; exec "$^X -e 1" ; my $a EXPECT Statement unlikely to be reached at - line 4. (Maybe you meant system() when you said exec()?) ######## # op.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; my @a; defined(@a); EXPECT defined(@array) is deprecated at - line 3. (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) ######## # op.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; defined(@a = (1,2,3)); EXPECT defined(@array) is deprecated at - line 3. (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) ######## # op.c use warnings 'deprecated' ; my %h; defined(%h); EXPECT defined(%hash) is deprecated at - line 3. (Maybe you should just omit the defined()?) ######## # op.c no warnings 'syntax' ; exec "$^X -e 1" ; my $a EXPECT ######## # op.c sub fred(); sub fred($) {} EXPECT Prototype mismatch: sub main::fred () vs ($) at - line 3. ######## # op.c $^W = 0 ; sub fred() ; sub fred($) {} { no warnings 'prototype' ; sub Fred() ; sub Fred($) {} use warnings 'prototype' ; sub freD() ; sub freD($) {} } sub FRED() ; sub FRED($) {} EXPECT Prototype mismatch: sub main::fred () vs ($) at - line 4. Prototype mismatch: sub main::freD () vs ($) at - line 11. Prototype mismatch: sub main::FRED () vs ($) at - line 14. ######## # op.c use warnings 'syntax' ; join /---/, 'x', 'y', 'z'; EXPECT /---/ should probably be written as "---" at - line 3. ######## # op.c [Perl_peep] use warnings 'prototype' ; fred() ; sub fred ($$) {} no warnings 'prototype' ; joe() ; sub joe ($$) {} EXPECT main::fred() called too early to check prototype at - line 3. ######## # op.c [Perl_newATTRSUB] --FILE-- abc.pm use warnings 'void' ; BEGIN { $| = 1; print "in begin\n"; } CHECK { print "in check\n"; } INIT { print "in init\n"; } END { print "in end\n"; } print "in mainline\n"; 1; --FILE-- use abc; delete $INC{"abc.pm"}; require abc; do "abc.pm"; EXPECT in begin in mainline in check in init in begin Too late to run CHECK block at abc.pm line 3. Too late to run INIT block at abc.pm line 4. in mainline in begin Too late to run CHECK block at abc.pm line 3. Too late to run INIT block at abc.pm line 4. in mainline in end in end in end ######## # op.c [Perl_newATTRSUB] --FILE-- abc.pm no warnings 'void' ; BEGIN { $| = 1; print "in begin\n"; } CHECK { print "in check\n"; } INIT { print "in init\n"; } END { print "in end\n"; } print "in mainline\n"; 1; --FILE-- require abc; do "abc.pm"; EXPECT in begin in mainline in begin in mainline in end in end