/** This part copied from Sybase test **/ /* Script generated by dbschema.pl(2.4.2) on Mon Aug 18 14:15:25 2003. */ /* Script extracted on a solaris system. */ use master go /* Groups... */ /* No groups found. */ /* Users... */ exec sp_adduser 'guest', 'guest' exec sp_adduser 'probe', 'probe' go /* Aliases... */ /* No aliases found. */ /* Add user-defined data types: */ /* No user defined types found. */ /* Rules... */ /* No rules found. */ /* Defaults... */ /* No defaults found. */ /* Bind rules & defaults to user data types... */ /* No defaults to bind. */ /* No rules to bind. */ /* Start of description of table dbo.jdbc_function_escapes */ setuser 'dbo' go CREATE TABLE dbo.jdbc_function_escapes ( escape_name varchar(40) NOT NULL, map_string varchar(40) NOT NULL ) go /* Add permissions for table... */ IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.jdbc_function_escapes') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT SELECT ON dbo.jdbc_function_escapes TO public END go /* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */ /* End of description of table dbo.jdbc_function_escapes */ /* Start of description of table dbo.spt_jdbc_conversion */ setuser 'dbo' go CREATE TABLE dbo.spt_jdbc_conversion ( datatype int NOT NULL, conversion char(20) NOT NULL ) go /* Add permissions for table... */ IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.spt_jdbc_conversion') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT SELECT ON dbo.spt_jdbc_conversion TO public END go /* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */ /* End of description of table dbo.spt_jdbc_conversion */ /* Start of description of table dbo.spt_jdbc_table_types */ setuser 'dbo' go CREATE TABLE dbo.spt_jdbc_table_types ( TABLE_TYPE char(15) NOT NULL ) go /* Add permissions for table... */ IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.spt_jdbc_table_types') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT SELECT ON dbo.spt_jdbc_table_types TO public END go /* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */ /* End of description of table dbo.spt_jdbc_table_types */ /* Start of description of table dbo.spt_jtext */ setuser 'dbo' go CREATE TABLE dbo.spt_jtext ( mdinfo varchar(30) NOT NULL, value text NOT NULL, UNIQUE (mdinfo) ) go /* Add permissions for table... */ IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.spt_jtext') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT SELECT ON dbo.spt_jtext TO public END go /* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */ /* End of description of table dbo.spt_jtext */ /* Start of description of table dbo.spt_limit_types */ setuser 'dbo' go CREATE TABLE dbo.spt_limit_types ( name char(30) NOT NULL, id smallint NOT NULL, enforced tinyint NOT NULL, object_type smallint NOT NULL, scope smallint NOT NULL, units char(60) NOT NULL ) go /* Add permissions for table... */ IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.spt_limit_types') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT SELECT ON dbo.spt_limit_types TO public END go /* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */ /* End of description of table dbo.spt_limit_types */ /* Start of description of table dbo.spt_mda */ setuser 'dbo' go CREATE TABLE dbo.spt_mda ( mdinfo varchar(30) NOT NULL, querytype tinyint NOT NULL, query varchar(255) NULL, mdaver_start tinyint NOT NULL, mdaver_end tinyint NOT NULL, srvver_start int NOT NULL, srvver_end int NOT NULL ) go IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.spt_mda') IS NOT NULL BEGIN CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX spt_mda_ind ON spt_mda (mdinfo, mdaver_end, srvver_end) END go /* Add permissions for table... */ IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.spt_mda') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT SELECT ON dbo.spt_mda TO public END go /* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */ /* End of description of table dbo.spt_mda */ /* Start of description of table dbo.spt_monitor */ setuser 'dbo' go CREATE TABLE dbo.spt_monitor ( lastrun datetime NOT NULL, cpu_busy int NOT NULL, io_busy int NOT NULL, idle int NOT NULL, pack_received int NOT NULL, pack_sent int NOT NULL, connections int NOT NULL, pack_errors int NOT NULL, total_read int NOT NULL, total_write int NOT NULL, total_errors int NOT NULL ) ON system go /* Add permissions for table... */ IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.spt_monitor') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT SELECT ON dbo.spt_monitor TO public END go /* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */ /* End of description of table dbo.spt_monitor */ /* Start of description of table dbo.syblicenseslog */ setuser 'dbo' go CREATE TABLE dbo.syblicenseslog ( status smallint NOT NULL, logdate datetime NOT NULL, maxlicenses int NOT NULL ) go /* Add permissions for table... */ /* Bind rules & defaults to columns... */ /* End of description of table dbo.syblicenseslog */ /* Now create the key definitions ...*/ setuser 'dbo' go /* Views... */ /* No views found. */ /* Procedures... */ /* Procedure sp_configure, owner dbo */ setuser 'dbo' go /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/%M% %I% %G%" */ /* 4.8 1.1 06/14/90 sproc/src/configure */ /* ** Messages for "sp_configure" 17410 ** Must use "langid" when referencing spt_values ** ** 17260, "Can't run %1! from within a transaction." ** 17410, "Configuration option doesn't exist." ** 17411, "Configuration option is not unique." ** 17413, "The value of the 'number of devices' must be greater than the highest VDEVNO, '%1!', defined in sysdevices." ** 17414, "You can't set the default language to a language ID that is not defined in Syslanguages." ** 17415, "Configuration option value is not legal." ** 17418, "'%1!' is an invalid file command. The valid commands are 'verify', 'read', 'write', and 'restore'." ** 17419, "Configuration option changed. The SQL Server need not be rebooted since the option is dynamic. ** 18123, "Configuration option changed. The SQL Server must be rebooted before the change in effect since the option is static." ** 18124, "No matching configuration options. Here is a listing of groups:" ** 18125, "Must provide the parameter 'filename'." ** 18133, "The character set, '%1!', is invalid since it is not defined in Syscharsets." ** 18134, "The sortorder, '%1!', is invalid since it is not defined in Syscharsets." ** 18549, "Invalid third argument supplied: '%1!'. Valid choices are ** 'with truncate' or 'default'." */ create procedure sp_configure @configname varchar(80) = NULL, /* configure option name */ @configvalue int = NULL, /* configure value */ @configvalue2 varchar(255) = NULL, /* config file command/charset info */ @configvalue3 varchar(255) = NULL /* physical name of file */ as declare @confignum int /* number of option to be configured */ declare @configcount int /* number of options like @configname */ declare @whichone int /* using english or default lang ? */ declare @cmd smallint /* configuration file command */ declare @status int /* return status for misc calls */ declare @children int /* number of children in a group */ declare @parent int /* config number of parent group */ declare @msg varchar(255) /* temp buffer for messages */ declare @sysconfig smallint /* contents of sysconfigures.config */ declare @sysname varchar(255) /* contents of sysconfigures.comment */ declare @sysparent smallint /* contents of sysconfigures.parent */ declare @sysstatus smallint /* contents of sysconfigures.status */ declare @value int /* default charset/sort order id */ declare @user_displaylevel int /* user display level */ declare @maxvdevno int /* highest number of vdevno */ declare @sortorder_id int /* current sortorder id */ declare @charset_id int /* current charset id */ declare @use_wildcard tinyint /* use wildcard to search option name or not */ declare @match_count int /* number of option found by name match */ declare @cache_part_temp int /* cache partition number */ declare @partition_number int /* cache partition number */ declare @cmpstate int /* Local NODE state in companionship */ declare @nocase tinyint /* case-sensitive sort order flag */ select @whichone = 0 select @status = 0 select @cmd = 1 select @value = NULL select @user_displaylevel = NULL select @sortorder_id = value from master.dbo.syscurconfigs where config = 123 select @charset_id = value from master.dbo.syscurconfigs where config = 131 select @use_wildcard = 1 /* ** Check if the default sort order is case-insensitive. */ if ("A" = "a") select @nocase = 1 else select @nocase = 0 /* ** Disallow running sp_configure within a transaction since it might make ** recovery impossible. */ if @@trancount > 0 begin /* ** 17260, "Can't run %1! from within a transaction." */ raiserror 17260, "sp_configure" return (1) end else begin set chained off end set transaction isolation level 1 set nocount on /* ** If the "default sortorder" is case insensitive dictionary sort order, ** the procedure will just print out all the options and their values ** without grouping if no option name is given. */ if (@nocase = 1 and @configname is NULL) begin select "Parameter Name" = convert(char(30), name), "Default" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), defvalue)))+ convert(varchar(11), defvalue)), "Memory Used" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), b.comment)))+ convert(varchar(11), b.comment)), "Config Value" =convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(a.value2, convert(char(32), a.value)))) + isnull(a.value2, convert(char(32), a.value))), "Run Value" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value)))) + isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value))) from master.dbo.sysconfigures a, master.dbo.syscurconfigs b where a.config *= b.config and parent != 19 and a.config != 19 order by name return (0) end /* Validate the configname if it not NULL */ if @configname is not NULL begin select @configcount = count(*) from master.dbo.sysconfigures where name like "%" + @configname + "%" and parent != 19 /* ** If configure option is not unique and case-insensitive ** dictionary sort order is used, check if unique option found ** by exact name match, if so, then disable wildcard match ** for searching option name. */ if (@configcount > 1 and @nocase = 1) begin /* check if unique option found by exact name match */ select @match_count = count(*) from master.dbo.sysconfigures where name = @configname and parent != 19 if @match_count =1 begin select @use_wildcard = 0 /* don't use wildcard */ select @configcount = @match_count end end /* ** If more than one option like @configname, ** show the duplicates and return. */ if @configcount > 1 begin /* ** 17411, "Configuration option is not unique." */ raiserror 17411 print "" select "Parameter Name" = convert(char(30), name), "Default" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), defvalue)))+ convert(varchar(11), defvalue)), "Memory Used" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), b.comment)))+ convert(varchar(11), b.comment)), "Config Value" =convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(a.value2, convert(char(32), a.value)))) + isnull(a.value2, convert(char(32), a.value))), "Run Value" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value)))) + isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value))) from master.dbo.sysconfigures a, master.dbo.syscurconfigs b where a.config *= b.config and name like "%" + @configname + "%" and parent != 19 and a.config != 19 order by name return (1) end /* ** if it is a valid option and the @configvalue is not NULL, ** set the option */ if (@configcount != 0) and (@configvalue is not NULL) begin /* set @confignum */ select @confignum = config, @sysstatus = status from master.dbo.sysconfigures where name like "%" + @configname + "%" and parent != 19 and config != 19 /* ** If @configvalue2 is "default", ** setting the value to default */ if (@configvalue2 = "default") select @value = 1 else select @value = 0 /* ** If the option name is "configuration file" */ if @confignum = 114 begin /* ** if the file command is one of the valid ** commands. */ if ((@configvalue2 = "read") or (@configvalue2 = "write") or (@configvalue2 = "restore") or (@configvalue2 = "verify")) begin /* ** if filename is NULL */ if (@configvalue3 is NULL) begin /* 18125, "Must provide the parameter 'filename'." */ raiserror 18125 return(1) end /* ** Must have sa_role to run these ** commands */ if (proc_role("sa_role") < 1) begin return(1) end else begin if (@configvalue2 = "verify") select @cmd = 2 else if (@configvalue2 = "read") select @cmd = 3 else if (@configvalue2 = "write") select @cmd = 4 else if (@configvalue2 = "restore") select @cmd = 5 end end else begin /* ** print the message to show the valid ** file command */ raiserror 17418, @configvalue2 return(1) end select @status = config_admin(@cmd,0,0,0,NULL, @configvalue3) if (@status = 1) begin return(0) end else begin return (1) end end if @confignum = 123 begin /* get current default charset id */ select @value = value from master.dbo.sysconfigures where config = 131 if @configvalue2 is not NULL begin /* validate the charset id */ if not exists (select * from master..syscharsets where name = @configvalue2 and type between 1000 and 1999) begin /* 18133, "The character set, '%1!', is invalid since it ** is not defined in Syscharsets." */ raiserror 18133, @configvalue2 return (1) end /* get default charset id from name */ select @value = id from master..syscharsets where name = @configvalue2 and type between 1000 and 1999 end end if @confignum = 131 begin /* get current default sortord id */ select @value = value from master.dbo.sysconfigures where config = 123 if @configvalue2 is not NULL begin /* validate the sortord id */ if not exists (select * from master..syscharsets where name = @configvalue2 and type between 2000 and 2999) begin /* 18134, "The sortorder, '%1!', is invalid since it ** is not defined in Syscharsets." */ raiserror 18134, @configvalue2 return (1) end /* get default sortorder id from name */ select @value = id from master..syscharsets where name = @configvalue2 and type between 2000 and 2999 end end /* ** If an attempt to enable a disk mirroring is made, and ** if this happens to be a server with HA services turned ** on, we disallow. Currently we do not support ASE HA ** services along with sybase mirroring. */ if (@confignum = 140 and @configvalue = 0) begin select @cmpstate = @@cmpstate if @cmpstate >= 0 begin /* 18816 Mirroring not allowed in ASE HA */ raiserror 18816 return(1) end end /* ** If an attempt to disable disk mirroring is being made, ** ensure that there are no devices that are currently ** being mirrored. */ if (@confignum = 140 and @configvalue = 1) begin if (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysdevices where status & 512 = 512) > 0 begin /* 18750, Unable to disable disk mirroring ** because some devices are currently ** mirrored. Use 'disk unmirror' to ** unmirror these devices and then ** re-run this sp_configure command. */ raiserror 18570 return (1) end end /* ** If this is the number of devices configuration ** parameter, we want to make sure that it's not being ** set to lower than the ** number of devices in sysdevices. */ if @confignum = 116 begin /* ** Get the default value if trying to set the ** value to the default value */ if (@value = 1) begin select @configvalue = convert(int, defvalue) from master.dbo.syscurconfigs where config = 116 end /* ** Get the max vdevno. */ select @maxvdevno = max( convert(tinyint, substring(convert(binary(4), d.low), v.low, 1))) from master.dbo.sysdevices d, master.dbo.spt_values v if (@configvalue <= @maxvdevno) begin /* 17413, "The value of the 'number of devices' must be ** greater than the highest VDEVNO, '%1!', defined ** in sysdevices." */ raiserror 17413, @maxvdevno return (1) end end /* ** If this is the number of default language, we want ** to make sure that the new value is a valid language ** id in Syslanguages. */ if @confignum = 124 begin if not exists (select * from master.dbo.syslanguages where langid = @configvalue) begin /* 0 is default language, us_english */ if @configvalue != 0 begin /* 17414, "You can't set the default language to a ** language ID that is not defined in Syslanguages." */ raiserror 17414 return (1) end end end /* ** If this is the number of current audit table we want ** to make sure that if "with truncate" opiton is not ** provided new table is empty other wise fail. */ if @confignum = 260 begin if @configvalue2 is not NULL begin if (@configvalue2 not in ("with truncate", "default")) begin /* ** 18549, "Invalid third argument ** supplied: '%1!'. Valid ** choices are 'with truncate' ** or 'default'." */ raiserror 18549, @configvalue2 return(1) end end else begin select @value = 2 end end if @confignum = 337 begin if @configvalue is not NULL begin if (@configvalue2 = "default") begin select @partition_number = 1 end else begin select @partition_number = @configvalue end if (@partition_number <= 0) OR (@partition_number > 64) begin raiserror 18611 return(1) end select @cache_part_temp = 2 while @cache_part_temp < @partition_number select @cache_part_temp = @cache_part_temp * 2 if @partition_number != 1 AND @cache_part_temp != @partition_number begin raiserror 18611 return(1) end end end /* call config_admin() to set the new value */ select @status = config_admin(@cmd, @confignum, @configvalue, @value, NULL, @configvalue2) /* if successful */ if (@status = 1) begin /* Display the new value */ select "Parameter Name" = convert(char(30), name), "Default" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), defvalue))) + convert(varchar(11), defvalue)), "Memory Used" = convert(char(11),space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), c.comment))) + convert(varchar(11), c.comment)), "Config Value" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value)))) + isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value))), "Run Value" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(c.value2, convert(char(32), c.value)))) + isnull(c.value2, convert(char(32), c.value))) from master.dbo.sysconfigures b, master.dbo.syscurconfigs c where b.config = @confignum and b.config *= c.config /* ** print reboot message if this option is not ** dynamic. */ select @sysstatus = @sysstatus & 8 if @sysstatus = 8 begin exec sp_getmessage 17419, @msg output print @msg end else begin exec sp_getmessage 18123, @msg output print @msg end return(0) end else return(1) end end /* ** @configcount=0 implies @configname is not valid ** @configname=NULL implies displaying all the parameters except for ** the parameters with the config number equal to 19 or the parent equal ** to 19 since those parameters are displayed by sp_cacheconfig. */ if (@configcount =0) begin /* 18124, "No matching configuration options. ** Here is a listing of groups:" */ raiserror 18124 select convert(char(50), name) from master.dbo.sysconfigures where config < 100 and parent != 19 and config != 19 order by name return(1) end else if (@configname is NULL) select @configname = "Config" /* ** retrieve the display level from sysattributes */ select @user_displaylevel = int_value from master.dbo.sysattributes where class = 4 AND attribute = 0 AND object_type = 'L' AND object = suser_id() /* ** set the default display level to 10 if it is not defined in sysattributes */ if (@user_displaylevel = NULL) select @user_displaylevel = 10 /* ** If @use_wildcard = 0 and the default sortorder is case-insensitive ** dictionary sort order, use exact match: name = @configname to get row, ** otherwise use wildcard match: name like "%" + @configname + "%". */ if (@use_wildcard = 0 and @nocase = 1) begin select @confignum = config, @parent = config, @sysname = name, @sysstatus = status from master.dbo.sysconfigures where name = @configname and config != 19 end else begin select @confignum = config, @parent = config, @sysname = name, @sysstatus = status from master.dbo.sysconfigures where name like "%" + @configname + "%" and config != 19 end select @children = count(*) from master.dbo.sysconfigures where parent = @confignum if @children = 0 begin /* @@nestlevel is problem area if a sproc calls sp_configure */ /* could pass in another param when recursing */ if @@nestlevel > 1 begin /* reached a leaf, notify parent */ return(1) end else begin /* display the information of the config parameter */ select "Parameter Name" = convert(char(30), name), "Default" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), defvalue))) + convert(varchar(11), defvalue)), "Memory Used" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), c.comment))) + convert(varchar(11), c.comment)), "Config Value" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value)))) + isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value))), "Run Value" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(c.value2, convert(char(32), c.value)))) + isnull(c.value2, convert(char(32), c.value))) from master.dbo.sysconfigures b, master.dbo.syscurconfigs c where b.config *= c.config and name like "%" + @configname + "%" and b.config != 19 and parent != 19 end end else begin select @msg = "Group: " + @sysname print "" print @msg print "" /* this poor guy has kids, so recurse to leaves */ declare config_curs cursor for select config, name, parent from master.dbo.sysconfigures where parent = @parent order by name open config_curs fetch config_curs into @sysconfig, @sysname, @sysparent while (@@sqlstatus = 0) begin execute @status = sp_configure @sysname if (@status = 1) begin /* ** this guy has leaves as kids, ** so print out the leaves with ** display level <= @user_displaylevel ** Note: If a config parameter has more than one ** parent, the extra parents are stored in ** 'sysattribures'. */ create table #configure_temp (config int) insert into #configure_temp select a.config from master.dbo.sysconfigures a, master.dbo.syscurconfigs b where display_level <= @user_displaylevel and parent = @parent and a.config != 19 and a.config = b.config union select config from master.dbo.syscurconfigs, master.dbo.sysattributes where display_level <= @user_displaylevel and class = 4 and attribute = 1 and object_type = 'CP' and int_value = @parent and object = config and config != 19 if exists (select * from #configure_temp) begin select "Parameter Name" = convert(char(30), name), "Default" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), defvalue))) + convert(varchar(11), defvalue)), "Memory Used" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( convert(varchar(11), c.comment))) + convert(varchar(11), c.comment)), "Config Value" = convert(char(11),space(11-char_length( isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value)))) + isnull(b.value2, convert(char(32), b.value))), "Run Value" = convert(char(11), space(11-char_length( isnull(c.value2, convert(char(32), c.value)))) + isnull(c.value2, convert(char(32), c.value))) from master.dbo.sysconfigures b, master.dbo.syscurconfigs c where b.config in (select config from #configure_temp) and b.config = c.config order by name end drop table #configure_temp close config_curs deallocate cursor config_curs return(0) end else begin /* ** this lucky guy has grandkids, so, continue */ fetch config_curs into @sysconfig, @sysname, @sysparent end end close config_curs deallocate cursor config_curs return(0) end go IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_configure') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_configure TO public END go /* Procedure sp_dboption, owner dbo */ setuser 'dbo' go /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/%M% %I% %G%" */ /* 4.8 1.1 06/14/90 sproc/src/a_values */ /* ** Messages for "sp_dboption" 17420 ** Use "langid" when looking at spt_values ??? ** ** 17260, "Can't run %1! from within a transaction." ** 17420, "Settable database options." ** 17421, "No such database -- run sp_helpdb to list databases." ** 17422, "The 'master' database's options can not be changed." ** 17423, "Usage: sp_dboption [dbname, optname, {true | false}]" ** 17424, "Database option doesn't exist or can't be set by user." ** 17425, "Run sp_dboption with no parameters to see options." ** 17426, "Database option is not unique." ** 17428, "You must be in the 'master' database in order to change ** database options." ** 17429, "The database is currently in use -- 'read only' option ** disallowed." ** 17430, "Run the CHECKPOINT command in the database that was changed." ** 17431, "true" ** 17432, "false" ** 17433, "Database option '%1!' turned ON for database '%2!'." ** 17434, "Database option '%1!' turned OFF for database '%2!'." ** 17289, "Set your curwrite to the hurdle of current database." ** 17436, "The 'single user' option is not valid for the 'tempdb' ** database." ** 17439, "You cannot turn on ''%1!' for '%2!' because it is an HA server ** that has been configured with the proxy_db option." */ create procedure sp_dboption @dbname varchar(30) = NULL, /* database name to change */ @optname varchar(20) = NULL, /* option name to turn on/off */ @optvalue varchar(10) = NULL /* true or false */ as declare @dbid int /* dbid of the database */ declare @dbuid int /* id of the owner of the database */ declare @statvalue smallint, /* number of option */ @stattype char(2), /* status field flag */ @statopt smallint, /* option mask, part 1 */ @stat2opt smallint /* option mask, part 2 */ declare @optcount int /* number of options like @optname */ declare @success_msg varchar(255) /* success status message */ declare @msg varchar(250) declare @sptlang int declare @true varchar(10) declare @false varchar(10) declare @whichone int /* which language? */ declare @name varchar(30) declare @optmsgnum int /* identify one msgnum to compare */ declare @msgcnt int /* count distinct dups */ if @@trancount = 0 begin set chained off end set transaction isolation level 1 select @sptlang = @@langid, @whichone = 0 if @@langid != 0 begin if not exists ( select * from master.dbo.sysmessages where error between 17050 and 17069 and langid = @@langid) select @sptlang = 0 end /* ** If no @dbname given, just list the possible dboptions. ** Only certain status bits may be set or cleared. ** settable not settable ** ------------------------------ -------------------------- ** allow select into/bulkcopy (4) don't recover (32) ** read only (1024) not recovered (256) ** dbo use only (2048) dbname has changed (16384) ** single user (4096) ** truncate log on checkpoint (8) ** no checkpoint on recovery (16) ** allow null (8192) ** ddl in tran (512) ** ALL SETTABLE OPTIONS (15900) ** abort xact on log full (1, type='D2') ** no space accounting (2, type='D2') ** auto identity(4, type='D2') ** identity in nonunique index(8, type='D2') ** auto identity unique index(64, type='D2') */ /* ** Look for the "settable options" mask in spt_values */ select @statopt = number from master.dbo.spt_values where type = "D" and name = "ALL SETTABLE OPTIONS" select @stat2opt = number from master.dbo.spt_values where type = "D2" and name = "ALL SETTABLE OPTIONS" /* ** If we can't find the option masks, guess at them */ if @statopt is null select @statopt = 4 | 8 | 16 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 | 4096 | 8192 if @stat2opt is null select @stat2opt = 1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 64 if @dbname is null begin /* ** 17420, "Settable database options." */ exec sp_getmessage 17420, @msg output print @msg if @sptlang = 0 select database_options = name from master.dbo.spt_values where ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number and number & @statopt != @statopt) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number and number & @stat2opt != @stat2opt)) order by name else select database_options = name, convert(char(22), description) from master.dbo.spt_values, master.dbo.sysmessages where ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number and number & @statopt != @statopt) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number and number & @stat2opt != @stat2opt)) and msgnum = error and langid = @sptlang order by name return (0) end /* ** Verify the database name and get the @dbid and @dbuid */ select @dbid = dbid, @dbuid = suid from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = @dbname /* ** If @dbname not found, say so and list the databases. */ if @dbid is NULL begin /* ** 17421, "No such database -- run sp_helpdb to list databases." */ raiserror 17421 return (1) end /* ** Only the Database Owner (DBO) or ** Accounts with SA role can execute it. ** Call proc_role() with the required SA role. */ if ((suser_id() != @dbuid) and (proc_role("sa_role") < 1)) return(1) /* ** You can not change any of the options in master. If the user tries to ** do so tell them they can't. */ if @dbid = 1 begin /* ** 17422, "The 'master' database's options can not be changed." */ raiserror 17422 return (1) end /* ** Check remaining parameters. */ /* 17431, "true" */ exec sp_getmessage 17431, @true out /* 17432, "false" */ exec sp_getmessage 17432, @false out if @optname is NULL or lower(@optvalue) not in ("true", "false", @true, @false) or @optvalue is null begin /* ** 17423, "Usage: sp_dboption [dbname, optname, {true | false}]" */ raiserror 17423 return (1) end /* ** Use @optname and try to find the right option. ** If there isn't just one, print appropriate diagnostics and return. */ select @optcount = count(*) from master.dbo.spt_values where name like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) /* ** If more than one option like @optname, make sure they are not the same ** option ("trunc" and "trunc.", for example) */ if @optcount > 1 begin select @optmsgnum = msgnum from master.dbo.spt_values where name like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) select @msgcnt = count(msgnum) from master.dbo.spt_values where name like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) and msgnum != @optmsgnum /* ** msgcnt of 0 indicates we really have just 1 unique dboption, ** probably due to alternate spelling. */ if (@msgcnt = 0) select @optcount = 1 end /* ** If no option, and alternate language is set, use other language */ if @optcount = 0 and @sptlang != 0 begin select @optcount = count(*) from master.dbo.spt_values, master.dbo.sysmessages where description like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) and msgnum = error and langid = @sptlang select @whichone = 1 /* ** If more than one option like @optname, make sure they are not the same ** option ("trunc" and "trunc.", for example) */ if @optcount > 1 begin select @optmsgnum = msgnum from master.dbo.spt_values, master.dbo.sysmessages where description like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) and msgnum = error and langid = @sptlang select @msgcnt = count(msgnum) from master.dbo.spt_values, master.dbo.sysmessages where description like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) and msgnum = error and langid = @sptlang and msgnum != @optmsgnum /* ** msgcnt of 0 indicates we really have just 1 unique dboption, ** probably due to alternate spelling. */ if (@msgcnt = 0) select @optcount = 1 end end /* ** If no option, show the user what the options are. */ if @optcount = 0 begin /* ** 17424, "Database option doesn't exist or can't be set by user." */ raiserror 17424 /* ** 17425, "Run sp_dboption with no parameters to see options." */ exec sp_getmessage 17425, @msg output print @msg return (1) end /* ** If more than one option like @optname, show the duplicates and return. */ if @optcount > 1 begin /* ** 17426, "Database option is not unique." */ raiserror 17426 if @sptlang = 0 select duplicate_options = name from master.dbo.spt_values where name like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) else select duplicate_options = name, convert(char(22), description) from master.dbo.spt_values, master.dbo.sysmessages where (name like "%" + @optname + "%" or description like "%" + @optname + "%") and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) and msgnum = error and langid = @sptlang return (1) end if db_name() != "master" begin /* ** 17428, "You must be in the 'master' database in order to change database options." */ raiserror 17428 return (1) end /* ** User cannot set "tempdb" database in single user mode. */ select @statvalue = number from master.dbo.spt_values where name like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) if (@dbid = 2) and (@statvalue = 4096) begin /* ** 17436, "The 'single user' option is not valid for the 'tempdb' ** database." */ raiserror 17436 return (1) end /* ** If we're in a transaction, disallow this since it might make recovery ** impossible. */ if @@trancount > 0 begin /* ** 17260, "Can't run %1! from within a transaction." */ raiserror 17260, "sp_dboption" return (1) end else begin set chained off end set transaction isolation level 1 /* ** Get the number which is the bit value to set */ if @whichone = 0 select @statvalue = number, @stattype = type, @success_msg = name from master.dbo.spt_values where name like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) else select @statvalue = number, @stattype = type, @success_msg = name from master.dbo.spt_values, master.dbo.sysmessages where description like "%" + @optname + "%" and ((type = "D" and number & @statopt = number) or (type = "D2" and number & @stat2opt = number)) and msgnum = error and langid = @sptlang /* ** We do not allow 'sybsecurity' to be set to 'single user' since, ** if auditing is enabled and we try to set 'sybsecurity' database to ** 'single user' then, the audit process is killed because audit process ** tries to do 'usedb' and it fails (look at utils/auditing.c). */ if (@dbname = "sybsecurity") and (@statvalue = 4096) begin /* ** 17435, "The 'single user' option is not valid for the ** 'sybsecurity' database. */ raiserror 17435 return (1) end /* ** Now update sysdatabases. */ if lower(@optvalue) in ("true", @true) begin /* ** If this the option to make the database read only, ** we need to do some checking first. ** Unless it's the master db, no one can be using it. ** If it's the master db, only the SA may be using it. */ if (@statvalue = 1024) and (select count(*) from master.dbo.sysprocesses where dbid = @dbid) > 0 begin /* ** 17429, "The database is currently in use -- 'read only' option disallowed." */ raiserror 17429 return (1) end /* ** If this is the option to set 'abort tran on log full' to ** true for sybsecurit database, then don't allow. */ if (db_name(@dbid) = "sybsecurity" and @stattype = "D2" and @statvalue = 1) begin /* ** AUDIT_CHANGE: New error message needs to be reserved and ** the print statement needs to be removed. */ print "You cannot set 'abort tran on log full' to true for sybsecurity database." return (1) end /* ** Disallow DDL IN TRAN ** if proxydb option is set (@@crthaproxy = 1) ** if this server is a HA server (@@cmpstate >= 0) */ if ((@statvalue = 512) and (@@crthaproxy = 1) and (@@cmpstate >= 0)) begin /* ** Cannot set DDL_IN_TRAN option for HA servers ** configured with proxy_db option. */ select @name = db_name(@dbid) exec sp_getmessage 17439, @msg output print @msg, @success_msg, @name return (1) end if (@stattype = "D") update master.dbo.sysdatabases set status = status | @statvalue where dbid = @dbid else update master.dbo.sysdatabases set status2 = status2 | @statvalue where dbid = @dbid /* ** 17433, "Database option %1! turned ON for database %2!." */ exec sp_getmessage 17433, @msg output select @name = db_name(@dbid) print @msg, @success_msg, @name end /* ** We want to turn it off. */ else begin if (@stattype = "D") update master.dbo.sysdatabases set status = status & ~@statvalue where dbid = @dbid else update master.dbo.sysdatabases set status2 = status2 & ~@statvalue where dbid = @dbid /* ** 17434, "Database option %1! turned OFF for database %2!." */ exec sp_getmessage 17434, @msg output select @name = db_name(@dbid) print @msg, @success_msg, @name end /* ** Advise the user to run the CHECKPOINT command in the database that ** was changed. */ /* ** 17430, "Run the CHECKPOINT command in the database that was changed." */ exec sp_getmessage 17430, @msg output print @msg return (0) go IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_dboption') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_dboption TO public END go /* Procedure sp_dbupgrade, owner dbo */ setuser 'dbo' go /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/%M% %I% %G%" */ create procedure sp_dbupgrade as if @@trancount = 0 begin set chained off end set transaction isolation level 1 /* ** Do the sysindexes column names update which is part of the 38 upgrade. ** The sysgams updates have already been taken care of by pg_gamalloc. */ print "Upgrading Sysindexes columns in the database" if not exists (select name from syscolumns where id = 2 and name = 'doampg') begin update syscolumns set name = 'doampg' where id = 2 and name = 'dpages' update syscolumns set name = 'ioampg' where id = 2 and name = 'reserved' update syscolumns set name = 'spare1' where id = 2 and name = 'used' update syscolumns set name = 'spare2' where id = 2 and name = 'rows' end /* The following updates are part of the 42 upgrade. */ /* ** Tweak the Syscolumns entries for the Sysindexes table so that ** "soid" and "csid" replace half of "usagecnt". */ if not exists (select * from syscolumns where id = 2 and name = 'soid') begin begin transaction update syscolumns set type = 52, length = 2, usertype = 6, offset = 42 where id = 2 and colid = 13 insert into syscolumns (id, number, colid, status, type, length, offset, usertype, cdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (2, 0, 23, 0, 48, 1, 40, 5, 0, 0, 'soid', '') insert into syscolumns (id, number, colid, status, type, length, offset, usertype, cdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (2, 0, 24, 0, 48, 1, 41, 5, 0, 0, 'csid', '') commit transaction end print "Adding new datatypes to the database." if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'text') begin delete systypes where name = 'text' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (1, 19, 0, 1, 35, 16, 0, 0, 'text', null) if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'image') begin delete systypes where name = 'image' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (1, 20, 0, 1, 34, 16, 0, 0, 'image', null) if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'timestamp') begin delete systypes where name = 'timestamp' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (1, 80, 0, 1, 37, 8, 0, 0, 'timestamp', null) if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'smallmoney') begin delete systypes where name = 'smallmoney' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (1, 21, 0, 1, 122, 4, 0, 0, 'smallmoney', null) if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'smalldatetime') begin delete systypes where name = 'smalldatetime' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (1, 22, 0, 1, 58, 4, 0, 0, 'smalldatetime', null) if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'real') begin delete systypes where name = 'real' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (1, 23, 0, 1, 59, 4, 0, 0, 'real', null) /* 4.9 user types for national character */ if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'nchar') begin delete systypes where name = 'nchar' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt ) values (1, 24, 0, 1, 47, 255, 0, 0, 'nchar', null) if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'nvarchar') begin delete systypes where name = 'nvarchar' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (1, 25, 1, 1, 39, 255, 0, 0, 'nvarchar', null) if exists (select * from systypes where name = 'NULL') begin delete systypes where name = 'NULL' end insert systypes (uid, usertype, variable, allownulls, type, length, tdefault, domain, name, printfmt) values (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'NULL', null) /* 4.9 system table creation */ print "Creating system catalog: sysusermessages and its indexes." if not exists (select * from sysobjects where name='sysusermessages') begin execute sp_configure 'allow updates', 1 reconfigure with override dbcc traceon(3701) begin create table sysusermessages(error int,uid smallint, description varchar(255), langid smallint null) lock allpages create clustered index csysusermessages on sysusermessages (error) create unique nonclustered index ncsysusermessages on sysusermessages (error, langid) end dbcc traceoff(3701) execute sp_configure 'allow updates', 0 reconfigure with override end print "Shutting down SQL Server" shutdown return (0) go /* Procedure sp_getmessage, owner dbo */ setuser 'dbo' go /* generic/sproc/getmessage 14.2 4/25/91 */ /* Messages from sysmessages ** 17200, "Message number must be greater than or equal to 17000." ** 17201, "'%1!' is not an official language name from Syslanguages." ** 17202, "Message number %1! does not exist in the %2! language." */ create procedure sp_getmessage @message_num int, @result varchar(255) output, @language varchar(30) = NULL as declare @lang_id smallint declare @msg varchar(255) declare @returncode smallint if @@trancount = 0 begin set chained off end set transaction isolation level 1 /* ** Use default language if none specified, ** and initialize result */ select @lang_id = @@langid, @result = NULL /* Only retrieve external errors */ if @message_num < 17000 BEGIN /* 17200 "Message number must be greater than or equal to 17000." */ select @msg = description from master.dbo.sysmessages where error = 17200 print @msg return (1) END /* ** Check that language is valid. */ if @language is not NULL BEGIN execute @returncode = sp_validlang @language if @returncode != 0 begin /* Us_english is always valid */ if @language != "us_english" BEGIN /* ** 17201, "'%1!' is not an official language ** name from Syslanguages." */ select @msg = description from master.dbo.sysmessages where error = 17201 and langid = @@langid /* Get english if the current language is missing */ if @msg is null select @msg = description from master.dbo.sysmessages where error = 17201 and langid is NULL print @msg, @language return @returncode END /* set to us_english */ select @lang_id = NULL end else select @lang_id = langid from master.dbo.syslanguages where @language = name END /* The langid is assigned 0 since it gets its value from @@langid. */ /* For us_english, we have to insert it as NULL and not 0, this is */ /* to maintain compatibility with the current conventions */ if @lang_id = 0 begin select @lang_id = NULL end /* Get message from the proper place */ /* System messages */ if @message_num < 20000 BEGIN select @result = description from master.dbo.sysmessages where langid = @lang_id and error = @message_num /* Get english if the current language is missing */ if @result is null select @result = description from master.dbo.sysmessages where error = @message_num and (langid is NULL or langid =0) END else /* User messages */ BEGIN /* There is no proper alternate language for user messages */ select @result = description from sysusermessages where langid = @lang_id and error = @message_num /* this is in here for compatibility with older revs which */ /* by mistake used to add langid as 0 in sysusermessages */ if @result is null and @lang_id is NULL select @result = description from sysusermessages where (langid = 0 or langid is NULL) and error = @message_num END /* Warn the user if the message can't be found */ if @result is null begin /* 17202, "Message number %1! does not exist in the %2! language." */ select @msg = description from master.dbo.sysmessages where error = 17202 and langid = @@langid if @language is null select @language = @@language if @msg is null select @msg = "Message number %1! does not exist in the %2! language." print @msg, @message_num, @language return (1) end return (0) go IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_getmessage') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_getmessage TO public END go /* Procedure sp_loaddbupgrade, owner dbo */ setuser 'dbo' go /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/src/%M% %I% %G%" */ create procedure sp_loaddbupgrade @databasename varchar(30), @devname varchar(30) as if @@trancount = 0 begin set chained off end set transaction isolation level 1 dbcc traceon(3402) /* The recovery which is part of load database will perform the upgrade */ load database @databasename from @devname dbcc traceoff(3402) return (0) go /* Procedure sp_procxmode, owner dbo */ setuser 'dbo' go /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/src/%M% %I% %G%" */ /* ** 17756, "The execution of the stored procedure '%1!' in database ** '%2!' was aborted because there was an error in writing the ** replication log record." */ create procedure sp_procxmode @procname varchar(255) = null, @tranmode varchar(30) = null as declare @uid smallint declare @oid int declare @msg varchar(250) /* message text */ declare @dbname varchar(30) if @@trancount = 0 begin set chained off end set transaction isolation level 1 /* If either parameter is null we will be joining with a temporary table ** to convert transaction mode numbers (0, 1, 2) to strings ("Unchained", ** "Chained", "Any Mode"). */ if ((@procname is null) or (@tranmode is null)) begin create table #tranmode (intval integer, charval varchar(15)) insert into #tranmode values(0, "Unchained") insert into #tranmode values(1, "Chained") insert into #tranmode values(2, "Any Mode") end /* If the first parameter is null, we're to report the transaction-modes ** of every stored procedure in the current database. */ if (@procname is null) begin select "procedure name" = o.name, "user name" = user_name(o.uid), "transaction mode" = t.charval from sysobjects o, #tranmode t where ((o.type = "P") or (o.type = "XP")) and (t.intval = ((o.sysstat2 / 16) & 3)) order by o.name return(0) end /* If only the second parameter is null, we're to report the ** transaction-mode of the specified stored procedure. */ if ((@procname is not null) and (@tranmode is null)) begin if (not exists (select name from sysobjects where ((type = "P") or (type = "XP")) and (name = @procname))) begin /* ** Force an error message, since we haven't ** installed sp_getmessage yet. */ dbcc update_tmode(@procname, "Chained") return (1) end select "procedure name" = o.name, "user name" = user_name(o.uid), "transaction mode" = t.charval from sysobjects o, #tranmode t where ((o.type = "P") or (o.type = "XP")) and (@procname = o.name) and (t.intval = ((o.sysstat2 / 16) & 3)) return(0) end /* If neither parameter is null, we're to set the transaction-mode ** of the specified procedure to the specified value. */ if ((@procname is not null) and (@tranmode is not null)) begin /* Start the transaction to log the execution of this procedure. ** ** IMPORTANT: The name "rs_logexec is significant and is used by ** Replication Server */ begin transaction rs_logexec /* ** Update transaction-mode in both sysobjects and DES. */ dbcc update_tmode(@procname, @tranmode) /* If dbcc update_tmode returned an error, return ** an error now. */ if (@@error != 0) begin rollback transaction rs_logexec return(1) end /* ** Write the log record to replicate this invocation ** of the stored procedure. */ if (logexec() != 1) begin /* ** 17756, "The execution of the stored procedure '%1!' ** in database '%2!' was aborted because there ** was an error in writing the replication log ** record." */ select @dbname = db_name() raiserror 17756, "sp_procxmode", @dbname rollback transaction rs_logexec return(1) end commit transaction end go IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_procxmode') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_procxmode TO public END go /* Procedure sp_prtsybsysmsgs, owner dbo */ setuser 'dbo' go /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/%M% %I% %G%" */ /* ** This procedure is needed to extract messages for the batch that creates ** the sybsystemprocs database. When return parameters are used in an execute ** statement that is a part of a SQL batch, the return values are printed ** with a heading before subsequent statements in the batch are executed. ** These headings could be confusing to a user that is looking at the results ** of the batch. Hence we print the message in a stored procedure */ create procedure sp_prtsybsysmsgs @i int, @size int = NULL, @size2 int = NULL as declare @msg varchar(250) exec sp_getmessage @i, @msg out print @msg, @size, @size2 go /* Procedure sp_validlang, owner dbo */ setuser 'dbo' go /* Sccsid = "%Z% generic/sproc/src/%M% %I% %G%" */ /* 4.8 1.1 06/14/90 sproc/src/serveroption */ create procedure sp_validlang @name varchar(30) as if @@trancount = 0 begin set chained off end set transaction isolation level 1 /* Check to see if this language is in Syslanguages. */ if exists (select * from master.dbo.syslanguages where name = @name) begin return 0 end return 1 go IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.sp_validlang') IS NOT NULL BEGIN GRANT EXECUTE ON dbo.sp_validlang TO public END go /* Triggers... */ /* No triggers found. */ /** New testing for views and procedures **/ -- -- View: vs_xdp_data -- CREATE VIEW vs_xdp_data AS SELECT d.id AS device_id, x.discoveryProtocol AS discovery_protocol, dbo.inet_ntoa( remoteIpAddr ) AS remote_ip_address, x.remoteSysDescr AS remote_sys_descr, x.remoteSysName AS remote_sys_name, x.remoteInterfaceName AS remote_interface_name, x.remotePlatform AS remote_platform, x.localInterfaceName AS local_interface_name, x.class_name AS category, e.dateSeen AS date_seen, m.user_id AS user_access FROM xdp_cache x, discovery_event e, device d, asset ast, M_ACCESS_CONTROL m WHERE x.discoveryEvent_id = e.id AND e.adminIpAddr = d.ipaddr AND ast.foreign_asset_id2 = d.device_id AND ast.acl_id = m.acl_id GO -- -- Procedure: Tx_B_Get_Vlan -- create procedure Tx_B_Get_Vlan ( @Device_Id bigint, @User_Access int, @Managed_Element_Id bigint ) AS Begin SELECT VlanName, VlanNumber, VlanStatus from nim_vlan V JOIN Device D on V.fk_device = D.Id JOIN Asset A on A.foreign_asset_id2 = D.device_id JOIN M_Access_Control MA on MA.acl_id = A.Acl_id where D.Id = @Device_Id and V.fk_managed_element = @Managed_Element_Id and MA.User_Id = @User_Access return 0 end GO -- -- Function: inet_ntoa -- CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].inet_ntoa ( @ipLong BIGINT ) RETURNS CHAR(15) AS BEGIN DECLARE @octet1 BIGINT, @octet2 BIGINT, @octet3 BIGINT, @octet4 BIGINT, @rv CHAR(15) SELECT @octet1 = ( @ipLong / 16777216 ) & 255, @octet2 = ( @ipLong / 65536 ) & 255, @octet3 = ( @ipLong / 256 ) & 255, @octet4 = @ipLong & 255 SELECT @rv = CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @octet1 ) + '.' + CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @octet2 ) + '.' + CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @octet3 ) + '.' + CONVERT( VARCHAR(5), @octet4 ) return @rv END GO